



  • 中文名:中醫藥英語閱讀教程(下)
  • 作者:陳怡、周亞東
  • 出版社:安徽大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787566416322


  《中醫藥英語閱讀教程(下)》共十一個單元,每單元由Text A,Text B及Text C三篇文章組成,課後設有辭彙、閱讀、翻譯、寫作等形式的練習題並在每單元後以不同主題列出常用醫學英語詞根詞綴,便於學生鞏固所學內容及拓展醫學英語辭彙。


Unit 1 Relationship of Formulas to Strategies
Text A Herbal Formula of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Text B Defeating Cold and Flu with Chinese Medicine
Text C Anti-Cancer Chinese Herbs' Supporting Role
Unit 2 Acupuncture and Moxibustion
Text A Acupuncture for Weight Loss
Text B Acupressure——Acupuncture Without Needles
Text C Miracle of TOM——Moxibustion
Unit 3 Treatment of Gynecological Disease
Text A Complex Ovarian Cysts
Text B Breast Cancer Screening and Prevention
Text C Test for Cervical Cancer
Unit 4 Treatment of Pediatric Disease
Text A Childhood Obesity: The Health Issue
Text B Catch Them Young
Text C Acupuncture for Children with Cerebral Palsy
Unit 5 Treatment of Bone-Trauma Disease
Text A Massage Therapy
Text B Tuino——Traditional Chinese Massage
Text C TOM Treatment for Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Protrusion
Unit 6 Health Cultivation
Text A Traditional Chinese Health-Keeping Exercise
Text B The Best Ways to Keep Healthy
Text C Tai Chi for Seniors
Unit 7 Health Promotion and Prevention First
Text A Qigong as a Preventive Measure
Text B Regular Life and Body Clock
Text C Disease Prevention and Chinese Medicated Diet
Unit 8 A History of TCM
Text A Traditional Chinese Medicine with a Long History(1)
Text B Traditional Chinese Medicine with a Long History(2)
Text C History of Qigong
Unit 9 Modern Research
Text A China Plans to Modernize Traditional Chinese Medicine
Text B Traditional Chinese Medicine Gets a Foreign Look
Text C Relationship Between Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine
Unit 10 Well-Known TOM Works
Text A Preface to Treatise on Exogenous Febrile Disease
Text B Author's Preface to Effective Prescriptions
Text C Preface to A-B Classic of Acupuncture and Moxibustion
Unit 11 Famous Figures of TOM
Text A Pioneer in Medicine——Hua Tuo
Text B Bian Que
Text C Li Shizhen
Keys to Exercises

