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  • 中文名:醫學英語閱讀教程
  • 作者:黃立鶴、吳贇、黃立鶴、朱冬怡、周德宇、辛燕、史其慧
  • 出版時間:2023年8月1日
  • 出版社:清華大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787302643883
  • 定價:78 元
  • 印次:1-1
  • 印刷日期:2023.08.21




Chapter 1 Infectious Diseases and the Immune System
Part 1 Pre-reading Tasks
Part 2 Text Reading and Analysis
Text 1 How Your Immune System Reacts to the Common Cold?
Text 2 Vaccines Safeguard Our Health
Text 3 Does Exercise Boost Immunity?
Part 3 Post-reading Tasks
Chapter 2 Chronic Disease Management
Part 1 Pre-reading Tasks
Part 2 Text Reading and Analysis
Text 1 Strategies to Prevent Heart Disease
Text 2 Diabetes and Physical Activity
Text 3 How Social Media Is Changing Chronic iIInesses?
Part 3 Post-reading Tasks
Chapter 3 Cancer: Eliminate It or Live with It?
Part 1 Pre-reading Tasks
Part 2 Text Reading and Analysis
Text 1 Beating the Odds Against a Deadly Cancer
Text2 Can Statins Increase Lung Cancer Survival?
Text 3 What Is CAR-T Therapy?
Part 3 Post-reading Tasks
Chapter 4 Mental Disorders and Neurodegenerative Diseases
Part 1 Pre-reading Tasks
Part 2 Text Reading and Analysis
Text 1 A Personal Story of Living Through Depression
Text 2 Obsessive-compulsive Disorder:When Unwanted Thoughts or Repetitive Behaviors Take Over
Text 3 What Is Dementia? Symptoms, Types,and Diagnosis
Part 3 Post-reading Tasks
Chapter 5 Alternative and Complementary Medicines:New Ways to Treat Diseases
Part 1 Pre-reading Tasks
Part 2 Text Reading and Analysis
Text 1 What You Should Know About Scraping Massage
Text 2 Traditional Chinese Medicine for Thyroid Disease
Text 3 The History of Naturopathy
Part 3 Post-reading Tasks
Chapter 6 Public Health and Preventive Medicine
Part 1 Pre-reading Tasks
Part 2 Text Reading and Analysis
Text 1 The Discovery of Artemisinin
Text 2 The Impact of COVID-19 on Older Adults
Text 3 Vaccine Development and Testing
Part 3 Post-reading Tasks
Chapter 7 Medical Diagnosis and Nursing
Part 1 Pre-reading Tasks
Part 2 Text Reading and Analysis
Text 1 Critical Thinking in Nursing
Text 2 Why We still Use a 140-year-old Method to Diagnose UTls?
Text 3 Neurotechnologies
Part 3 Post-reading Tasks
Chapter 8 Medical Ethics in Clinical Practice and Research
Part 1 Pre-reading Tasks
Part 2 Text Reading and Analysis
Text 1 Ethics in Clinical Research
Text 2 Palliative Care: Support for Patients and Caregivers
Text 3 Narratives of the Human Plight: A Conversation with Jerome Bruner
Part 3 Post-reading Tasks
New Expressions
Keys to Exercises


