
從我國湖北省神農架 地區的霉腐樹葉上分離到一株克魯維酵母屬的酵母. 其形 態與生理方面與已知種與變種均有很大差異, 定為新種, 並命名為湖北克魯維酵母 (Kluyveromyces hubeiensis M.X.Li, X.H.Fu et R.G.Tang sp. nov.).


  • 中文名:湖北克魯維酵母
  • 外文名:Hyphomicrobium zavarzinii subsp. cheagduense Y.P.Chen et al. subsp. nov.
  • 編號 :AMS-92-03
  • 定名人:李明霞 傅秀輝 唐榮觀
  • Nomencla:Chen Yiping, Fan Chengying, Zheng Jian, He Kaize, Chen Yuech
  • 發表文章:分離自 神農架的湖北克魯維酵母新種,Article A New Subspecies of the Genus Hyphomicrobium


作者 李明霞 傅秀輝 唐榮觀
Author Chen Yiping, Fan Chengying, Zheng Jian, He Kaize, Chen Yuechu, and Zhao Shujie
作者單位 中國科學院微生物研究所真菌地衣系統學開放研 究實驗室, 北京 100080


Abstract Bacterium 8502-3 was isolated from a Chinese wine-making cellar. It could utlize methanol as the sole source of carbon and energyand accumulared polyhydroxybutyrate in their cells. It could grow on meshylamine, demethylamine, trimethylamine, ethanol, acetate, formate,glycolate, glyoxylate, acetaldehyde and peptone as the sole carbon source too. Under aerobic conditions the most suitable nitrogen sourcefor its growth was the ammonium salts and nitrate. Under anaerobic conditions, it was able to grow with nitrate as the nitrogen source.The optimum pH and temperature for its growth were 7.2 and 35'C respectively. G+C content of DNA was 65.5 mol% (Tm). Its swarmer had asingle lateral flagellum. It couldnt growth in the presence of 2.5% sodium chloride. It did not utilize glycerol, n-butyrate andaspartate as the growth source of carbon and named as Hyphomicrobium zavarzinii subsp. chengduense subsp. nov.
關鍵字 神農架, 克魯維酵母, 湖北克魯維酵母
期刊 微生物學報 32(1-6):238-241, 1992
Publication Acta Microbiologica Sinica (Chinese; English Abstract), 32(1-6):pp.161-166, 1992
分享省市 湖北省神農架林區
Place Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, China
採集地 該菌分離自神農架自然 保護區陽日灣針闊混交林中的霉腐樹葉
Environment The bacterium isolated from the soil of wine fermenting pool at Quanxing Wine Factor.
生態環境 亞熱帶季風氣候闊葉林區
寄主 闊葉林中帶有白色霉變的腐爛 樹葉
Habitat middle-subtropical moist monsoon climate
Host the soil of wine fermenting pool
採集人 李明霞 傅秀輝 唐榮 觀
Isolation Person Chen Yiping, Fan Chengying, Zheng Jian, He Kaize, Chen Yuechu, and Zhao Shujie


中國科學院微 生物研究所真菌地衣系統學開放研究實驗室酵母分類組, 北京 100080
Preservation Unit Chengdu Institute of Biology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu 610015, Sichuan Province, China
Speciman No. No.8502-3
Note Intercell of the bacterium can be accumulate granule of poly-B-bytyhydroxylate (PHB), the PHB is a new type no contaiminating plastic to be decomposite by microorganism.


