- 中文名:世界大學聲譽排行榜
- 外文名:World Reputation Rankings
- 針對:世界大學
- 出自:英國《泰晤士高等教育增刊》
- 時間:2004年
Reputation Rank | Institution | Country/Region | Reputation |
1 | Harvard University | United States | 100.0 |
2 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | United States | 85.0 |
3 | University of Cambridge | United Kingdom | 80.7 |
4 | University of California Berkeley | United States | 74.7 |
5 | Stanford University | United States | 71.5 |
6 | University of Oxford | United Kingdom | 68.6 |
7 | Princeton University | United States | 36.6 |
8 | University of Tokyo | Japan | 33.2 |
9 | Yale University | United States | 28.3 |
10 | California Institute of Technology | United States | 23.5 |
11 | Imperial College London | United Kingdom | 22.6 |
12 | University of California Los Angeles | United States | 22.4 |
13 | University of Michigan | United States | 19.8 |
14 | Johns Hopkins University | United States | 19.4 |
15 | University of Chicago | United States | 17.8 |
16 | Cornell University | United States | 17.5 |
17 | University of Toronto | Canada | 17.0 |
18 | Kyoto University | Japan | 15.5 |
19 | University College London | United Kingdom | 14.2 |
19 | University of Massachusetts | United States | 14.2 |
21 | University of Illinois - Urbana | United States | 13.6 |
22 | University of Pennsylvania | United States | 13.4 |
23 | Columbia University | United States | 13.3 |
24 | Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich | Switzerland | 12.3 |
25 | University of Wisconsin | United States | 11.7 |
26 | University of Washington | United States | 11.2 |
27 | National University of Singapore | Singapore | 10.4 |
28 | Carnegie Mellon University | United States | 10.0 |
29 | McGill University | Canada | 9.9 |
30 | University of California San Diego | United States | 9.8 |
31 | University of British Columbia | Canada | 9.3 |
31 | University of Texas at Austin | United States | 9.3 |
33 | Lomonosov Moscow State University | Russian Federation | 9.0 |
34 | University of California San Francisco | United States | 8.9 |
35 | TsinghuaUniversity | China | 8.7 |
36 | Duke University | United States | 8.5 |
37 | London School of Economics and Political Science | United Kingdom | 8.4 |
38 | University of California Davis | United States | 7.6 |
39 | Georgia Institute of Technology | United States | 7.5 |
40 | Northwestern University | United States | 7.4 |
41 | University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill | United States | 7.0 |
42 | Universityof Hong Kong | Hong Kong | 6.9 |
43 | PekingUniversity | China | 6.6 |
43 | University of Minnesota | United States | 6.6 |
45 | University of Edinburgh | United Kingdom | 6.5 |
45 | University of Melbourne | Australia | 6.5 |
47 | Purdue University | United States | 6.4 |
48 | University of Munich | Germany | 6.3 |
49 | Delft University of Technology | Netherlands | 6.2 |
50 | Osaka University | Japan | 5.9 |
51-60 | Australian National University | Australia | Data withheld |
51-60 | Karolinska Institute | Sweden | Data withheld |
51-60 | New York University | United States | Data withheld |
51-60 | Ohio State University | United States | Data withheld |
51-60 | Seoul National University | Republic of Korea | Data withheld |
51-60 | Tohoku University | Japan | Data withheld |
51-60 | Tokyo Institute of Technology | Japan | Data withheld |
51-60 | University of California Santa Barbara | United States | Data withheld |
51-60 | University of Pittsburgh | United States | Data withheld |
51-60 | University of Sydney | Australia | Data withheld |
61-70 | Boston University | United States | Data withheld |
61-70 | Ecole Polytechnique | France | Data withheld |
61-70 | King's College London | United Kingdom | Data withheld |
61-70 | Pennsylvania State University | United States | Data withheld |
61-70 | Technical University of Munich | Germany | Data withheld |
61-70 | University of Florida | United States | Data withheld |
61-70 | University of Manchester | United Kingdom | Data withheld |
61-70 | University of Maryland College Park | United States | Data withheld |
61-70 | University of Zurich | Switzerland | Data withheld |
61-70 | Uppsala University | Sweden | Data withheld |
71-80 | école Polytechnique Federale of Lausanne | Switzerland | Data withheld |
71-80 | Humboldt University of Berlin | Germany | Data withheld |
71-80 | Lund University | Sweden | Data withheld |
71-80 | Michigan State University | United States | Data withheld |
71-80 | Rutgers the State University of New Jersey | United States | Data withheld |
71-80 | University of Arizona | United States | Data withheld |
71-80 | University of Colorado | United States | Data withheld |
71-80 | University of Southern California | United States | Data withheld |
71-80 | Utrecht University | Netherlands | Data withheld |
71-80 | Washington University Saint Louis | United States | Data withheld |
81-90 | Catholic University of Leuven | Belgium | Data withheld |
81-90 | Indiana University | United States | Data withheld |
81-90 | Leiden University | Netherlands | Data withheld |
81-90 | National Taiwan University | Taiwan | Data withheld |
81-90 | Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg | Germany | Data withheld |
81-90 | Texas A&M University | United States | Data withheld |
81-90 | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands | Data withheld |
81-90 | University of Bristol | United Kingdom | Data withheld |
81-90 | University of Leeds | United Kingdom | Data withheld |
81-90 | University of QueenslandAustralia | Australia | Data withheld |
91-100 | Hong Kong University of Science and Technology | Hong Kong | Data withheld |
91-100 | Indian Institute of Science | India | Data withheld |
91-100 | Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology | Republic of Korea | Data withheld |
91-100 | London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine | United Kingdom | Data withheld |
91-100 | Nanyang Technological University | Singapore | Data withheld |
91-100 | University of Helsinki | Finland | Data withheld |
91-100 | University of Paris Pantheon Sorbonne | France | Data withheld |
91-100 | University of Sheffield | United Kingdom | Data withheld |
91-100 | University of Vienna | Austria | Data withheld |
91-100 | University of Waterloo | Canada | Data withheld |
排名 | 學校英文名稱 | 學校中文名稱 | 國家/地區 |
1 | Harvard University | 美國 | |
2 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | 美國 | |
3 | University of Cambridge | 英國 | |
4 | Stanford University | 美國 | |
5 | University of California Berkeley | 加州大學伯克利分校 | 美國 |
6 | University of Oxford | 牛津大學 | 英國 |
7 | Princeton University | 美國 | |
8 | University of Tokyo | 日本 | |
9 | University of California--Los Angeles | 加州大學洛杉磯分校 | 美國 |
10 | Yale University | 美國 | |
11 | California Institute of Technology | 美國 | |
12 | University of Michigan--Ann Arbor | 密西根大學-安娜堡分校 | 美國 |
13 | Imperial College London | 英國 | |
14 | University of Chicago | 美國 | |
15 | Columbia University | 美國 | |
16 | Cornell University | 美國 | |
16 | University of Toronto | 加拿大 | |
18 | Johns Hopkins University | 美國 | |
19 | University of Pennsylvania | 美國 | |
20 | Kyoto University | 日本 | |
21 | University College London | 英國 | |
22 | ETH Zürich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich | 瑞士 | |
23 | University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign | 伊利諾伊大學香檳分校 | 美國 |
23 | National University of Singapore | 新加坡 | |
25 | University of British Columbia | 英屬哥倫比亞大學 | 加拿大 |
25 | McGill University | 加拿大 | |
27 | University of Wisconsin-Madison | 美國 | |
28 | University of Washington | 美國 | |
29 | The London School of Economics and Political Science | 英國 | |
30 | Tsinghua University | 清華大學 | 中國 |
31 | University of California San Francisco | 加州大學舊金山分校 | 美國 |
32 | University of Texas at Austin | 美國 | |
33 | Duke University | 美國 | |
34 | New York University | 美國 | |
35 | Northwestern University | 美國 | |
36 | University of California San Diego | 加州大學聖地亞哥分校 | 美國 |
37 | Carnegie Mellon University | 卡耐基梅隆大學 | 美國 |
38 | Peking University | 北京大學 | 中國 |
39 | University of Hong Kong | 中國香港 | |
39 | University of Massachusetts--Amherst | 麻薩諸塞大學 - 阿默斯特分校 | 美國 |
41 | Georgia Institute of Technology | 美國 | |
42 | Ludwig Maximilian Muenchen Unitversitaet | 德國 | |
43 | University of Melbourne | 澳大利亞 | |
44 | Australian National University | 澳洲國立大學 | 澳大利亞 |
44 | University of California Davis | 加州大學戴維斯分校 | 美國 |
46 | University of North Carolina at ChAPel Hill | 美國 | |
47 | University of Minnesota--Twin Cities | 美國 | |
47 | Purdue University--West Lafayette | 普渡大學-西拉法葉 | 美國 |
49 | The University of Edinburgh | 英國 | |
50 | Sydney University | 澳大利亞 | |
51-60 | Delft University of Technology | 荷蘭 | |
51-60 | Karolinska Institute | 瑞典 | |
51-60 | The University of Manchester | 英國 | |
51-60 | Ohio State University at Columbus | 美國 | |
51-60 | Osaka University | 日本 | |
51-60 | Pennsylvania State University--University Park | 美國 | |
51-60 | University of California--Santa Barbara | 加州大學聖巴巴拉分校 | 美國 |
51-60 | Seoul National University | 首爾國立大學 | 韓國 |
51-60 | Tohoku University | 東北大學(日本) | 日本 |
51-60 | Tokyo Institute of Technology | 日本 | |
61-70 | école Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne | 瑞士 | |
61-70 | Hebrew University of Jerusalem | 耶路撒冷希伯來大學 | 以色列 |
61-70 | The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology | 香港科技大學 | 中國香港 |
61-70 | Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | 柏林洪堡大學 | 德國 |
61-70 | King's College London | 英國 | |
61-70 | Technical University of Munich | 德國 | |
61-70 | University of Pittsburgh | 美國 | |
61-70 | University of São Paulo | 巴西 | |
61-70 | University of Southern California | 南加州大學 | 美國 |
61-70 | National Taiwan University | 台灣大學 | 中國台灣 |
71-80 | University of Amsterdam | 荷蘭 | |
71-80 | Heidelberg University | 德國 | |
71-80 | Michigan State University | 美國 | |
71-80 | Université Panthéon-Sorbonne: Paris 1 | 巴黎邦岱翁-索邦(巴黎一大) | 法國 |
71-80 | The University of Queensland | 澳大利亞 | |
71-80 | Texas A&M University--College Station | 美國 | |
71-80 | Uppsala University | 瑞典烏普薩拉大學 | 瑞典 |
71-80 | Utrecht University | 荷蘭 | |
71-80 | Washington University in St. Louis | 華盛頓大學聖路易斯分校 | 美國 |
71-80 | University of Zürich | 瑞士 | |
81-90 | Brown University | 美國 | |
81-90 | The Chinese University of Hong Kong | 香港中文大學 | 中國香港 |
81-90 | University of Florida | 美國 | |
81-90 | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven | 比利時 | |
81-90 | Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology | 韓國 | |
81-90 | University of Leeds | 英國 | |
81-90 | Leiden University | 荷蘭 | |
81-90 | Lund University | 瑞典 | |
81-90 | Nanyang Technological University | 新加坡 | |
81-90 | Tel Aviv University | 以色列 | |
91-100 | University of Arizona | 美國 | |
91-100 | Boston University | 美國 | |
91-100 | University of Bristol | 英國 | |
91-100 | école Polytechnique | 法國 | |
91-100 | Indiana University--Bloomington | 印第安納大學-伯明頓分校 | 美國 |
91-100 | Middle East Technical University | 土耳其 | |
91-100 | Universite Paris-Sud | 法國 | |
91-100 | Université Paris VI | 法國 | |
91-100 | Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey--New Brunswick | 羅格斯新澤西州立大學-新伯朗士威 | 美國 |
91-100 | Wageningen University and Research Centre | 瓦赫寧恩大學暨研究中心 | 荷蘭 |

2015 reputation rank | 2014 reputation rank | Institution | Country / region |
1 | 1 | Harvard University | United States |
2 | 4 | University of Cambridge | United Kingdom |
3 | 5 | University of Oxford | United Kingdom |
4 | 2 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | United States |
5 | 3 | Stanford University | United States |
6 | 6 | University of California, Berkeley | United States |
7 | 7 | Princeton University | United States |
8 | 8 | Yale University | United States |
9 | 9 | California Institute of Technology | United States |
10 | 12 | Columbia University | United States |
11 | 14 | University of Chicago | United States |
12 | 11 | University of Tokyo | Japan |
13 | 10 | University of California, Los Angeles | United States |
14 | 13 | Imperial College London | United Kingdom |
15 | 16 | ETH Zürich – Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich | Switzerland |
16 | 20 | University of Toronto | Canada |
17 | 25 | University College London | United Kingdom |
18 | 18 | Johns Hopkins University | United States |
19 | 15 | University of Michigan | United States |
20 | 17 | Cornell University | United States |
20 | 27 | New York University | United States |
22 | 24 | London School of Economics and Political Science | United Kingdom |
23 | 22 | University of Pennsylvania | United States |
24 | 21 | National University of Singapore | Singapore |
25 | 51-60 | Lomonosov Moscow State University | Russian Federation |
26 | 36 | Tsinghua University | China |
27 | 19 | Kyoto University | Japan |
28 | 29 | Carnegie Mellon University | United States |
29 | 46 | University of Edinburgh | United Kingdom |
30 | 23 | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | United States |
31 | 43 | King’s College London | United Kingdom |
32 | 41 | Peking University | China |
33 | 31 | University of Washington | United States |
34 | 30 | Duke University | United States |
35 | 46 | Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich | Germany |
35 | 33 | McGill University | Canada |
37 | 33 | University of British Columbia | Canada |
38 | 32 | University of California, San Francisco | United States |
38 | 61-70 | Heidelberg University | Germany |
38 | 28 | University of Wisconsin-Madison | United States |
41 | 40 | University of California, San Diego | United States |
41 | 71-80 | Humboldt University of Berlin | Germany |
41 | 43 | University of Melbourne | Australia |
44 | 51-60 | University of California, Davis | United States |
45 | 51-60 | Karolinska Institute | Sweden |
46 | 33 | University of Texas at Austin | United States |
47 | 37 | Northwestern University | United States |
48 | 49 | École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne | Switzerland |
49 | 38 | Georgia Institute of Technology | United States |
50 | 51-60 | University of Manchester | United Kingdom |
51-60 | 71-80 | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands |
61-70 | Australian National University | Australia | |
42 | Delft University of Technology | Netherlands | |
81-90 | Free University of Berlin | Germany | |
43 | University of Hong Kong | Hong Kong | |
71-80 | Katholieke Universiteit Leuven | Belgium | |
– | Panthéon-Sorbonne University – Paris 1 | France | |
71-80 | Paris-Sorbonne University – Paris 4 | France | |
81-90 | University of São Paulo | Brazil | |
26 | Seoul National University | Republic of Korea | |
61-70 | University of Sydney | Australia | |
61-70 | 61-70 | University of California, Santa Barbara | United States |
– | École Normale Supérieure | France | |
81-90 | Leiden University | Netherlands | |
51-60 | National Taiwan University | Taiwan | |
– | University of North Carolina* | United States | |
39 | Pennsylvania State University | United States | |
61-70 | University of Southern California | United States | |
61-70 | Technical University of Munich | Germany | |
- | Wageningen University and Research Center | Netherlands | |
71-80 | 71-80 | Boston University | United States |
81-90 | Brown University | United States | |
51-60 | Hong Kong University of Science and Technology | Hong Kong | |
61-70 | Michigan State University | United States | |
51-60 | University of Minnesota | United States | |
– | National Autonomous University of Mexico | Mexico | |
71-80 | University of Pittsburgh | United States | |
48 | Purdue University | United States | |
91-100 | Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey | United States | |
– | Saint Petersburg State University | Russian Federation | |
81-90 | Utrecht University | Netherlands | |
81-90 | – | University of Copenhagen | Denmark |
– | Durham University | United Kingdom | |
– | University of Helsinki | Finland | |
51-60 | Ohio State University | United States | |
81-90 | University of Queensland | Australia | |
71-80 | Texas A&M University | United States | |
– | University of Warwick | United Kingdom | |
71-80 | Washington University in St Louis | United States | |
– | Uppsala University | Sweden | |
91-100 | – | University of Bristol | United Kingdom |
– | École Polytechnique | France | |
91-100 | London Business School | United Kingdom | |
81-90 | University of Maryland, College Park | United States | |
61-70 | University of Massachusetts | United States | |
81-90 | Mayo Medical School | United States | |
– | Monash University | Australia | |
91-100 | Nanyang Technological University | Singapore | |
– | Pasteur Institute | France | |
91-100 | RWTH Aachen University | Germany |