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  • 中文名:肖新平
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生地:湖北洪湖
  • 出生日期:1965年9月29日
  • 職業:教授
  • 畢業院校:華中科技大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向灰色系統,統計預測與決策、系統控制與最佳化、套用數學與力學
  • 職務:教授
  • 主要成就:博士生導師,二級教授
  • 學術代表作:《灰預測與決策方法》《灰技術基礎及其套用》





1983.09-1987.07 華中師範大學數學系 本科生(數學教育專業)
1987.09-1990.01 華中師範大學數學系 碩士生(運籌學與控制論專業)
1999.09-2002.05 華中科技大學控制科學與工程系 博士生(系統工程專業)
2006.01-2007.01 University of Manitoba (Canada) Visiting Scholar(訪問學者)
2014.07-2015.07 南洋理工大學(新加坡) 訪問學者


1990.03-1993.05 武漢理工大學理學院 助教
1993.06-1995.10 武漢理工大學理學院 講師
1995.03-1999.08 武漢理工大學理學院 副主任
1995.11-2000.10 武漢理工大學理學院 副教授
2001.05-2014.05 武漢理工大學理學院 副院長
2004.01- 武漢理工大學理學院 博士生導師


擔任第六屆中國青年運籌與管理學者大會組織委員會主席,第九屆中國青年信息與管理學者大會程式委員會主席,2007 IEEE International Conference on Grey System and Intelligent Services程式委員會副主席,台灣《Journal of Grey System》雜誌編委,《武漢理工大學學報(交通科學版)》編輯,且為交通部直屬高校首批優秀青年骨幹教師,並獲霍英東教育基金會第六屆高等院校青年教師獎二等獎。


主持和參加各類科研項目14項,其中國家自然科學基金4項(其中主持3項,1項排序第3),部級項目7項(其中主持5項);出版著作和教材5部,其中專著2部;發表學術論文60餘篇,其中國際英文雜誌24篇,國際會議論文9篇,中文核心期刊22篇。論文被國外著名檢索系統檢索48餘篇,其中三大檢索(SCI、EI、ISTP)27篇,SA 11篇,INSPEC 10篇。1998年3月獲教育部霍英東教育基金會第六屆高等院校青年教師獎二等獎 ,1998年7月被遴選為交通部直屬高校優秀青年骨幹教師


1 智慧城市動態交通流演化與行程時間短時模擬的灰信息覆蓋建模研究,國家自然科學基金(編號:71540027 ),15萬,2016.1-2016.12,負責人
2 基於灰生成空間模型的道路網短時交通流建模與預測研究,國家自然科學基金(編號:70971103 ),26萬,2010.1-2013.12,負責人.
3 基於矩陣分析的灰序列生成預測建模及套用研究,國家自然科學基金(編號:70471019),15萬,2005.1-2007.12,負責人
4 基於自動機網路蛋白質摺疊協同模型的套用研究,國家自然科學基金(編號:70371063),17萬,2004-2006,排序第三
5 沙雅縣農村公路交通總體規劃設計,新疆維吾爾自治區沙雅縣交通局,7.5萬,2005.1-2005.5,負責人
6 玻璃鋼纏繞製造設備的控制系統,遼寧水業玻璃鋼管道有限公司,40萬,2003-2004,排序第二
7 區間組合最佳化模型及其套用,交通部科教司專項經費(人才基金),8萬,1999-2002,負責人
8油水井措施最佳化規劃方法, 江漢油田,3萬,2004.7-2005.12,負責人
9 灰色理論在採油工程中的套用,江漢油田,2萬,2002-2003,負責人
10 灰色系統方法的研究及其套用,湖北省教委,1萬,1997-1998,負責人
11 湖北省重點普通高中辦學評價系統中數學方法的研究,湖北省教委,1萬,1998-1999負責人
12 深化高數改革最佳化人才能力培養,湖北省教委,0.3萬,1997-1998負責人
13 灰色系統建模技術研究,武漢理工大學博士科研啟動費, 2萬,2003-2004,負責人
14 湖北省城市智慧型交通系統發展研究,湖北省科委,2萬,1999-2001,排序第三







SCI 期刊
  • [1]Urban Road Short-term Traffic Flow Forecasting Based on the Delay and Nonlinear Grey Model[J]. Huan GUO,Xinping XIAO,Forrest JEFFREY.Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology. 2013(6)
  • [2]A research on a comprehensive adaptive grey prediction model CAGM(1,N)[J]. Huan Guo,Xinping Xiao,Jeffrey Forrest.Applied Mathematics and Computation.
  • [3]Optimal scheduling for vehicle-to-grid operation with stochastic connection of plug-in electric vehicles to smart grid[J]. Linni Jian,Yanchong Zheng,Xinping Xiao,C.C. Chan.Applied Energy.
  • [4]Compound Mechanism Design of Supplier Selection Based on Multi-attribute Auction and Risk Management of Supply Chain[J]. Congjun Rao,Xinping Xiao,Mark Goh,Junjun Zheng,Jianghui Wen.Computers & Industrial Engineering.
  • [5]Adaptive Fuzzy Enhancement Algorithm of Surface Image based on Local Discrimination via Grey Entropy[J]. Gang Li,Yala Tong,Xinping Xiao.Procedia Engineering.
  • [6]Optimal scheduling for vehicle-to-grid operation with stochastic connection of plug-in electric vehicles to smart grid[J]. Linni Jian,Yanchong Zheng,Xinping Xiao,C.C. Chan.Applied Energy.
  • [7]An improved seasonal rolling grey forecasting model using a cycle truncation accumulated generating operation for traffic flow[J]. Xinping Xiao,Jinwei Yang,Shuhua Mao,Jianghui Wen.Applied Mathematical Modelling.
  • [8]Hamiltonian cycles decomposition of two cycles’s composite[J]. Huiming Duan,Xinping Xiao,Guangrong Lei,Shihui Yang.Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography. 2017(5)
  • [9]Grey linear regression model and its application[J]. Xinping Xiao,Yayun Lu.Kybernetes. 2012(5/6)
  • [10]Research on the Stability of NDGM Model with the Fractional Order Accumulation and Its Optimization[J]. Huiming Duan,Kailiang Shao,Xinping Xiao,Jinwei Yang,Francesco Braghin.Mathematical Problems in Engineering.
  • [11]Forecasting the Short-Term Traffic Flow in the Intelligent Transportation System Based on an Inertia Nonhomogenous Discrete Gray Model[J]. Huiming Duan,Xinping Xiao,Lingling Pei,Bo Zeng.Complexity.
  • [1]基於自回歸條件持續期模型的疲勞駕駛研究[J]. 毛樹華,王先朋,文江輝,吳超仲,肖新平.交通運輸系統工程與信息. 2018(03)
  • [2]具有時滯和周期特徵的短時交通流灰建模及其套用[J]. 裴焰欄,肖新平.數學的實踐與認識. 2016(19)
  • [3]基於最大熵原理的測量不確定度商機率建模及計算[J]. 王惠娟,肖新平.數學的實踐與認識. 2016(13)
  • [4]基於少數據云推理的短時交通流預測模型[J]. 楊錦偉,肖新平,郭金海,毛樹華.交通運輸系統工程與信息. 2015(03)
  • [5]函式變換對灰色模型光滑度和精度的影響[J]. 郭金海,肖新平,楊錦偉.控制與決策. 2015(07)
  • [6]常態分配區間灰數灰色預測模型[J]. 楊錦偉,肖新平,郭金海.控制與決策. 2015(09)
  • [7]非等間隔GM(1,1,t~α)冪次時間項模型及其套用[J]. 郭歡,肖新平,Jeffrey Forrest.控制與決策. 2015(08)
  • [8]分數階累加時滯GM(1,N,τ)模型及其套用[J]. 毛樹華,高明運,肖新平.系統工程理論與實踐. 2015(02)
  • [9]電動汽車智慧型充電策略研究綜述[J]. 鄭言沖,肖新平,文江輝,蹇林旎.集成技術. 2015(01)
  • [10]單增序列灰色GM(1,1)模型解之間的誤差分析[J]. 劉軍,肖新平,郭金海,毛樹華.系統工程理論與實踐. 2014(12)
  • [11]灰色二層多目標線性規劃問題及其解法[J]. 郭歡,肖新平,Jeffrey Forrest.控制與決策. 2014(07)
  • [12]基於二元語義一致性的混合多屬性灰關聯決策[J]. 郭歡,肖新平,Jeffrey Forrest,劉勇.控制與決策. 2014(05)
  • [13]GM(1,1,α)模型背景值的變化對相對誤差的影響[J]. 肖新平,王歡歡.系統工程理論與實踐. 2014(02)
  • [14]基於GM(1,1|τ,r)模型的城市道路短時交通流預測[J]. 郭歡,肖新平,Jeffrey Forrest.交通運輸系統工程與信息. 2013(06)
  • [15]基於知識溢出的科技投入對中國經濟成長的時滯貢獻研究[J]. 胡易辰,肖新平.軟科學. 2013(10)
  • [16]GM(1,1|τ,r)中τ,r的確定及模型套用[J]. 范獻勝,肖新平.武漢理工大學學報(信息與管理工程版). 2013(04)
  • [17]廣義累加灰色預測控制模型的性質及最佳化[J]. 肖新平,劉軍,郭歡.系統工程理論與實踐. 2014(06)
  • [18]區間灰系列的熵度量及其套用(英文)[J]. 廖銳全,劉德基,魯艷峰,肖新平.Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics. 2012(02)
  • [19]非等間距GM(1,1)模型在股票預測中的最佳化[J]. 張鑫,肖新平.統計與決策. 2012(11)
  • [20]非等間隔GM(1,1)冪模型及套用[J]. 李軍亮,肖新平,廖銳全.系統工程理論與實踐. 2010(03)
  • [21]GM(1,1)模型拓廣方法研究與套用[J]. 曾祥艷,肖新平.控制與決策. 2009(07)
  • [22]累積法GM(1,1)模型的改進與套用[J]. 曾祥艷,肖新平.統計與決策. 2009(05)
  • [23]GM(1,1)模型的改進及其適用範圍[J]. 曾祥艷,肖新平.系統工程. 2009(01)
  • [24]基於粒子群算法的GM(1,1)冪模型及套用[J]. 李軍亮,肖新平.計算機工程與套用. 2008(32)
  • [25]一種改進的基於模糊對比度的圖像增強方法[J]. 李剛,桂預風,肖新平.湖北工業大學學報. 2008(01)
  • [26]屬性權重未知的混合型多屬性決策方法[J]. 閆書麗,楊萬才,肖新平.統計與決策. 2008(01)
  • [27]微分方程的stiff問題研究[J]. 李剛,肖新平.中國水運(學術版). 2007(10)
  • [28]混合型多屬性決策的一種新方法[J]. 閆書麗,楊萬才,肖新平.數學的實踐與認識. 2007(16)


Xinping Xiao, Xiaoqiang Li, Grey Relational Interval Analysis and Its Application, The Journal of Grey System, 1997,9(4),357-364
Xinping Xiao, New Study on the Solution of Grey Linear Programming, The Journal of Grey System, 1998,10(2), 133-140
Xinping Xiao, Lvcheng Deng, Research on the Shortest Path Algorithm in Grey Weighted Graph, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Industrial Engineering & Management Science, International Academic Publishers, 1998, 409-414
Xinping Xiao, On Parameters in Grey Models, The Journal of Grey System, 1999,11(4),315-324
Xinping Xiao, Feng Li, Novel Results On AGO Space,The Journal of Grey System, 2001,13(4),325-330
Xinping Xiao, Julong Deng, A New Modified GM(1,1) Model: Grey Optimization Model, The Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics ,2001,23(2),1-5
Xinping Xiao, Chongren He, Independence Trees Involving Neighborhood Sets, Applied Mathematics,2001,14(1), 56-59
Xinping Xiao, Shuhua Mao, A New Modeling Technique of GM(1,1) Prediction Model, Proceedings of the Second IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics,2003.10:990-993
Xinping Xiao, Shikuan Tong, Research on Iii-Conditioned Problem in Grey Prediction Control Model. Proceedings of the IEEE Third International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics,2004:2010-2013
Xinping Xiao, Weiqin Tang, Generating Algorithm of IAGO Generating Space, DCABES 2004 Proc. Wuhan University of Technology Press 2004:1072-1075
Xinping Xiao, Hamiltonian and Hamiltonian Connected Graphs Involving Neighborhood Intersections, Journal of Wuhan Transportation University,2000,24(3):327-330
Xinping Xiao, Shuhua Mao, Research on ill-conditioned Problem and Modeling Precision in GM(1,1) Model, Proceedings of 2005 IEEE International Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics, 2005: 622-627
Xinping Xiao, Xiaoli Chong, Grey Relational Analysis and Application of Hybrid Index Sequences,Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems,Series B: Application and Algorithms, 2006, 13(2): 915-919.
Xinping Xiao, Fuqin Li, The Theoretical Study on the Stability of the Grey Forecasting Model,Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series B: Application and Algorithms, 2006, 13(2): 570-573.
Xin-Ping Xiao, Xiao-Xuan Zhang, The Inertia Grey Modeling Theory Based on Matrix Analysis, Journal of Grey System, 2007,10(1),17-22
Xinping Xiao, Fuqin Li, Parameter Identification of Non-equigap Grey Prediction Model under Multiple Transformation, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A- Mathematical? Analysis, 2007, 13(3): 2479-2483
Xinping Xiao, Hongmei Kuang, Grey Relational Analysis Method for Hybrid Multiple Attribute Decision Making with Incomplete Attribute Weights, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series A- Mathematical? Analysis, 2007, 13(3):2238-2243
Liao Ruiquan, Xiao Xinping, Solution of GM(1,1,α) and Its Application to Predicting the Investment in Oil-Gas Pipeline, The Journal of Grey System, 2001,13(3),277-280
Gui Yufeng, Xiao Xinping, Semote Sensing Image Change Detection Using Gray System Theory, Multispectral and Hyperspectral Image Acquisition and Processing, Proceedings of SPIE Vol.4548(2001),199-201
Zhongmin Song, Xinping Xiao, The character of opposite direction AGO and its class ratio. The Journal of Grey System, 2002(9): 9-14
Xiang-yan Zeng, Xin-ping Xiao, A Research on Morbidity Problem in Accumulating Method GM(1,1) Model, Proceedings of the Forth IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2005:2650-2654
Mao Shuhua, Xiao Xinping. An Improved Interactively Method Based on Fuzzy Satisfying Degree for Multi-objective Decision Making, Journal of Systems Science and Information, 2007, 5(3):1-6
Congjun Rao, Xinping Xiao, A New GM(1,1) Model for prediction Modeling of Step Series, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series B: Application and Algorithms, 2006, 13(2): 522-526.
Congjun Rao, Xinping Xiao, Generalized Accumulated Generating Operation and Its Generating Space, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series B: Application and Algorithms, 2006, 13(2): 517-521.
Shuhua Mao, Xinping Xiao, Study on the Property of Weakening Operator(Ⅰ), Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series B: Application and Algorithms, Series B: Application and Algorithms, 2006, 13(2): 1142-1145.
Congjun Rao, Xinping Xiao, Jin Peng. A GM(1,1) Control Model with Pure Generalized AGO Based on Matrix Analysis. Proceedings of the 6th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation(WCICA06), 2006, Vol.1, pp 574~577.?
Congjun Rao, Xinping Xiao. Difference Information Research on the Transformation Series of Logarithm~power Function. The Journal of Grey System, 2006, 18(2): 103~110.
Congjun Rao, Xinping Xiao. Further Generalized Research on the Transformation Series of Power Function. The Journal of Grey System, 2006, 18(3): 195~204.
Xiaoxuan Zhang, Xinping Xiao. Study on the connotation of parameters in GM(1,1) model, The Journal of Grey System, 2006, 18(3): 213~227.
Shuhua Mao, Xinping Xiao. On properties of smoothing operator in grey model, The Journal of Grey System, 2007, 19(1): 57-66
肖新平,鄧聚龍,數乘變換下GM(0,N) 模型中的參數特徵,系統工程與電子技術,2000,22(10),1-3
肖新平,李福琴,基於離差最大化的灰色關聯分析法在公路網綜合評價中的套用,2006.8(8): 122-126
宋中民, 肖新平, 中心逼近式灰色GM(1,1)模型,系統工程理論與實踐,2001,21(5),110-113
唐偉勤, 肖新平, 灰色關聯分析在複雜系統評估中的套用,武漢理工大學學報(交通科學與工程版).2004,28(2).722-724
楊國武,肖新平, 一類次線性時變常微分方程, 武漢理工大學學報(交通科學與工程版),2002,26(5),579-580
童士寬, 肖新平, 一個關於二次規劃問題信賴域中可行下降算法,武漢理工大學學報(交通科學與工程版),2004,28(5),732-735
閆書麗, 肖新平, 基於偏差最小化模型的多屬性決策方法集成研究, 系統工程,2006,24(6):33-37
曾祥艷, 肖新平, 累積法GM(2,1)模型及其病態性研究,系統工程與電子技術,2006,28(4):542-544
饒從軍, 肖新平, 企業投資評估的動態混合型多指標決策方法, 統計與決策, 2006, (3): 4-6.
饒從軍, 肖新平, 多目標決策問題的模糊數學解法,武漢理工大學學報(交通科學與工程版), 2006, 30(4):700-703.
饒從軍, 肖新平, 風險型動態混合多屬性決策的灰矩陣關聯度法,系統工程與電子技術, 2006, 28(9):1353-1357.
何爾雅, 肖新平, 區間型價格控制模型及其求解.系統工程,2005(增刊):177-182.


