adj. 含蓄的,未言明的;內含的,固有的;無疑問的,無保留的;(函式)隱式的,隱的
1Recent research on consumer memory and judgment suggests another advantage of implicit conclusions.最近關於消費者記憶和判斷的研究顯示了隱含結論的另一個優勢。
2Despite these advantages, implicit conclusions may not always be more effective than explicit conclusions.儘管有這些優勢,隱性結論並不總是比顯性結論更有效。
3Because consumers are invited to make up their own minds, implicit conclusions reduce the risk of resentment, distrust, and counterargumentation.因為邀請消費者自主決定,所以隱含的結論減少了怨恨、不信任和反駁的風險。
4The transformation in social values implicit in juxtaposing these two incidents is the subject of Viviana Zelizer's excellent book, Pricing the Priceless Child.將這兩件事聯繫在一起所隱含的社會價值觀的轉變,正是薇薇安娜·澤利澤的優秀作品《Pricing the Priceless Child》的主題。
5Despite an implicit recognition that the spread of good reproductions can be culturally valuable, museums continue to promote the special status of original work.儘管人們含蓄地承認,高質量複製品的傳播可以具有文化價值,但博物館仍在繼續提升原作的特殊地位。
6The point is to use the results of this study to open up meaningful dialogues on implicit gender bias, be it at a departmental level or an institutional level or even a discipline level.關鍵是,要利用這項研究的結果,在部門層面、機構層面、甚至學科層面,就隱性性別偏見展開有意義的討論。
7Clearly you try to comprehend, in the sense of identifying meanings for individual words and working out relationships between them, drawing on your implicit knowledge of English grammar.很明顯,你會利用英語語法的隱含知識來理解每個單詞的意思和找出單詞之間的聯繫。
8Large-scale enterprises tend to operate more comfortably in stable and secure circumstances, and their managerial bureaucracies tend to promote the status quo and resist the threat implicit in change.大型企業往往在穩定和安全的環境下更舒適地經營,它們的管理機構往往促進現狀的發展,抵制變革中隱含的威脅。
9Trust is implicit in the system.信任是這種體制里內含的。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
10She had the implicit trust of her staff.她得到了全體職員的絕對信任。《牛津詞典》
11He had implicit faith in their noble intentions.他對他們的崇高目標深信不疑。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
12The ability to listen is implicit in the teacher's role.教師的角色包括了懂得傾聽。《牛津詞典》
13He had implicit faith in the noble intentions of the Emperor.他對皇帝的崇高旨意篤信不疑。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
14Implicit in his speech was the assumption that they were guilty.他話語中的言外之意是設定他們有罪。《牛津詞典》
15Although the now memory was implicit, it could influence how people behave, researchers found in a 2014 study published in the Journal of Neuroscience.研究人員在2014年發表在《神經科學雜誌》上的一項研究中發現,雖然現在的記憶是暗示性的,但它可以影響人們的行為方式。
16Such dimensions of reading suggest—as others introduced later in the book will also do—that we bring an implicit (often unacknowledged) agenda to any act of reading.這些層面的閱讀表明——其他將在書中稍後提及的也表明——我們將一種潛在(通常意識不到)的進程錶帶入到了閱讀活動中。
17The Einstein summation convention dispenses with writing summation signs, leaving the summation implicit.愛因斯坦求和約定省去了書寫求和符號的步驟,使得求和是隱式的。
18This is known as implicit connect.這就是所謂的隱式連線。
19Hence, you have an implicit header.因此,該訊息頭是一個隱式訊息頭。
20Implicit or explicit?隱式或顯式?
21Implicit validation defined in the DAD.DAD中定義的隱式檢驗。
22In these cases, the feedback is implicit.這種情況的反饋是隱性的。
23Next up is implicit array initialization.接下來就是隱式的數組初始化了。
24The attention can be explicit or implicit.這個注意力可以是顯性的,也可以是隱性的。
25Implicit declaration of function increment.函式增長的隱式說明。
26This network is implicit in the mining view.這個網路隱含在挖掘視圖中。
27So the people had implicit trust in him.人民對他有無疑問的信任。
28Another problem is the use of implicit types.另一個問題在於對隱式類型的使用。
29Actually implicit conversions really helped us.實際上隱式轉換幫了我們很大忙。
30In most cases, implicit opens will be sufficient.在多數情況下,隱式打開就足夠了。