- 發明與研究Askey-Wilson差分運算元在多個Hilbert空間的逆運算元及其譜理論。
- 發明與研究一個具有5個參變數對於平面波(指數函式)q-模擬。
- 發明與研究多族平面上正交多項式。
- 發明q-特殊函式的傅立葉表示並套用於q-特殊函式恆等式、漸近展開的證明。
- 對於十六個Bill Gosper猜想的數學證明。
- 對於q-特殊函式Plancherel-Rotach類型漸近分析的研究。
- 對於q-伽馬函式的完全漸近展開。
- 對於正交多項式相關矩量矩陣逆矩陣的封閉表達式。
- R. Zhang, Diagonalization of certain integral operators, joint with Mourad E.H. Ismail, Advances in Math. 109, (1994), pp. 1-33.
- R. Zhang, Chaotic and Periodic Asymptotics for q-Orthogonal Polynomials, joint with Mourad E.H. Ismail, International Mathematics Research Notices, Vol. 2006, Article ID 83274, 1-32.
- R. Zhang, Plancherel-Rotach Asymptotics for Certain Basic Hypergeometric Series, Advances in Mathematics, Volume 217, Issue 4, 2008, 1588-1613.
- R. Zhang, Plancherel-Rotach asymptotics for some q-orthogonal polynomials with complex scalings, Advances in Mathematics, Volume 218, Issue 4, 2008, 1051-1080.
- R. Zhang, On some $2d$ orthogonal $q$-polynomials, joint with M. E. H. Ismail, Transactions of American Mathematical Society, in production,43 pages.
- R. Zhang, Asymptotics for Some Fundamental $q$-Functions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 400 (2013) 285–292.
- R. Zhang, On asymptotics of the q-exponential and q-gamma functions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 411 (2014), 522-529.
- R. Zhang, Remarks on Ramanujan Function A_{q}(z), Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Volume 338, Issue 1, 2008, 490-496.
- R. Zhang, Asymptotics for q-Gamma Functions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Volume 339, Issue 2, 15, March 2008, 1313-1321.
- R. Zhang, Integral and Series Representations of $q$-Polynomials and Functions: Part I, joint with Mourad E. H. Ismail, 73 pages, Analysis and Applications, accepted, DOI: 10.1142/S0219530517500129, 2017.