《方法與技術(上)》是2010年9月科學出版社出版的圖書,作者是斯奎爾 (Larry R. Squire )。
- 書名:方法與技術(上)
- 作者:斯奎爾 (Larry R. Squire )
- ISBN:9787030280855
- 頁數:564
- 定價:138.00元
- 出版社:科學出版社
- 出版時間:2010-9
- 叢書名:神經科學百科全書5
Aging and Memory in Animals
Aging: Invertebrate Models of Normal Brain Aging
Alzheimer's Disease: Transgenic Mouse Models
Animal Models of Alzheimer's Disease
Animal Models of Amnesia
Animal Models of Huntington's Disease
Animal Models of Inherited Retinal Degenerations
Animal Models of Motor and Sensory Neuron Disease
Animal Models of Parkinson's Disease
Animal Models of Stroke
BAC Transgenesis: Cell-Type Specific Expression in the Nervous System.
Drosophila Apterous Neurons: From Stem Cell to Unique Neuron
Drug Addiction: Behavioral Pharmacology of Drug Addiction in Rats
Episodic Memory: Assessment in Animals
Executive Function and Higher-Order Cognition: Assessment in Animals
Inherited Macular Degenerations: Animal Models
Invertebrate Models to Study Learning and Memory: Lymnaea
Learning and Memory m Invertebrate Models: Tritonia
Learning and Memory m Invertebrates: Aplysia
Learning and Memory in Invertebrates: C-Elegans
Learning and Memory m Invertebrates: Drosophila
Learning and Memory in Invertebrates: Hermissenda
Learning and Memory m Invertebrates: Honey Bee
Learning and Memory in Invertebrates: Limax
Learning and Memory m Invertebrates: Mollusks
Mammalian Sleep and Circadian Rhythms: Flies
Neural Induction in Chicks
Non-Primate Models of Normal Brain Aging
Procedural Learning in Animals
Rodent Aging
Spatial Memory: Assessment in Animals
Transgenic Models of Neurodegenerative Disease
VelociGene and VelociMouse: High-Throughput Approaches for Generating Targeted
Mutations in Mice on a Genome-Wide Scale
Atomic Force Microscopy Methodologies
BAC Use in the Study of the CNS
Cell Culture: Autonomic and Enteric Neurons
Cell Culture: Primary Neural Cells
Cellular Dynamics Revealed by Digital l]o|ographic Microscopy
Chromaffin Ceils: Model Cells for Neuronal Cell Biology
Decoding Neuron Transcriptome by SAGE
Engineering Viruses for CNS studies
Fluorescence Microscopy in the Neurosciences
Fluorescent Biomarkers in Neurons
Glial Ion Homeostasis: A Fluorescence Microscopy Approach
Imaging Studies Using Reporter-Gene Transgeni~ Rats
Mass Spectroscopy of Proteins
Memory: Genetic Approaches
Microarray use for the Analysis of the CNS
Microglia Identification Methods
Monoamines: Release Studies
Neurophysiology: Past and Present
Nucleic Acid Introduction into Primary Neurons and Gila
Oligodendrocyte and Schwann Cell Identification Methods
Optical Monitoring of Exo- and Endocytosis
Photolysis of Caged Glutamate for Use in the CNS
RNA Binding Protein Methods
Rodent Behavior: Approaches
Single Cell Electroporation
Single Cell Genomic DNAAnalysis
Single Cell Molecular Analysis Procedures
Single Cell PCR Coupled with Electrophysiology
Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) Analysis
siRNA: Utility
Ultrastructural Analysis of Spine Plasticity.
Viral Vectors in the CNS
Connectionist Models
Deep Brain Stimulation
Neuroanatomy Methods in Humans and Animals.
Statistical Tests and Inferences