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  • 中文名:中醫英語
  • 作者:馮桂冰主編
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • ISBN:9787040215618
  • 定價:51.66 元


本教材突出中醫特色、內容充實、語言規範;構思獨特、題材廣泛、文體多樣;練習設計兼具實用性、針對性和互動性;辭彙方面體現了目前醫學領域裡復現率較高的詞語,基本基於《大學英語教學大綱辭彙表》(2000年)四級辭彙。 本教材除了著力將英語和中醫揉合在一起,用英語表達中醫思維和理念外,還注重英語教與學的要求和特點,把重點放在提高學生綜合運用中醫英語的能力上,努力突破傳統中醫英語教材以讀、譯為主的模式,使本書成為融知識性、趣味性、啟發性、可操作性為一體的課堂教學材料,同時也是中醫英語翻譯者及對中醫感興趣的各界人士的參考書。


Unit 1 Traditional Chinese, Medicine——An Introduction
Part One Reading and Translating
Reading A Traditional Chinese Medicine——An Introduction
Reading B Huang Di Nei Jing——ATCM Classic
Part Two Simulated Writing: Summary
Sample 1 Gelatin
Sample 2 Two Systems of a Plant: Roots and Shoots
Part Three Listening and Speaking
Sample Conversation 1 A Discussion About Huang Di Nei Jing(1)
Sample Conversation 2 A Discussion About Huang Di Nei Jing(2)
Unit 2 TCM Differs from Western Medicine
Part One Reading and Translating
Reading A TCM Differs from Western Medicine
Reading B Increasing the Curative Effect——Combining TCM with Western Medicine
Part Two Simulated Writing: Research Paper Abstract
Sample 1 Descriptive Abstract
Sample 2 Informative Abstract
Part Three Listening and Speaking
Sample Conversation Chronic Glomerular Nephritis
Unit 3 Yin and Yang
Part One Reading and Translating
Reading A Yin and Yang
Reading B Allusions to TCM
Part Two Simulated Writing: Direction for a Medicine
Sample 1 "Eyesight-Enhancer" Eye Drops
Sample 2 Cimetidine
Sample 3 Silvius
Part Three Listening and Speaking
Sample Conversation Diabetes
Unit 4 Zang and Fu Organs of the Body
Part One Reading and Translating
Reading A Zang and Fu Organs of the Body——A Harmonious System
Reading B The Way to Care for Health
Part Two Simulated Writing: Medical Product Advertisement
Sample 1 Free Yourself!
Sample 2 Do You Know Your Daily Vitamin Requirements?
Sample 3 You Have a Lot to Face in Life…
Sample 4 Gone with the Powder
Part Three Listening and Speaking
Sample Conversation Stomachache
Unit 5 Qi, Blood and Body Fluids
Part One Reading and Translating
Reading A Qi, Blood and Body Fluids
Reading B Research into the Theory of Energy-Blood Correlation
Part Two Simulated Writing: Medical Case
Sample Refractory Insomnia After an Abortion
Part Three Listening and Speaking
Sample Conversation Delayed Menstrual Cycle
Unit 6 Causes of Disease
Part One Reading and Translating
Reading A Causes of Disease
Reading B Three Kinds of Pathogenic Factors
Part Two Simulated Writing: Letter of Invitation
Sample 1 Informal Invitation
Sample 2 Informal Acceptance
Sample 3 Informal Regret
Sample 4 Formal Invitation
Sample 5 Formal Acceptance
Sample 6 Formal Invitation
Sample 7 Formal Acceptance
Sample 8 Formal Regret
Part Three Listening and Speaking
Sample Conversation Common Cold
Unit 7 The Four Methods of Examination
Unit 8 The Eight PrincipalPatterns
Unit 9 Chinese Materia Medica
Unit 10 Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion
Key to Exercises
Chinese Translations of the Texts


