《Quantum Field Theory》是一本圖書
- 外文名:Quantum Field Theory
- 語言:英語
- ISBN:9780511622649
《Quantum Field Theory》是一本圖書
《Quantum Field Theory》是一本圖書 內容簡介 This book develops quantum field theory starting from its foundation in quantum mechanics. Quantum field theory is the basic theory of elementary particle physics. In recent years, many techniques have been developed which extend and clarify this theory. ...
Quantum Field Theory 《Quantum Field Theory》是一本圖書,作者是Nair, V. Parameswaran
Quantum Field Theory 《Quantum Field Theory》是一本圖書,作者是Mandl, Franz; Shaw, Graham G.
Quantum Field Theory: A Selection of Papers in Memoriam, Kurt Symanzik 《Quantum Field Theory: A Selection of Papers in Memoriam, Kurt Symanzik》是一本圖書 內容簡介 Springer Verlag
《Aspects of Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetime》是1989年出版的一本圖書,作者是Fulling, Stephen A.。內容簡介 在彎曲時空量子場理論已引起高度重視,自從發現,由史蒂芬·霍金的黑洞蒸發。通貨膨脹的宇宙論,量子引力,弦理論等當代主題的理解,它仍然是一個重要的課題。這本書提供的數學家,物理的語言介紹...
《Euclidean Quantum Field Theory I: Equations for a Scalar Model (Classic Reprint)》是一本圖書。內容簡介 Excerpt from Euclidean Quantum Field Theory I: Equations for a Scalar Model Eqft is of no particular interest in an axiomatic framework since the axiom...
Quantum field theory is a fundamental branch of theoretical physics, which in the last 20 years, has led to spectacular progress in our understanding of phase transitions and elementary particle physics. This textbook emphasizes the underlying unity of the concepts and methods used in both domains, ...
在理論物理學裡,量子場論(英語:Quantum field theory,簡稱QFT)是結合了經典場論、狹義相對論和量子力學的一套自洽的概念和工具。在粒子物理學和凝聚態物理學中,量子場論可以分別為亞原子粒子和準粒子建立量子力學模型。量子場論將粒子視為更基礎的場上的激發態,即所謂的量子,而粒子之間的相互作用則是以相應...
在理論物理學中,量子場論(英語:Quantum field theory)是量子力學和狹義相對論相結合的物理理論,已被廣泛的套用於粒子物理學和凝聚態物理學中。量子場論為描述多自由度系統,尤其是包含粒子產生和湮滅過程的過程,提供了有效的描述框架。非相對論性的量子場論又稱量子多體理論,主要被套用於凝聚態物理學,比如...
在宇宙學和粒子物理中,彎曲時空量子場論(quantum field theory in curved spacetime)是標準閔可夫斯基時空量子場論(即平直時空量子場論(quantum field theory in flat spacetime))對彎曲時空的延伸。該理論的一個一般預測是:粒子可以通過含時引力場產生(即多引力子對產生(multigraviton pair production)),或...
因此,它也被稱為代數量子場論(algebraic quantum field theory,AQFT)。該公理是用閔可夫斯基空間(Minkowski space)中每個開集給定的 C*-代數,以及它們之間的映射陳述的。科技術語 設 Mink 是閔可夫斯基空間 的開子集的範疇,其包含映射(inclusion map)為態射(morphism)。我們給定一個從 Mink 到含麼(unital...
公理化量子場論(axiomatic quantum field theory)是用嚴格的公理來描述量子場論的一門數學學科。它與泛函分析和運算元代數密切相關,但近年來也從更加幾何、更加泛函的角度進行了研究。在這個學科中有兩個主要的挑戰。首先,人們必須提出一套公理,用來描述任何值得稱為“量子場論”的數學對象的一般屬性。然後,給出了...
B. de Wit & J. Smith, Field Theory in Particle Physics, North-Holland I.J.R. Aitchison & A.J.G. Hey, Gauge Theories in Particles Physics, Adam Hilger L.H. Ryder, Quantum Field Theory, Cambridge Univ. Press C. Itzykson & J.-B. Zuber, Quantum Field Theory, McGraw-Hill.M.B. ...
在理論物理學中,量子場論(英語:Quantum field theory)是由量子力學和狹義相對論互相融合後的物理理論。已被廣泛的套用在粒子物理學和凝聚態物理學中。量子場論為描述多自由度系統,尤其是包含粒子產生和湮滅過程的過程,提供了有效的描述框架。非相對論性的量子場論又稱量子多體理論,主要被套用於凝聚態物理學,...
在理論物理學中,量子場論(英語:Quantum field theory)是由量子力學和狹義相對論互相融合後的物理理論。已被廣泛的套用在粒子物理學和凝聚態物理學中。量子場論為描述多自由度系統,尤其是包含粒子產生和湮滅過程的過程,提供了有效的描述框架。非相對論性的量子場論又稱量子多體理論,主要被套用於凝聚態物理學,...
Part.IQuantumFieldTheory 1.QuantumMechanics 1.1HilbertSpaces 1.2CanonicalFormalism 1.3CreationandAnnihilationOperators 1.4UncertaintyPrinciple 1.5CoherentStatesandvonNeumannLattice 1.6SqueezedCoherentState 1.7ParticleNumberandPhase 1.8MacroscopicCoherence 2.QuantumFieldTheory 2.1One-BodyHamiltonian 2.2Many-...
構造性量子場論(constructive quantum field theory),在數學物理中是一個致力於展現量子理論在數學上與狹義相對論兼容的領域。構造性量子場論,此證明需要用到新的數學,在某種意義上類似於牛頓為了理解行星運動和經典引力而發展出微積分。自然界中的弱力、強力和電磁力,其本質被認為可以用量子場來描述的。我們嘗試...
《果殼中的量子場論》(Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell)是美籍華裔物理學家、作家徐一鴻所著書籍,2022年2月由中國科學技術大學出版社出版。內容簡介 本書自首次出版以來,迅速成為了一本進入這一深刻和迷人的理論物理學領域的入門和全面了解的圖書。現在,在這個修訂版中,徐一鴻教授添加了量子場論中的一些...
17 Quantum Chromodynamiscs 18 Operator Products and Effective Vertices 19 Perturbation Theory Anomalies 20 Gauge Theories with Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking 21 Quantization of Spontaneously Broken Gauge Theories Final Project:Decays of the Higgs Boson Epilogue 22 Quantum Field Theory at the Frontier Appendix...
《量子場論第二版》是2004年世界圖書出版公司出版的圖書。圖書目錄 Prface to the first edition Preface to the second edition 1 Intropduction:synosis of particle physics 1.1 Quantum field theory 1.2 Gravitation 1.3 Strong interactions 1.4 Weak interactions 1.5 Leptonic quantum ...
For a computation-method oriented course an instructor would probably wish to suplement this book with a more comprehensive and specialized text such as Peskin and Schroeder An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory, which is intended for particle theorists, or perhaps the venerable Quantum Theory of ...
INTRODUCTION 1.1 Relativistic Wave Mechanics 1.2 The Birth of Quantum Field Theory 1.3 The Problem of Infinities Bibliography References 2 RELATIVISTIC QUANTUM MECHANICS 2.1 Quantum Mechanics 2.2 Symmetries 2.3 Quantum Lorentz Transformations 2.4 The Poincare Algebra 2.5 One-Particle States ...
1.2 Why quantum field theory? 3 2 Quantum theory of free scalar fields 8 2.1 Local fields 10 2.2 Problems for Chapter 2 13 3 Interacting field theory 17 3.1 Schwinger.Dyson equations and functional integrals 17 3.2 Functional integral solution of the SD equations 20 3.3 Perturbation ...
2.3 Boson Field Operators 2.4 Quantum Field Theory 2.5 Fermion Field Operators 2.6 Electrons Interacting with Electromagnetic Field 3. Canonical Quantization 3.1 Relativistic Particles and Waves 3.2 Schrodinger Field 3.3 Real Klein-Gordon Field 3.4 Complex Klein-Gordon Field ...
《非平衡態量子場論(英文版)》內容簡介:The purpose of this book is to provide an introduction to the applications of quantum field theoretic methods to systems out of equilibrium. The reason for adding a book on the subject of quantum field theory is two-fold: the presentation is, to my ...
In The Quantum Theory of Fields Nobel Laureate Steven Weinberg combines his exceptional physical insight with his gift for clear exposition to provide a self-contained, comprehensive, and up-to-date introduction to quantum field theory.Volume III presents a self-contained, up-to-date and ...
6. Nonrelativistic Quantum Field Theory of Interacting Particles and Its Applications 6.1 Quantum Gases 6.2 Nearly Ideal, Degenerate Bose-Einstein Gases 7. Superfluidity 7.1 Basics of a Microscopic Theory of Superfluidity 7.2 Landau's Theory of Superfluidity 8. Pair Correlations Among Fermions ...