《Geometry and Quantum Field Theory》是一本圖書,作者是Daniel S. Freed
- 外文名:Geometry and Quantum Field Theory
- 作者:Daniel S. Freed
- 出版時間:1995年3月24日
- 頁數:459 頁
- ISBN:9780821804001
- 定價:54 歐元
- 叢書:IAS/Park City Mathematical Series
《Geometry and Quantum Field Theory》是一本圖書,作者是Daniel S. Freed
《Quantum Field Theory》是一本圖書 內容簡介 This book develops quantum field theory starting from its foundation in quantum mechanics. Quantum field theory is the basic theory of elementary particle physics. In recent years, many techniques have been developed which extend and clarify this theory. ...
Quantum Field Theory 《Quantum Field Theory》是一本圖書,作者是Nair, V. Parameswaran
Quantum Field Theory 《Quantum Field Theory》是一本圖書,作者是Mandl, Franz; Shaw, Graham G.
《Euclidean Quantum Field Theory I: Equations for a Scalar Model (Classic Reprint)》是一本圖書。內容簡介 Excerpt from Euclidean Quantum Field Theory I: Equations for a Scalar Model Eqft is of no particular interest in an axiomatic framework since the axiom...
Geometric, Algebraic and Topological Methods for Quantum Field Theory 《Geometric, Algebraic and Topological Methods for Quantum Field Theory》是一本圖書,作者是Paycha, Sylvie、Cardona, Alexander、Ocampo, Hernan。
Quantum Field Theory: A Selection of Papers in Memoriam, Kurt Symanzik 《Quantum Field Theory: A Selection of Papers in Memoriam, Kurt Symanzik》是一本圖書 內容簡介 Springer Verlag
《Quantum and Statistical Field Theory》是Oxford University Press, USA出版的圖書,作者是Michel Le Bellac 內容簡介 Quantum field theory is a fundamental branch of theoretical physics, which in the last 20 years, has led to spectacular progress in our understanding of phase transitions and elementary ...
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Lectures of Quantum Field Theory 《Lectures of Quantum Field Theory》是一本圖書,作者是Ashok Das
Quantum Statistical Field Theory 《Quantum Statistical Field Theory》是Oxford University Press出版的圖書
《Relativistic Quantum Mechanics and Field Theory (Wiley science paperback series)》是Wiley-Interscience出版的圖書,作者是Franz Gross 內容簡介 An accessible, comprehensive reference to modern quantum mechanics and field theory. In surveying available books on advanced qu...
Infinite Dimensional Lie Algebras and Quantum Field Theory: Proceedings of the Varna Summer School, 1987 《Infinite Dimensional Lie Algebras and Quantum Field Theory: Proceedings of the Varna Summer School, 1987》是一本圖書 內容簡介 World ...
《Introduction to Algebraic Quantum Field Theory》是一本圖書。內容簡介 'Et moi, ..., si j'avait su comment en revenir, One service mathematics has rendered the human race. It has put common sense back je n'y serais point aile.' Jules Verne where it belongs, on the topmost shel.f next...
《Advances in Algebraic Quantum Field Theory》是一本圖書 內容簡介 This text focuses on the algebraic formulation of quantum field theory, from the introductory aspects to the applications to concrete problems of physical interest. The book is divided in thematic chapters covering both introductory and ...
Quantum Field Theory of Non-equilibrium States 《Quantum Field Theory of Non-equilibrium States》是一本圖書,作者是Rammer, Jorgen
《Introduction to Algebraic and Constructive Quantum Field Theory》是一本圖書 內容簡介 The authors present a rigorous treatment of the first principles of the algebraic and analytic core of quantum field theory. Their aim is to correlate modern mathematical theory with the explanation of the ...
在理論物理學中,量子場論(英語:Quantum field theory)是量子力學和狹義相對論相結合的物理理論,已被廣泛的套用於粒子物理學和凝聚態物理學中。量子場論為描述多自由度系統,尤其是包含粒子產生和湮滅過程的過程,提供了有效的描述框架。非相對論性的量子場論又稱量子多體理論,主要被套用於凝聚態物理學,比如...
α.Fredholm modules and K-cycles β.The supergroup R1,1 and the convolution algebra of operator-valued distributions on γ.The Chern character of K-cycles δ.The index formula ε.The JLO cocycle 9.θ-summable K-cycles, Discrete Groups and Quantum Field Theory α Discrete subgroups of Lie ...
《量子場論第二版》是2004年世界圖書出版公司出版的圖書。圖書目錄 Prface to the first edition Preface to the second edition 1 Intropduction:synosis of particle physics 1.1 Quantum field theory 1.2 Gravitation 1.3 Strong interactions 1.4 Weak interactions 1.5 Leptonic quantum ...
在理論物理學中,量子場論(英語:Quantum field theory)是由量子力學和狹義相對論互相融合後的物理理論。已被廣泛的套用在粒子物理學和凝聚態物理學中。量子場論為描述多自由度系統,尤其是包含粒子產生和湮滅過程的過程,提供了有效的描述框架。非相對論性的量子場論又稱量子多體理論,主要被套用於凝聚態物理學,...
8.5Scatteringtheory 8.6Notes 8.7Exercises 9Multiparticlestatesandquantumentanglement 9.1Many—bodyquantumtheory 9.2Multiparticlespacetimealgebra 9.3Systemsoftwoparticles 9.4Relativisticstatesandoperators 9.5Two—spinorcalculus 9.6Notes 9.7Exercises 10Geometry 10.1Projectivegeometry 10.2Conformalgeometry 1...
[4]M. Kontsevich,Yu. Manin.Gromov-Witten classes, quantum cohomology, and enumerative geometry[J].Communications in Mathematical Physics,1994.[5]M. Alexandrov,M. Kontsevich,A. Schwarz,O. Zaboronsky.The Geometry Of The Master Equation And Topological Quantum Field Theory[J].International ...
Witten E. Quantum field theory and the Jones polynomial[J]. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 1989, 121(3): 351-399.Witten E. Two-dimensional gravity and intersection theory on moduli space[J]. Surveys in differential geometry, 1990, 1(1): 243-310.Vafa C, Witten E. A strong ...
14.1 Tunneling and Resonances 14.2 The Free Resonance Energy 14.3 Instantons 14.4 Positive Temperatures 14.5 Pre-exponential Factor for the Bounce 14.6 Contribution of the Zero-mode 14.7 Bohr-Sommerfeld Quantization for Resonances 15 Introduction to Quantum Field Theory 15.1 The Place of QFT...
5 The age and distance scales Part 3:Basics of quantum fields 6 Quantum mechanics and realtity 7 Quantum field theory 8 The standard model and beyond Part 4:The early universe 9 The hot big bang 10 Topological defects 11 Inflationary csomology Part 5:Observational cosmology 12 Matter in the ...
1. The Classical Electromagnetic Field 2. The Quantum Theory of the Electromagnetic Field 12. Molecular Vibrations 1. The Classical Theory of Molecular Vibrations 2. The Symmetry of the Molecules and theNormal Coordinates 3. How to Find the Normal Modes of Vibration 4. The Use of Symmetry ...
sets or random surfaces. Powerful computers or special devices provide "experimental" means for a new brand of theoretical physicists. In quantum field theory, applications of differential topology, geometry, Riemannian manifolds, operator theory ... require a deeper background in mathematics and a ...
1. The Classical Electromagnetic Field 2. The Quantum Theory of the Electromagnetic Field 12. Molecular Vibrations 1. The Classical Theory of Molecular Vibrations 2. The Symmetry of the Molecules and the Normal Coordinates 3. How to Find the Normal Modes of Vibration 4. The Use of...
5.2BECinConfinedGeometryandThermodynamicMapping 5.2.1Introduction 5.2.2ConfinementEffects 5.2.3ThermodynamicMapping 5.2.4MappingRelationforConfinedBEC 5.2.5DeterminationoftheCriticalTemperature 5.2.6Discussion Chapter6SomeInverseProblemsinQuantumStatistics 6.1Introduction 6.2SpecificHeat-PhononSpectrum...