



  • 中文名:基礎教育英語教師教學指南
  • 作者:陳文存,嚴萍
  • 出版時間:2019年
  • 出版社:重慶大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787568916547
  • 類別:英語專業教材類圖書
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝


《基礎教育英語教 教學指南》為高等 范類院校英語專業教材,章探討了 響外語教學的多種因素,強調了學生應為學習 ; 二章 要介紹外語教學的基本概念與原則; 三章基於新的英語課程標準提出的學習活動觀,介紹了學習活動; 四章 要分析了新課程標準提出的英語學科核 素養; 五章介紹了語言知識教學的技能與方法; 六章則介紹了語言技能教學的技能與方法; 七章是按新課程標準提出的“重視現 信息技*應 ”要求,介紹了現 信息技*在語言教學中的應 ; 八章重點在教 的專業發展。


Chapter 1 The MaiFramework of ForeigLanguage Teaching and Learning
1.1 Introdu*ion
1.2 The Learning Ob*e* —— Language
1.3 The Learning Sub*e* —— Learne*
1.4 The Learning Context (Environmental Fa*o*)
1.5 Conclusion
Chapter 2 Fundamental Theories and Principles of ForeigLanguage Teaching and Learning
2.1 Introdu*ion
2.2 Closely Rel*ed Theories
2.3 ForeigLanguage Teaching and Learning
2.4 Some Key Terms iLanguage Teaching
2.5 The Rel*ionship Among Language Knowledge, Skills and Abilities
2.6 Conclusion
Chapter 3 English Teaching and Learning A*ivities iand out of Class
3.1 Introdu*ion
3.2 The A*ivity Theory
3.3 Views oA*ivities
3.4 Classific*ions of A*ivities
3.5 Principles for ForeigLanguage Learning and Teaching A*ivities
3.6 Two Typical Forms of Classroom A*ivities
3.7 Differenti*ed English Teaching A*ivities
3.8 Out-of-Class A*ivities
3.9 Conclusion
Chapter 4 Cultiv*ing Key Competence ithe English Cou*e
4.1 Introdu*ion
4.2 The Definition
4.3 MaiComponents of Key Competence ithe English Cou*e
4.4 Cultiv*ing Key Competence ithe English Cou*e
4.5 Samples of Cultiv*ing Students' Key Competence
4.6 Some Suggestions for Cultiv*ing Key Competence
4.7 Conclusion
Chapter 5 Teaching and Learning Language Knowledge
5.1 Introdu*ion
5.2 Teaching Pronunci*ion
5.3 Teaching Vocabulary
5.4 Teaching Gram*r
5.5 Teaching Discou*e
5.6 Teaching Prag*tic Knowledge
5.7 Conclusion
Chapter 6 Teaching and Learning Language Skills
6.1 Introdu*ion
6.2 Teaching Listening
6.3 Teaching Speaking
6.4 Teaching Reading
6.5 Teaching Writing
6.6 Conclusion
Chapter 7 The Applic*ioof Modem Infor*tioTechnologies iLanguage Teaching
7.1 Introdu*ion
7.2 The Ma*or Benefits Brought by Modem Infor*tioTechnologies
7.3 Computer-assisted Language Learning (CALL)
7.4 Recent Development of CALL
7.5 Blended Learning
7.6 The Corpus and Language Teaching
7.7 Conclusion
Chapter 8 Teache*' Professional Development
8.1 Introdu*ion
8.2 Theoretical Discussioof Teache*' Professional Development
8.3 A*ioResearch
8.4 Colle*ive LessoPrepar*ion
8.5 Class Observ*ioand Evalu*ion
8.6 Some Other Teaching and Research A*ivities
8.7 Novice and Expert Teache*
8.8 Conclusion


