



  • 書名:中國古代社會與文化英文教程(第二版)
  • 作者:訾纓、朱紅梅
  • ISBN:9787301254462
  • 頁數:184
  • 定價:32
  • 出版社:北京大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2015年9月14日
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16開
  • 書號:25446
  • 版次:2
  • 瀏覽次數:200
  • 字數:360 千字
  • 叢書名:高等學校本科英語教改新教材
Unit 1 Creation
Text 1 Pan gu Creating the World
Text 2 Nuwa(女媧)and the Creation of Humans
Text 3 Situational Dialogue: The Four Supernatural Beasts in Ancient China
Text 4 Lecture on Chinese Creation Myths
Unit 2 Philosophy
Text 1 Taoism and Confucianism — Major Chinese Philosophies
Text 2 Three Fables in Zhuangzi
Text 3 Situational Dialogue: About the Book of Changes(The I Ching)
Text 4 An Introduction to the “Hundred Schools of Thought” (諸子百家)
Unit 3 Language and Literature
Text 1 Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Text 2 Poetry of the Tang Dynasty
Text 3 Situational Dialogue: About Journey to the West
Text 4 Lecture: An Introduction to Traditional Chinese Literature in Part
Unit 4 Education in Ancient China
Text 1 History of Ancient Chinese Education
Text 2 Confucian Educational Theory
Text 3 Situational Dialogue: On Chinese Imperial Examination
Text 4 An Introduction to China Ancient Academies (書院)
Unit 5 Science and Technology
Text 1 The Four Great Inventions
Text 2 Shen Kuo and Dream Pool Essays
Text 3 Situational Dialogue: Xu Guangqi
Text 4 An Introduction to Zhaozhou Bridge
Unit 6 Traditional Customs
Text 1 Traditional Marriage Rituals
Text 2Traditional Chinese Mascots (吉祥物)
Text 3 A Situational Dialogue on Fengshui
Text 4 An Introduction to Traditional Chinese Zodiac (生肖)
Unit 7 Beijing in History
Text 1 A Brief History of Beijing
Text 2 Walls and Gates of Beijing
Text 3 Situational Dialogue: About the Forbidden City
Text 4 A Tour guide to Beijing’s Hutong and Siheyuan
Unit 8 Leisure
Text 1 Tea Culture
Text 2 Traditional Music
Text 3 Situational Dialogue: About Go(圍棋)
Text 4 An Introduction to Chinese Calligraphy
Unit 9 Virtues
Text 1 The Five Constant Virtues
Text 2 Women of Ancient China
Text 3 Situational Dialogue: About Filial Piety in China
Text 4 An Introduction to Four Gentlemen in Plants
Unit 10 National Treasures
Text 1 Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes
Text 2 Tang Tri Colored Glazed Pottery
Text 3 Situational Dialogue: Face Changing in Sichuan Opera
Text 4 The Qingming Festival by the Riverside

