

skid是一個英語單詞,主要用作名詞動詞及物動詞不及物動詞)。作名詞時意為“打滑;[車輛] 剎車;滑軌,滑動墊木”;作動詞時意為“剎住,使減速;滾滑,打滑”等。


  • 外文名:skid
  • 詞性:名詞、動詞
  • 英式音標:[skɪd]
  • 美式音標:[skɪd]


英 [skɪd] 美 [skɪd]
n. 打滑;[車輛] 剎車;滑軌,滑動墊木
vt. 剎住,使減速;滾滑
vi. 打滑
[ 複數 skids 第三人稱單數 skids 現在分詞 skidding 過去式 skidded 過去分詞 skidded ]


hit the skids 倒霉,走下坡路
skid resistance [化]抗滑,抗滑性
on the skids ◎[口語]待發出的;待拋出的 , ◎[俚語]注定要遭殃的;注定要失敗的,將被解僱的 , ◎[俚語]在衰落,在走下坡路
skid proof 防滑
skid mounted pump 滑移泵 ; 撬式泵 ; 橇式泵 ; 撬式泵滑移泵
skid case 滑木箱 ; 滑木包裝箱 ; 滑
skid control 防滑控制 ; 還增加了防側滑控制 ; 防滑控制功能 ; 防滑控制系統
anti-skid device 防滑裝置 ; 防滑器 ; 防溜裝置 ; 翻譯
anti-skid material 防滑物料 ; 防滑劑
Braking skid 制動滑移 ; 制動側滑 ; 詳細翻譯 ; 制動點頭
Impending skid 緊急滑行 ; 滑止 ; 緊迫滑行


  • The motorbike went into a skid. 機車朝一側滑了出去。
  • I slammed the brakes on and went into a skid. 我猛踩剎車,汽車滑向一側。
  • He braked suddenly, causing the front wheels to skid. 他猛然剎車,使得前車輪打滑了。
  • The skid marks on the road showed how fast the car had been travelling. 公路上留下的滑行痕跡說明這輛車當時開得有多快。
  • I watched her fly off of her bike and skid several feet along the harsh pavement. 我看著她從她的腳踏車上飛落,在粗糙的人行道上滑了幾英尺。
  • I looked to the road where they first went off. There were skid marks, but they were faint; as if they were years old. 我看了看他們第一次衝下馬路的地方。有剎車的痕跡,但很模糊;像是幾年前留下的。
  • One popular technique for hauling lumber was to use horses and oxen to drag logs over skid roads and rough tracks through the woods. 搬運木材的一種普遍手法是用馬和牛在森林中的滑道和崎嶇小路上拉木頭。
  • He became a skid row type of drunkard. 他變成了那種貧民窟里常見的醉鬼。
  • Skid: a platform for stacking books. 堆書板:用來堆疊書本的平台。
  • There are skid marks in front of the skunk. 律師屍體是臭鼬屍體之前的剎車痕。
  • Recalls Gleis, "There was no camera on the skid." 格雷斯回憶道,“滑道上沒有攝像機。”
  • At this point I felt things beginning to skid. 這時,我感到事情有點不妙。
  • Soft non-skid rubber keeps portables from slipping. 軟的防滑橡膠使攜帶不易滑落。
  • The car went into a skid and ended up on the wrong side of the road. 汽車向一側滑行,結果滑到對面的行車道上才停止。
  • Honda sells no such thing as a skid plate for any of their vehicles. 本田銷售沒有為他們的任何車輛防滑板這回事。
  • The Anti-skid and Auto Brake systems function through the Brake system. 防滑系統和自動剎車系統通過剎車系統起作用。
  • It is impossible to come up close to the water by car as it goes into a skid. 開車接近水是不可能的,因為會打滑。
  • There isn't a lot of demand for flowers in the shop's Skid Row neighborhood. 在窮街附近,人們對花的需求量不多。
  • Stairs steep, non skid and handrails guardrail do not meet safety requirements. 樓梯過陡、不防滑以及扶手護欄不符合安全要求等。
  • The existing skid conveyor was rebuilt for modular belts using a PE gliding surface. 現有的防滑輸送帶使用PE滑動面的模組化皮帶重建。
  • The wet-skid resistance of tread stock was improved when the compound was added to tread stock. 將該複合材料加入載重輪胎胎面膠中,可提高胎面膠的抗濕滑性。
  • These interactions enable collaborative functions like skid recovery or automated parallel parking. 這些互動使協作功能起作用,像剎車恢復,或自動並列停車。
  • Throughout it all, a documentary film crew has been capturing the running club for Skid Row Marathon. 縱觀一切,一個紀錄片攝製組已經為跑步俱樂部拍攝了貧民窟馬拉松。
  • Official: Be careful. Yesterday it rained so the track is slippery. Don't skid, and watch out for puddles. 官方的工作人員:仔細一點。昨天才下了雨所以賽道非常濕滑。不要打滑,當心水坑。
  • It isn't this 10-block area of Skid Row where all you see is plight and hypodermic needles and homelessness. 它不是一個你看到的困境及到處都是皮下注射針頭和無家可歸的由10個街區構成的貧民窟。
  • I look at the newspaper and turn it this way and that on the table. Then I skid it close and read what it says. 我心不在焉地把報紙在桌上翻來翻去,然後我把報紙合上,認真讀起來。
  • The system has two modes of operation, manual and automatic, and gives automatic anti-skid protection in each mode. 系統有兩種工作模式,人工和自動,在每種模式下都可以提供自動防滯保護。
  • Transport: a new type of tyre, equipped with built-in sensors, can help avoid a skid-and could also improve fuel-efficiency. 交通:新型輪胎,內置感測器,能防止打滑並提高燃油利用率。


