《Advances in Algebraic Quantum Field Theory》是一本圖書
- ISBN:9783319356020
- 外文名:Advances in Algebraic Quantum Field Theory
《Advances in Algebraic Quantum Field Theory》是一本圖書
《Introduction to Algebraic Quantum Field Theory》是一本圖書。內容簡介 'Et moi, ..., si j'avait su comment en revenir, One service mathematics has rendered the human race. It has put common sense back je n'y serais point aile.' Jules Verne where it belongs, on the topmost shel.f next...
《Introduction to Algebraic and Constructive Quantum Field Theory》是一本圖書 內容簡介 The authors present a rigorous treatment of the first principles of the algebraic and analytic core of quantum field theory. Their aim is to correlate modern mathematical theory with the explanation of the ...
Geometric, Algebraic and Topological Methods for Quantum Field Theory 《Geometric, Algebraic and Topological Methods for Quantum Field Theory》是一本圖書,作者是Paycha, Sylvie、Cardona, Alexander、Ocampo, Hernan。
the area of finite automata, we discuss the dynamical model, the reachability and eontroUability. In the theory of graph, we introduce an algebraic approach to study the structures of graphs, which is applied to solve the multi-track assignment problem in operational research. In the field ...
which is a key technology in the analysis and synthesis of the logical dynamical systems. On the side of the applications in the finite state machines, we present the advances on the mathematical formulation, compatible analysis, reduction and language recognition. In the field of graph theory,...
130. Ming-Jing Zhao and Shao-Ming Fei, On Locality of Schmidt-Correlated States, AIP Conf. Proc. Advances in Quantum Theory, 1327 (2011) 298-307.131. Ming-Jing Zhao, Teng Ma, Shao-Ming Fei and Zhi-Xi Wang, Inequalities Detecting Quantum Entanglement for 2xd Systems, Phys. Rev. A ...
of the most spectacular developments in number theory over the last ten years)。(2001年奧斯特洛夫斯基獎評)哈佛大學的理察·泰勒在代數數論方面取得傑出進展(Richard Taylor of Harvard University for several outstanding advances in algebraic number theory)。(美國數學會弗蘭克·尼爾森·科爾數論獎)
International Conference on Group Theory and Related Topics, Xuzhou Normal University, April 19-25, 2008.International algebraic conference on the occasion of 100th anniversary of Professor A.G. Kurosh, Moscow State University, Russia, May 28-June 3, 2008.The 11st National Algebra Conference in ...
2. T.Jiang, L.Chen,Algebraic algorithms for Least Squares in quaternionic quantum theory, Comput. Phys. Commun., (176)2007:481-485 (SCI)3. T. Jiang, X. Cheng, L. Chen, An algebraic relation between consimilarity and similarity of complex matrix and its applications, J. Phys. A: Math...
(17) Solution to the Presentation Problem for Powers of the Augmentation Ideal of Torsion Free and Torsion Abelian Groups,Advances in Mathematics,2004 (18) Lambda-穩定秩下的酉 K1 -群,數學年刊,2004 (19) Stability for Quadratic K1,K-Theory,2003 (20) An explicit computation of bar ...
32.Li Qingchun , Zhang Shugong,The Criterions for Coneigenvalues of a Matrix, Advances in Matrix Theory and Applications,World Academic Press, 2006,12-15.33.牛立尚, 張樹功, MIMO 系統的約束廣義預測控制,信息技術, 2006, 第11期, 90-93.34.李俊玲,張樹功, 有約束無模型控制, 控制工程, 2007...
P. Deuflhard, S. Röblitz, C. Stötzel: Mathematical Modelling, Simulation, and Parameter Identification Exemplified at the Bovine Estrous Cycle. In (Extended Abstracts): M. Danhof, P.H. van der Graaf and N.H.G. Holford (eds.), Advances in Simultaneous Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic ...
Positivity of Chern classes of Schubert cells and varieties, Journal of Algebraic Geometry 25 (2016), 177–199.h-vectors of matroids and logarithmic concavity, Advances in Mathematics 270 (2015), 49–59.Milnor numbers of projective hypersurfaces with isolated singularities, Duke Mathematical Journal ...
現任國際雜誌《Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics》(Elsevier出版社)編委、《Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis: Theory and Applications》(World Scientific出版社) 編委;《Computational Technologies》(Published by Institute of Computational Technologies, SB, Russia Academy of Sciences) 編委; 《數學...
47.Pseudo-uniformly continuous orderhomomorphismson Fuzz,Advancesin Mathematics(Beijing),Vol.16(3),pp.305--308.1987.MR54A40 (03E72).48.The N-compactness in L-fuzzytopologicalspaces,Journal of mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 128(11), pp. 64 – 79, 1987.49.A new type of fuzzy...
thestudyoflinearseriesonbothafixedcurve(VolumeI)andonavariablecurverVolumeII .OurgoaliStogiveacomprehensiveandself-containedaccountoftheextrinsicgeometryofalgebraiccurves,whichinouropinionconstitutesthemaingeometriccoreoftherecentadvancesincurvetheory.Alongthewayweshall,ofcourse,discussappli.cationsofthetheoryof...
1.Hongyan Xia, Chang Hu, Tingkuo Chen, Dan Hu, Muru Zhang, Kang Xie. Advances in Conjugated Polymer Lasers.Polymers,2019, 11, 443.2.Hongyan Xia, Tingkuo Chen, Chang Hu, Kang Xie. Recent advances of the polymer micro/nanofiber fluorescence waveguide.Polymers,2018, 10, 1086 3.Hongyan Xia...
馮衍全,男,博士,北京交通大學理學院教授,專業方向是運籌學中的統計分析圖、網路與組合最佳化圖論與網路。個人經歷 教育背景 1979~1983Bachelor, majoring in Mathematics, Shanxi University 1985~1988Master, majoring in Group Theory, Shanxi University 1994~1997Doctor, majoring in Algebraic Graph Theory, Peking ...
10.X.G. Geng and B. Xue, A three-component generalization of Camassa-Holm equation with N-peakon solutions, Advances in Mathematics 226, 1 (2011) 827-839.11.X.G. Geng and B. Xue, Quasi-periodic solutions of mixed AKNS equations, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 73, ...
* Xiaodong Pan*, Peng Xu. An algebraic analysis for binary intuitionistic L-fuzzy relations, Foundations and Applications of Intelligent Systems, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 213, 2014, 11-20.* LIFTING QUASI-FILTERS OF LATTICE IMPLICATION ALGEBRAS, Proceeding of the 10th ...
11. H Chen, H.H. Dai*, X.K. Xiao, et al. Accurate dynamic modeling of detumbling rotating satellites with large flexible solar panels[J]. Advances in Space Research, 2023. DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2023.02.037. (WOS:001005443700001)JCR Q2, 中科院2區.12. Q.S. Wang, Z.P. Yan, H....
(76) Advances in program verification through computer algebra, Frontiers of Computer Science in China 4(1):1-16, 2010, 通訊作者 (77) Model checking linear duration invariants of networks of automata, In Proc. FSEN’09, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5961. pp.244-259, 2009, 通訊...
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5. Some Remarks on Mechanical Theorem-Proving in Elementary Geometry 6. Some Recent Advances in Mechanical Theorem-Proving of Geometries 7. Basic Principles of Mechanical Theorem Proving in Elementary Geometries 8. A Constructive Theory of Differential Algebraic Geometry Based on Works of J.F.Ritt ...
4. 2016.2.15-19.應邀參見荷蘭萊頓大學洛倫茲中心Unified Correspondence國際研討會,並報告Unified correspondence and proof theory for strict implication 5. 2015.11.1.華僑大學哲學與社會發展學院,特邀報告“信念的邏輯形式”。6. 2015.10.30.第五屆邏輯、理性與互動國際會議(台灣大學哲學系),報告Algebraic ...