









Part One Chinese Publishing History and Culture
Chapter 1 Book Publishing History in China
Section A Book Publishing in Ancient China
Section B Book Publishing in Modern and Contemporary China
Chapter 2 Rapid Development of Chinese Publishing Industry and Going Global Section A The Promotion and Strategies from the Government
Section B Approaches for Going Global of Publishing Houses
Part Two Publishing History of Western Countries
Chapter 3 General Considerations and Earliest Book Form in Europe
Section A General Considerations
Section B The Earliest Book Form in Europe
Chapter 4 Ancient Greco-Roman Publishing
Section A Alexandria Library
Section B The Destruction of the World’s Ancient Literature
Chapter 5 Books in Ancient Greek and Roman and the Early Christian Era
Section A Greek and Roman in Classical Antiquity
Section B Books in the Early Christian Era
Chapter 6 The Medieval Book and Book Trade
Section A The Medieval Book
Section B The Flourishing Book Trade: 1550—1800
Chapter 7 The Age of Early Printing in Europe
Section A Early Printing: 1450—1550
Section B Printing in Britain
Chapter 8 US Publishing (Colonial Times — Present)
Section A The Colonial Times to 1900: Beginnings
Section B US Publishing from 1900 to the End of the 20th Century: Going
Part Three The Digitization and the Future of Book Publishing
Chapter 9 The Digitization of Book Publishing: A Case Study of Higher Education
Book Publishing
Section A The Crisis in Higher Education Books Publishing with the Emergence of
Digital Media
Section B Digitized Higher Education Books
Chapter 10 The Future of Book Publishing
Section A The Seven Technology Trends in Book Publishing
Section B Three Industry Goals in Book Publishing


