- 外文名:soot
- 詞性:名詞、及物動詞
- 英式發音:[sʊt]
- 美式發音:[sʊt]
- 1Their faces were blackened with soot.他們滿臉煤灰。《牛津詞典》
- 2The parks and squares looked grim under a mantle of soot and ash.在一層煙塵的籠罩下,這些公園和廣場顯得陰沉沉的。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
- 3"That's Soot," said Mary.“那就是煤灰。”瑪麗說。
- 4Not all air pollution starts out as soot.並非所有的空氣污染物一開始都是煤煙。
- 5Captain and Soot both felt same as I did.“船長”和“煤灰”的感覺都和我一樣。
- 6Soot had flown down and marched forward to see what was being done.“煤煙”飛了下來,大步走上前,想看看他們在做什麼。
- 7It's named Soot because it's so black, an' it hops an' flies about with him everywhere.它叫煤灰,因為它太黑了,它跟著他到處跳,到處飛。
- 8These are pollutants, particularly ozone and soot, that do not hang around in the atmosphere as carbon dioxide does.這些污染物,尤其是臭氧和煤煙,不像二氧化碳那樣懸浮在大氣中。
- 9Airborne soot and dirt from the impact blanketed Earth, inhibiting photosynthesis and triggering mass extinction of species.撞擊產生的煙塵和灰塵覆蓋了地球,抑制了光合作用,引發了物種的大規模滅絕。
- 10Soot pollution can irritate the lungs, worsen conditions like asthma and increase the risks of heart attacks and premature death.煤煙污染會刺激肺部,使哮喘等病情惡化,增加心臟病發作和過早死亡的風險。
- 11These pollutants are called aerosols and they include soot as well as compounds of nitrogen and sulfur and other stuff into the air.這些污染物被稱為氣溶膠,它們包括煤煙以及空氣中氮、硫和其他物質的混合物。
- 12It does not distribute neurotoxic mercury around the planet; it does not clog city air and the lungs of those who breathe it with soot and sulfur.它不會在地球上散播神經毒性汞;它不會用煙塵和硫堵塞城市空氣和呼吸者的肺。
- 13Soot fouls the air.煙屑污染空氣。《新英漢大辭典》
- 14The soot heats the air further.煙塵進一步加熱空氣。
- 15And ink from soot and spit.墨水用煤灰和唾液來做。
- 16Not a good idea, because of the soot.不好,因為有煙。
- 17The doors and Windows were blurred with soot.那些門窗被煤煙弄得很髒。
- 18But not all air pollution starts out as soot.但空氣污染物最初的形態並不一定都是煙塵。
- 19Then I shined them with soot from the stove LIDS.然後我用爐蓋上的煤煙把它們擦亮。
- 20The inside of a chimney soon get covered in soot.煙囪裡面很快就會被煤煙覆蓋。
- 21And traditional sources emit harmful fumes and soot.傳統的燃料燃燒會釋放有害的氣體和煙塵。
- 22New air pollution regulations could help reduce soot.空氣污染的新法規,有助於減少煙塵。
- 23Hundreds of buildings are covered in pale white soot.數以百計的建築被蒼白的灰燼所覆蓋。
- 24His old dog rolls in the ash and cloaks itself in soot.他那頭年老的狗就在灰燼里翻滾,使自己隱沒在菸灰中。
- 25There's a funny smell of soot blowing down the chimney.煙囪里倒灌進一股刺鼻的煤煙。
- 26The soot produced by each type of burning has a different makeup.每種燃燒產生的煤煙成分各不相同。
- 27The Gulf was awash in poisonous smoke, soot and ash. Black rain fell.波斯灣充斥著有毒的煙霧、煙塵和灰燼,並且下起了黑雨,出現了石油湖泊。
- 28The amount of soot in the air has increased substantially in the area.這一地區空氣中的菸灰含量正迅速增加。
- 29The ink appears to be an ancient recipe—a mix of iron gall and soot inks.其中的墨跡被認為來自一種古老的配方,一種將鞣酸鐵與煤煙混合而成的墨水。