



  • 外文名:governance
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式發音:[ˈɡʌvənəns]
  • 美式發音:[ˈɡʌvərnəns]


N-UNCOUNT The governance of a country is the way in which it is governed. (國家的)統治方式; 管理方式 [正式]
N-UNCOUNT The governance of a company or organization is the way in which it is managed. (公司、組織等的)管理方式 [正式]


Urban Governance 城市治理 ; 城市管治 ; 都市治理 ; 城市公共治理
Local Governance 地方治理 ; 地方治理 ; 地方性治理 ; 地方管治
internal governance 內部治理 ; 內部公司治理 ; 內部監督
corporation governance 公司治理 ; 公司制理 ; 法人治理
economic governance 經濟管理 ; 經濟性規制 ; 經濟型治理
network governance 網路治理 ; 網路治理 ; 網路化治理
holistic governance 整體性治理 ; 整體治理 ; 全局治理 ; 全局治理
company governance 公司治理
governance crisis 治理危機


  • 1By most measures, corporate governance has become a lot tighter and more rigorous since the 1970s.從大多數標準來看,自上世紀70年代以來,公司治理已經變得越來越嚴苛。
  • 2It is principally during this period of stronger governance that CEO pay has been high and rising.主要是在這段加強治理的時期,執行長的薪酬一直居高不下並不斷上升。
  • 3I don't like quotas either; they run counter to my belief in meritocracy, governance by the capable.我也不喜歡定額;它們與我信奉的英才統治、能者治理的理念背道而馳。
  • 4For example, a high growth rate placed great strains on the existing structures of governance, of administration, and above all of socialization.例如,高增長率給現有的治理結構、行政結構,尤其是社會化結構帶來了巨大的壓力。
  • 5General Richards sums up the need as reconstruction, development, governance and relations with Pakistan, all wrapped up in a environment of growing security.理查茲將軍總括了要做的事,諸如重建、發展、治理及與巴基斯坦的關係,所有這些都亟需愈加安全的環境。
  • 6The Ming Dynasty, which reigned China for 276 years, is described as one of the greatest epochs with orderly governance and social stability in human history.明朝統治了中國276年,被人們描繪成人類歷史上治理有序、社會穩定的最偉大的時代之一。
  • 7In the 1960s and 1970s, European universities saw marked changes in their governance arrangements, with empowerment of junior faculty and to some degree of students as well.在20世紀60年代和70年代,歐洲大學的管理安排發生了明顯的變化,賦予了初級教員和一定量的學生權力。
  • 8This form of "self-governance" is possible within long-standing amateur organizations that, over time, are able to build a sense of responsibility to community members, as well as society in general.這種形式的“自我管理”在長期存在的業餘組織中是可能的,隨著時間的推移,這些業餘組織能夠建立對社區成員以及整個社會的責任感。
  • 9As a responsible member of the international community, China is struggling for reform of the UN and the global governance system so they are more effective and representative of the international community as a whole.作為國際社會負責任的一員,中國正在為聯合國和全球治理體系的改革而努力,使之更加有效,更能代表整個國際社會。
  • 10Governance and best practices.治理和最佳實踐。
  • 11Skills and culture, governance.技巧、文化、治理。
  • 12What is portal governance?什麼是門戶管理?
  • 13Change management governance groups.管理治理組變動。
  • 14In short, you need proper governance.簡言之,您需要適當的治理。
  • 15Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC).治理,風險與合規(GRC)。
  • 16What is governance?什麼是治理?
  • 17They reflect on the quality of governance.它們反映的是國家的治理質量。
  • 18Then there is the question of "governance."那么,這裡就有一個“統治”的問題。
  • 19IT governance is broader than SOA governance.IT治理比soa治理更廣泛。
  • 20Governance is not only for large organizations.治理不僅是面向大型組織的。
  • 21IT governance is a subset of enterprise governance.IT治理是企業治理的子集。
  • 22Information governance is governance applied to information.信息治理即套用於信息的治理。
  • 23Governance for compliance is an extension of enterprise governance.對於法規遵從性的治理是企業治理的擴展。
  • 24For example, applying governance to IT processes is IT governance, etc.舉例來說,將治理套用於IT過程是IT治理,等等。
  • 25SOA governance would benefit from existing IT and Enterprise governance.SOA 治理會受益於現有的 IT 和企業治理。
  • 26SOA governance builds on existing IT governance techniques and practices.soa治理以現有IT治理技術和實踐為基礎。
  • 27Process governance is applied within the framework of corporate governance.流程治理是被運用於公司治理這一大框架之內的。
  • 28This evolution of governance processes is the essence of governance Vitality.治理過程的演化是治理生命力的根本。
  • 29Before we can define what information governance is, we must define governance.在定義“信息治理”之前,我們必須先對“治理”下定義。
  • 30SO what about governance focused on services, otherwise known as SOA governance?那么與服務有關的治理,即soa治理,又是怎么一種情況呢?


