matrix analysis 矩陣分析(法)jacobian matrix 雅可比矩陣;[數]導數矩陣 inverse matrix [計]矩陣求逆,逆矩陣,反矩陣 correlation matrix 相關矩陣 sparse matrix [數]稀疏矩陣 density matrix 密度矩陣 matrix structure 矩陣結構;基地...
關聯矩陣法(relational matrix analysis,簡稱RMA),套用關聯矩陣法的關鍵,在於確定各評價指標的相對重要度(即權重Wj)以及根據評價主體給定的評價指標的評價尺度,確定方案關於評價指標的價值評定量(Vij)。關聯矩陣法是因其整個程式如同...
1 Matrix Multiplication Problems 1.1 Basic Algorithms and Notation 1.2 Exploiting Structure 1.3 Block Matrices and Algorithms 1.4 Vectorization and Re-Use Issues 2 Matrix Analysis 2.1 Basic Ideas from Linear Algebra...
利益相關者分析(Stakeholder Analysis)用於分析與客戶利益相關的所有個人(和組織),幫助客戶在戰略制定時分清重大利益相關者對於戰略的影響。利益相關者分析(Stakeholder Analysis)也用於項目管理過程中.項目交付成果可能會影響某人或組織,...
Chapter 5 Matrix Factorization Chapter 6 Hermitian Matrix and Positive Definite Matrix Chapter 7 Matrix Norm and Matrix Analysis Chapter 8 The Moore-Penrose Generalized Inverse Chapter 9 An Introduction to MATLAB Answers to ...
實分析Real Analysis;複分析Complex Analysis;調和分析Harmonic Analysis;泛函分析/運算元理論Functional Analysis/OperatorTheory;解析數論AnalyticalNumberTheory;逼近論Approximation Theory;矩陣分析Matrix Analysis;組合數學Combinatorics;數學物理...
Xin-Ping Xiao, Xiao-Xuan Zhang, The Inertia Grey Modeling Theory Based on Matrix Analysis, Journal of Grey System, 2007,10(1),17-22 Xinping Xiao, Fuqin Li, Parameter Identification of Non-equigap Grey Prediction ...
chapter 5. State Space Analysis.chapter 6. Pole Placement and Observer Design.chapter 7. Polynomial Equations Approach to Control Systems Design.chapter 8. Quadratic Optimal Control Systems.Appendix A. Vector-Matrix Analysis.A...
矩陣範數(matrix norm)是數學中矩陣論、線性代數、泛函分析等領域中常見的基本概念,是將一定的矩陣空間建立為賦范向量空間時為矩陣裝備的範數。套用中常將有限維賦范向量空間之間的映射以矩陣的形式表現,這時映射空間上裝備的範數也可以...
2013年期間,成功破解文獻Zhan X. Extremal eigenvalues of real symmetric matrices with entries in an interval. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 2006;27(3):851–850同時在矩陣論專著(詹興致,高等教育出版社,...