



  • 書名:著作權管理簡明英語教程
  • 作者:陳鳳蘭
  • 出版社:中國人民大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2017年07月25日
  • 定價:39 元
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:978-7-300-24456-3
  • 字數:223千字
  • 印次:1-1






Chapter One Intellectual Property Management / 1
1. Intellectual Property / 1
2. The Importance of Intellectual Property / 2
3. Intellectual Property Management / 4
4. Issues to Consider before Undertaking IP Commercialization / 6
5. IP Commercialization Structures / 7
6. Risks of IP Commercialization / 15
7. Management of Copyrights / 17
Words and Expressions / 19
Questions for Review / 20
Questions for Critical Thinking and Discussion / 21
Chapter Two Understanding Copyright and Related Rights / 22
1. Rights Provided by Copyright and Related Rights / 25
2. Benefits of Protecting Copyright and Related Rights / 28
3. Copyright and Related Rights with Technological Advances / 29
4. Regulations on Copyright and Related Rights / 28
5. Copy rightble Works / 30
6. Limitations on Rights / 34
7. Duration of Copyright / 36
8. Ownership, Exercise and Transfer of Copyright / 37
9. Related Rights / 39
Words and Expressions / 43
Questions for Review / 45
Questions for Critical Thinking and Discussion / 46
Chapter Three The Ownership of Copyright / 47
1. Authorship and Ownership / 47
2. Using Works Owned by Others / 51
3. Reducing the Risks of Infringement / 57
4. Summary Checklist / 58
Words and Expressions / 58
Questions for Review / 59
Questions for Critical Thinking and Discussion / 60
Chapter Four Commercialization of Copyrights / 61
1. Commercialization of Intellectual Property / 61
2. Negotiations and Payment / 67
3. Royalty Rates / 68
4. Benefiting from Copyright and Related Rights / 68
5. How Are Rights Licensed? / 71
6. Commercialization of Music Copyright / 72
7. Reduce the Risks of Copyright Infringement / 74
Words and Expressions / 76
Questions for Review / 78
Questions for Critical Thinking and Discussion / 78
Chapter Five Copyright Valuation Analysis / 80
1. Description of Copyright-related Intangible Assets / 80
2. Economic Benefits Associated with Copyright-related Intangible Assets / 81
3. Three Basic Copyright Valuation Methodologies / 84
4. An Illustrative Example of Copyright Valuation / 88
5. Application of the Copyright Valuation Approaches and Methods / 90
6. Royalties and Royalty Rates / 94
Words and Expressions / 99
Questions for Review / 101
Questions for Critical Thinking and Discussion / 101
Chapter Six Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights / 103
1. Rights under Collective Management / 104
2. Collective Management by Field / 106
3. Practical Advantages of Collective Management / 107
4. Forms of Collective Management Organizations / 111
5. General Theory and Efficiency of Collective Management of Copyright / 113
Words and Expressions / 116
Questions for Review / 117
Questions for Critical Thinking and Discussion / 118
Chapter Seven Copyright License / 119
1. Relevant Legal Principles / 121
2. Specific License Provisions / 124
3. Copyright Licensing in the Digital Environment / 132
Words and Expressions / 135
Questions for Review / 136
Questions for Critical Thinking and Discussion / 137
Chapter Eight Rights and Contracts Enforcement / 138
1. Copyright Infringement / 138
2. Contract Enforcement / 142
Words and Expressions / 146
Questions for Review / 147
Questions for Critical Thinking and Discussion / 147
Chapter Nine Digital Copyright Management / 148
1. Common DRM Techniques / 149
2. Specific Technologies / 149
3. DRM and Documents / 152
4. Laws Regarding DRM / 162
Words and Expressions / 164
Questions for Review / 166
Questions for Critical Thinking and Discussion / 166
Chapter Ten Implementation of Copyright Protection / 167
1. General Issues in Making IP Protection Decisions / 167
2. How to Implement Copyright Protection / 170
3. Dealing with Moral Right

