法國土魯斯大學特級教授 Mondher Bouzayen博士。
全球食品安全趨勢 Global trend in food safety and security
食品歷史與文化 Historyand culture of foods
食品材料資源和新資源開發 Resource of food material and new resource exploration
采後生物學與貯藏物流技術 Postharvest biology, storage and logistics technology
食品材料的生化和化學性質 Biochemicaland chemical properties of food material
新興食品安全檢測方法 Novel detection methods in food safety
食品微生物的食品安全和抗菌系統 Foodmicrobial food safety and antimicrobial systems
黴菌毒素 Mycotoxins
食品原材料和食品的毒理學和安全性 Toxicology and safety of food material andfoods
可持續食品系統 Sustainable food systems
食品安全法規事務 Food safety regulatory affairs
食品品質和營養品質監測方法 Methodology for monitoring food quality and nutritional quality
品質保證和管控 Quality assurance and control
加工技術,鮮切產品,最小加工技術 Processing technologies, fresh-cut products,minimalprocessing technologies
良好的生產規範 Good manufacturing practices
食品加工系統設計和管控 Food process systems design and control
食品包裝 Food packaging
影響食品品質的環境因素 Environmental factors affecting food quality
用於測量各種品質屬性的原始技術 Original techniques for measuring various quality attributes
傳統和新興的食品加工工藝技術 Traditional and new processing processes and technologies of foods
食品營養價值和健康益處 Food nutritional value and health benefits
植物化學物質和健康益處 Phytochemicals and health benefits
保健營養品和功能性食品 Nutraceuticals and functional foods
食物產品感官和品質 Sensory and quality of food products
食物材料的生物技術發展 Biotechnology advances in food materials
食品套用 Food applications
工業生產的設備和過程 Equipment and process for industrial production
水循環和節能的流程設計 Processdesign for water recycling and energy saving
副產品增值加工 Value-added processing of by-products
食品工程和物理性質 Food engineering and physical properties
行業守則,法規和國際國際趨同 Codes of practice, legislation and international harmonization
消費者議題 Consumer issues
教育,培訓和研究需求 Education, training and research needs
食品法律法規 Food laws and regulations
食品經濟和市場 Food economics and marketing