


約翰·羅爾斯(John Bordley Rawls,1921年2月21日-2002年11月24日),美國政治哲學家、倫理學家、普林斯頓大學哲學博士,哈佛大學教授,寫過《正義論》、《政治自由主義》、《作為公平的正義:正義新論》、《萬民法》等名著,是20世紀英語世界最著名的政治哲學家之一。


  • 中文名:約翰·羅爾斯
  • 外文名:John Bordley Rawls
  • 國籍:美國
  • 出生地:巴爾的摩
  • 出生日期:1921年(辛酉年)2月21日
  • 逝世日期:2002年11月24日
  • 職業:曾任哈佛大學哲學教授
  • 畢業院校普林斯頓大學
  • 主要成就:提出正義理論
  • 代表作品:《正義論


約翰·羅爾斯(John Bordley Rawls.1921年(辛酉年)2月21日-2002年(壬午年)11月24日),美國政治哲學家、倫理學家。普林斯頓大學哲學博士,哈佛大學教授,寫過《正義論》(A Theory of Justice(1971))、《政治自由主義》、《作為公平的正義:正義新論》、《萬民法》等名著,是20世紀英語世界最著名的政治哲學家之一。
20世紀70年代西方新自然法學派的主要代表之一,同時也是20世紀最偉大的哲學家之一。他培養的許多學生現今都成了道德和政治哲學的重要人物,如:納格爾(Thomas Nagel)和科恩(Gerald Allan Cohen)等。


1951年發表《用於倫理學的一種決定程式的綱要》。此後他專注於社會正義問題,並潛心構築一種理 性性質的正義理論,陸續發表了《作為公正的正義》(1958)、《憲法的自由和正義的觀念》(1963)、《正義感》(1963)、《非暴力反抗的辯護》 (1966)、《分配的正義》(1967)、《分配的正義:一些補充》(1968)等文。
在此期間,羅爾斯著手撰寫《正義論》一書,前後三易其稿,終成20世紀下半葉倫理學、政治哲學領域最重要的理論著作,於1971年正式出版發行,旋即在學術界產生巨大反響。由於第一版的《正義論》封面為綠色,當時一 些哈佛的學子以“綠魔”來形容這本書的影響力。據後來的統計數位顯示,自1971年,全球共有約5000餘部論著專門對其研究討論。除此以外,羅爾斯的著 作還包括《政治自由主義》(1993)、《萬民法》(1998)、《道德哲學講演錄》(2000)、《作為公平的正義——正義新論》(2001)等。






  • A Theory of Justice. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1971. The revised edition of 1999 incorporates changes that Rawls made for translated editions of A Theory of Justice. Some Rawls scholars use the abbreviation TJ to refer to this work.
  • Political Liberalism. The John Dewey Essays in Philosophy, 4. New York: Columbia University Press, 1993. The hardback edition published in 1993 is not identical. The paperback adds a valuable new introduction and an essay titled "Reply to Habermas." Some Rawls scholars use the abbreviation PL to refer to this work.
  • The Law of Peoples: with "The Idea of Public Reason Revisited." Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1999. This slim book includes two works; a further development of his essay entitled "The Law of Peoples" and another entitled "Public Reason Revisited", both published earlier in his career.
  • Collected Papers. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1999. This collection of shorter papers was edited by Samuel Freeman.
  • Lectures on the History of Moral Philosophy. Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press, 2000. This collection of lectures was edited by Barbara Herman. It has an introduction on modern moral philosophy from 1600–1800 and then lectures on Hume, Leibniz, Kant, and Hegel.
  • Justice as Fairness: A Restatement. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Belknap Press, 2001. This shorter summary of the main arguments of Rawls' political philosophy was edited by Erin Kelly. Many versions of this were circulated in typescript and much of the material was delivered by Rawls in lectures when he taught courses covering his own work at Harvard University.
  • Lectures on the History of Political Philosophy. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2007. Collection of lectures on Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Joseph Butler, J.J. Rousseau, David Hume, J.S. Mill, and Karl Marx, edited by Samuel Freeman.
  • A Brief Inquiry into the Meaning of Sin and Faith. Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press, 2010. With introduction and commentary by Thomas Nagel, Joshua Cohen, and Robert Merrihew Adams. Senior thesis, Princeton, 1942. This volume includes a brief late essay by Rawls entitled On My Religion.


  • "A Study in the Grounds of Ethical Knowledge: Considered with Reference to Judgments on the Moral Worth of Character." Ph.D. Dissertation, Princeton University, 1950.
  • "Outline of a Decision Procedure for Ethics." Philosophical Review (April 1951), 60 (2): 177-197.
  • "Two Concepts of Rules." Philosophical Review (January 1955), 64 (1):3-32.
  • "Justice as Fairness." Journal of Philosophy (October 24, 1957), 54 (22): 653-662.
  • "Justice as Fairness." Philosophical Review (April 1958), 67 (2): 164-194.
  • "The Sense of Justice." Philosophical Review (July 1963), 72 (3): 281-305.
  • "Constitutional Liberty and the Concept of Justice" Nomos VI (1963) (in the notes to the second volume of his Law, Legislation and Liberty, Hayek refers to this article to show that Rawls agreed with the Lockean conception that what could be just or unjust was the way competition was carried on, not its results)
  • "Distributive Justice: Some Addenda." Natural Law Forum (1968), 13: 51-71.
  • "Reply to Lyons and Teitelman." Journal of Philosophy (October 5, 1972), 69 (18): 556-557.
  • "Reply to Alexander and Musgrave." Quarterly Journal of Economics (November 1974), 88 (4): 633-655.
  • "Some Reasons for the Maximin Criterion." American Economic Review (May 1974), 64 (2): 141-146.
  • "Fairness to Goodness." Philosophical Review (October 1975), 84 (4): 536-554.
  • "The Independence of Moral Theory." Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association(November 1975), 48: 5-22.
  • "A Kantian Conception of Equality." Cambridge Review (February 1975), 96 (2225): 94-99.
  • "The Basic Structure as Subject." American Philosophical Quarterly (April 1977), 14 (2): 159-165.
  • "Kantian Constructivism in Moral Theory." Journal of Philosophy (September 1980), 77 (9): 515-572.
  • "Justice as Fairness: Political not Metaphysical." Philosophy & Public Affairs (Summer 1985), 14 (3): 223-251.
  • "The Idea of an Overlapping Consensus." Oxford Journal for Legal Studies (Spring 1987), 7 (1): 1-25.
  • "The Priority of Right and Ideas of the Good." Philosophy & Public Affairs (Fall 1988), 17 (4): 251-276.
  • "The Domain of the Political and Overlapping Consensus." New York University Law Review (May 1989), 64 (2): 233-255.
  • "Roderick Firth: His Life and Work." Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (March 1991), 51 (1): 109-118.
  • "The Law of Peoples." Critical Inquiry (Fall 1993), 20 (1): 36-68.
  • "Political Liberalism: Reply to Habermas." Journal of Philosophy (March 1995), 92 (3):132-180.
  • "The Idea of Public Reason Revisited," Chicago Law Review (1997), 64 (3): 765-807. [PRR]


