The Sound of No Hands Clapping

The Sound of No Hands Clapping

《The Sound of No Hands Clapping》是Perseus Books Group出版的圖書,作者是Young, Toby


  • ISBN:9780306814563
  • 作者:Young, Toby
  • 出版社:Perseus Books Group
  • 出版時間:2006年6月
  • 頁數:296
  • 定價:$ 28.19
  • 裝幀:HRD
Young is back with the eagerly awaited follow-up to his account of a hilariously failed attempt to conquer the Manhattan social and professional scene in How to Lose Friends and Alienate People. All the elements that turned Toby's earlier memoir into a bestseller from coast to coast and on both sides of the Atlantic are back, too. Well, some things have changed for Toby-he ha...(展開全部) Young is back with the eagerly awaited follow-up to his account of a hilariously failed attempt to conquer the Manhattan social and professional scene in How to Lose Friends and Alienate People. All the elements that turned Toby's earlier memoir into a bestseller from coast to coast and on both sides of the Atlantic are back, too. Well, some things have changed for Toby-he has married his girlfriend from How to Lose Friends and Alienate People and now has two kids, and he has moved from the Manhattan that treated him none too kindly to London. But Toby remains Toby, and what Graydon Carter of Vanity Fair called Toby's "brown thumb" continues to work its magic, transforming opportunities into cringeworthy debacles and leading to situations that are classic Toby Young territory. Toby gleefully recounts such dubious journalistic assignments as posing as a patient at a penis-enlargement clinic and as a greeter at a Wal-Mart. He has misadventures in Los Angeles as a screenwriter for films that never quite get made, he's been a contestant on an abysmal reality show that absolutely no one watched, and he has acted in a one-man play that was utterly savaged by the critics. Yes, Toby has become a dutiful husband and a devoted dad, but he's as relentlessly self-sabotaging as ever, with a demonstrated knack for attracting misfortune, publicity-and devoted readers. 托比·楊的簡歷是這么寫的:生於1963年;在他的記者生涯中,被許多久負盛名的報紙和雜誌開除,其中包括《泰晤士報》《衛報》《獨立報》和《名利場》。他目前生活在倫敦。 托比·楊牛津畢業,父親是一個熱心公益事業的知識分子,屬於“從優秀到卓越”類型的人物,1978年因為對歷屆工黨政府所作出的貢獻而封爵;他的母親創作過一部獲得大獎的小說,是一本教育類雜誌的編輯。出生在這樣一個家庭,又受過優秀的高等教育,但是托比


