



  • 外文名:hilariously
  • 詞性:副詞
  • 英式音標:[hɪˈleəriəsli]
  • 美式音標:[hɪˈleriəsli]


英 [hɪˈleəriəsli] 美 [hɪˈleriəsli]
adv. 引人發笑地;滑稽地;喜不自禁


rejoice hilariously 狂歡地高興
The Hilariously Creative Beards 幽默的鬍子


  • She found it hilariously funny. 她覺得這事兒滑稽極了。
  • Some of your throws go hilariously far. 有些投擲偏離的離譜。
  • This book is hilariously funny, but cruel to kids who believe in Santa Claus. 這本書滑稽搞笑,但對相信聖誕老人的孩子來講是殘忍的。
  • Maybe by littering the battlefield with peels so the Wehrmacht would slip hilariously on them. 也許在戰場上鋪滿香蕉皮,國防軍就會滑的滾瓜尿流。
  • They went to see "The Mikado" one evening, an opera which was hilariously popular at that time. “一天傍晚,他們一起去看”日本天皇,這是一出當時很流行的歌劇。
  • The list is full of hilariously bizarre fashion comparisons that you won't be able to stop laughing about. 如下是一列滑稽又奇異的時裝比拼,你一定會大笑不止。
  • Automatic-translation software has long been treated as a joke because of how hilariously it mangles phrases. 自動翻譯軟體一直被人當做笑話,因為它翻譯出來的東西真是慘不忍睹。
  • And if you start gaining weight with friends, you are all more likely to end up hilariously overweight sooner. 但是如果你開始和朋友一起增肥,那么你們倆就很可能在短時間內變成大胖子兩枚。
  • Images circulating the web show some youngsters' dreams in life are either unrealistic or hilariously mundane. 網上流傳的圖片向我們展示了一些小孩子的人生理想,要么不現實,要么平凡得讓人忍俊不禁。
  • I say, 'said the Editor hilariously,' these chaps here say you have been travelling into the middle of next week! “我說,”編輯興高采烈地說,這些傢伙說你剛才到下星期旅行去了!
  • Unless you can be hilariously funny, the first time you come in contact with a person isn't a good time to complain. 除非你可以十分幽默,否則第一次接觸某人不是一個抱怨的好時機。
  • Tavares hilariously details the ensuing chaotic play as fielders scramble to find it and the batter makes his way around the bases. 塔瓦雷斯歡快的詳細信息,隨後混亂髮揮野手都在竭力尋找它和麵糊,使周圍的基地,他的方式。
  • A woman is busy making beancurd while her husband runs to her hilariously, saying that they have finally obtained the "sanitation license". 一個女人正忙著做豆腐,此時他的丈夫歡天喜地地跑過來告訴她他們終於拿到了“衛生許可證”。
  • It has all the ingredients for a viral video formula: an addictive beat, silly lyrics and a hilariously simple dance routine to back it up. 因為它具備了神曲視頻的所有元素:讓人上癮的節奏,不知所云的歌詞,還有簡單滑稽的舞蹈動作。
  • As seen in various films and TV shows, waking a sleepwalker can lead to disastrous (or, depending on the film, hilariously disastrous) results. 在各種電影和電視劇上會看到,把夢遊病人叫醒會產生災難性的後果。
  • In the evening, I should go to the theater, to a hilariously funny play, so that I might appreciate the overtones of comedy in the human spirit. 在晚上,我會去劇院看幽默的喜劇表演,我可以欣賞到反映人類精神的喜劇作品的弦外之音。
  • The hilariously mistranslated signs, labels and menu items may have been innocently misspelled, but many come off as totally bizarre or suggestive. 標識、標籤和選單菜品等不小心拼錯,翻譯錯誤令人忍俊不禁,有些詭異奇怪,還有些頗具意味。
  • Naively literal, the signs garble English into hilariously strange phrases: one, outside a bathroom for disabled people read as "Deformed Man's Toilet". 那些胡亂的把英文翻譯成可笑奇怪的語句的標牌是逐字逐句簡單翻譯而來:在一間殘疾人洗手間外的標牌上寫著“ Deformed Man's Toilet"(“殘廢男人的廁所”).
  • A popular humor Web site aimed at developers, called the Daily WTF (see Resources), offers an almost weekly collection of hilariously inept dialog boxes. 一個流行的幽默網站主要針對開發人員,叫做Daily WTF(參閱參考資料),它提供了幾乎每周收集的千奇百怪的對話框。
  • But while the movie is something of a dramatic, star-crossed romance, the short story is hilariously grim about the realities of an aging-backwards lifestyle. 但是這部電影有一種戲劇性十足的、時運不濟的浪漫元素,這部短篇小說(主要)講述了滑稽嚴酷的現實,時光倒流的生活方式。
  • In fact, it's a hilariously quaint idea for those artists and makers who use social media and online communities to create, distribute, and expand upon their work. 事實上,這都是那些藝術家和創作者們想出的新奇辦法。他們要通過社會媒體和線上論壇創作作品,贏得關注,擴大作品的影響力。
  • In a story that hilariously reveals the differences between cats and dogs, everyone's favorite misbehaving pup learns from some new friends just how special he really is. 故事歡快地揭示了貓狗之間的差異,大家喜愛的搗蛋小狗向新朋友學習,更顯示了他的特別。
  • He highlights neatly (and hilariously) Waugh’s demonic streak of prankishness: insisting to the bafflement and fury of all and sundry that Tito, the Yugoslav leader, was a woman. 他扼要地(同時嬉笑地)強調了沃夫頗帶邪氣的惡作劇:儘管讓人感到不解或憤怒,他仍然堅稱南斯拉夫領導人狄托是個女人。
  • The evening rapidly degenerates into the bridal equivalent of a hip-hop battle, with each woman hilariously trying to outdo the other in sentiment and prove they are the better friend. 由此晚宴很快演變成一場像嬉哈對抗一樣的競爭。兩個女人都可笑地試圖在感傷方面戰勝對方並且證明自己才是女方更好的朋友。


