個人學術著作包括《多元的現代性》(2002)、《日常現實的變態核心》(2006)、《愛與死的幽靈學》(2008)、《現時代的群學》(2011)、《巨龍幻想》(2014)、《第十一論綱》(2015)、《哲學思考》(2016)等,其中,《愛與死的幽靈學》曾榮獲2007-2008“雙年度中國·後天文化學術獎”之“學術獎”,《現時代的群學》被《東方早報》推薦為“2011年讀到的最好的漢語原創學術著作”,《第十一論綱》入選《深港書評》“2015年度100本好書”,英文著作《巨龍幻想》(The Great Dragon Fantasy)被當代最有影響的哲學家齊澤克(Slavoj Žižek)教授形容為一部“爆炸性的非凡著作”。
1、Guanjun Wu, “Debord contra Lacan: Two Critical Theorizations of Image in 20th-Century French Thought,”ECNU Review, Volume 5, 2017.
2、Guanjun Wu, “Narrating a Fantasmatic Unity: On the Contemporary Sinophone Discourse of China's Civilizational Subjectivity”,Frontier of Philosophy in China, Volume 11, issue 4 (November 2016).
3、Guanjun Wu, “The Lacanian Imaginary and Modern Chinese Intellectuality”,Social Imaginaries, Volume 2, issue 1 (Spring 2016).
4、Guanjun Wu, “A (Psycho)Analysis of China’s New Nationalism”, in Leigh Jenco (ed.),Chinese Thought as Global Theory: Diversifying Knowledge Production in the Social Sciences and Humanities, Albany: State University of New York, 2016.
5、Guanjun Wu, “A Lacanian (Psycho)Analysis of the Post-Maoist Popular and Intellectual Discourse on Enlightenment,”ECNU Review, Volume 3, 2014.
6、Guanjun Wu, “A Lacanian Analysis of the Post-Maoist Structuration of Chineseness,”Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art, Volume 34, issue 1, 2014.
7、Guanjun Wu, “China’s New Nationalism and Its Obscene Core,”History Research, Volume 2, issue 8, August 2012.
8、Guanjun Wu, “What Makes Contemporary Chinese Thought Unique”,Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Volume 5, issue 3, September 2012.
9、Guanjun Wu, “Hegel’s Two Faces”, ECNU Review, Volume 1, 2012.
10、Guanjun Wu, “Contemporary Chinese Social and Political Thought”, in Gerard Delanty and Stephen P. Turner (eds.),Routledge International Handbook of Contemporary Social and Political Theory, New York: Routledge, 2011, pp.361-73.