《DNA Sequencing III》是2008年4月出版的圖書,作者是Kieleczawa, Jan。
- 外文名:DNA Sequencing III
- 作者:Kieleczawa, Jan
- 出版時間:2008年4月
- ISBN:9780763742973
《DNA Sequencing III》是2008年4月出版的圖書,作者是Kieleczawa, Jan。
"DNA Sequencing Protocols covers the commonly used protocols in a clearly written manner and is thorough in description. This book is highly recommended for all libraries serving researchers involved in any aspect of DNA sequencing." - E-STREAMS 目錄 Introduction to DNA Sequencing, Colin A. G...
3.3 DNA Purification 3.4 Electrophoresis 3.5 In Vitro Synthesis of DNA 3.6 DNA Sequencing 3.7 Macromolecular Hybridization and Blotting 3.8 PCR Techniques Chapter 4 Cloning Procedure 4.1 Basic Procedure of Cloning 4.2 Selection of Cloning Vectors 4.3 Preparation of Donor DNA 4.4 Joining ...
(5) Guo CY, Xu XF, Wu JY, Liu SF. PCR-SSCP-DNA sequencing method in detecting PTEN gene mutation and its significance in human gastric cancer. World J Gastroenterol 2008;14(24):3804-11(第一作者,通信作者)(SCI收錄,IF:2.08)(6) Xu XF, Xie CG, Wang XP, Liu J, Yu YC, Hu ...
Amino-acid sequencing(胺基酸順序)細胞色素C DNA、RNA分子雜交 數量分類學(Numerical taxonomy):套用數學理論和電子計算機技術處理生物分類學問題的邊沿學科。1957年誕生,索卡爾和斯尼斯《數量分類學原理》(1963)為標誌。 分支分類學:以譜系學(genealogy),即系統發育的分支式樣為基礎,旨在建立生物種系發生的...
87. M. Zhao, X. Wang,H. Chen*, X.Y. Lan, Y.K. Guo, J.Y. Li, T.B. Wei, Y.J. Jing, S.Q. Liu, M.H. Zhang, Q.W. Gao. The PCR-SSCP and DNA sequencing methods detecting a large deletion mutation at KAP6.2 locus in the cashmere goat. Small Ruminant Research,2008,75...
7. Yu Hui, You Xinxin, Li Jia, Li Hankui, Meng Zining, Xiao Ling, Zhang Haifa, Lin Haoran*,Zhang Yong*, Shi Qiong*. Genome-Wide Mapping of Growth-Related Quantitative Trait Loci in Orange-Spotted Grouper (Epinephelus coioides) Using Double Digest Restriction-Site Associated DNA Sequencing (...
45. Zhou Y, Dong G, Tao Y, Chen C, Yang B, Wu Y, Yang Z, Liang G*, Wang B*, Wang Y*. Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci Associated with Toot Traits Using Sequencing-Based Genotyping Chromosome Segment Substitution Lines Derived from 9311 and Nipponbare in Rice (Oryza sativa L.). PL...
40. Li Z, Lin Q, Huang W, Tzeng CM. Target genecapture sequencing in Chinese population of sporadic Parkinson disease.Medicine (Baltimore). 2015 May;94(20):e836. doi:10.1097/MD.0000000000000836.PMID: 25997059; PMCID:PMC4602860.39. Lin Q, Huang WQ, Tzeng CM. Geneticassociations of leuko...
Sequencing Read Ye Yang and Juan Liu 3 Advancement of Polarizable Force Field and Its Use for Molecular Modeling and Design Peijun Xu, Jinguang Wang, Yong Xu, Huiying Chu, Jiahui Liu,Meixia Zhao, Depeng Zhang, Yingchen Mao, Beibei Li,Yang Ding and Guohui Li 4 Systematic Methods for...
《利用CRISPR/Cas9系統構建真核基因敲除文庫的方法》進一步提供一種研究基因功能的方法,基於所述真核基因敲除細胞文庫,提取細胞的基因組DNA,設計引物,PCR擴增含有sgRNA序列的DNA片段,利用深度測序技術(Deep Sequencing)對擴增產物進行測序,分析測序結果,通過比較sgRNA的富集程度,來確定sgRNA所對應基因的功能。其中,...
2.The diverging epigenomic landscapes of honeybee queens and workers revealed by multiomic sequencing 3.Phenotypic dimorphism between honeybee queen and worker is regulated by complicated epigenetic modifications 4. A comparison of honeybee (Apis mellifera) queen, worker and drone larvae by RNA-Seq 5. ...
DNA exonuclease DNA核酸外切酶 EXONUCLEASE IIICAS 核酸外切酶III 雙語例句 This would be faster than exonuclease sequencing.這會比核酸外切酶測序法快得多。Dr Sanghera says Oxford Nanopore has developed an electronic cartridge system called GridION, based on "lab on a chip" technology, for exonuclease ...
[85] Wang T, Johnson N,Zou J, Bols N, Secombes CJ.Sequencing and expression of the second allele of the interleukin-1beta1 gene in rainbowtrout (Oncorhynchus mykiss):identification of a novel SINE in the third intron.Fish ShellfishImmunol.2004;16:335-58.[86] Buonocore F, Mazzini M, ...
”(央廣網 評)“喬治·丘奇是基因編輯與合成領域的翹楚。”(時任深圳華大生命科學研究院院長、深圳國家基因庫執行主任徐訊 評)“喬治·丘奇為人類基因組測序技術和DNA合成與組裝做出了貢獻(For contributions to human genome sequencing technologies and DNA synthesis and assembly)。”(美國國家工程院 評 )
44.Tao Tao, Liang Zhao, Yuanda Lv, Jiedan Chen, Yan Hu, Tianzhen Zhang, Baoliang Zhou*.Transcriptome Sequencing and Differential Gene Expression Analysis of Delayed Gland Morphogenesis in Gossypium australe during Seed Germination.PLoS ONE,2013,8(9): e75323. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0075323 ...
(XWZ-56)Zhang, X., Moore, J. N., Newsted, J. L., Hecker, M., Zwiernik, M. J., Jones, P. D., et al. (2009). Sequencing and characterization of mixed function monooxygenase genes CYP1A1 and CYP1A2 of mink (mustela vison) to facilitate study of dioxin-like compounds. Toxicol ...
Zhao, Y., Xu, Z., Mo, Q., Zou, C., Li, W., Xu, Y., Xie, C. * 2013. Combined small RNA and degradome sequencing reveals novel miRNAs and their targets in response to low nitrate availability in maize. Annals of Botany 112, 633-642.Xie, C. , Weng, J., Liu, W., Zou,...
E2區cDNA的克隆與表達681 第9章 其他與肝炎有關的病毒687 1我國不同人群中TTV感染689 2 TT病毒的檢測及部分核苷酸序列比較691 3從6例血友病患者分離的TT病毒基因克隆及序列測定697 4 TTV Gene Cloning and Sequencing in Hemophilic Patients702 5中國北方地區部分獻血員TT病毒的基因型分布707 ...
27. Li, Z.Y.* Application of PCR-DGGE fingerprinting in molecular ecology of marine microbial symbionts. In: Ovesen, K. and Matthiesen, U.(eds).DNA: Fingerprinting, Sequencing and Chips. Nova Science Publishers, New York. 2009,pp.221-229. (ISBN: 978-1-60741-814-6)。研究成果 近年來...
Zhu GF, Wan M, Huang HL, Qian Z, Wang SY, MaW, Yao ZJ, Shen Y, Qiang BQ, Xia QC, Guo XK, Danchin A, Saint GironsI,Somerville RL, Wen YM, Shi MH, Chen Z, Xu JG, Zhao GP.Unique physiological and pathogenicfeatures of Leptospira interrogans revealed by whole-genome sequencing. ...
39. Guo, Z. & Nie, P. (2013). Sequencing and expression analysis of CD3γ/δ and CD3ε chains in mandarin fish, Siniperca chuatsi. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 31: 106-117.40. Guo, Z., Wang, G.L., Fu, J.P. &Nie, P. (2013). Characterization and expression of...
Mitra, Mohammad Farhad Vahidi, Shahid Mansoor, Sahar Ahmed Al-Bayatti, Eka Meutia Sari, Neena Amatya Gorkhali, Sigit Prastowo, Laiba Shafique, Guoyou Ye, Qian Qian, Baoshan Chen, Deshun Shi, Jue Ruan, Qingyou Liu,Understanding divergent domestication traits from the whole-genome sequencing of ...
requirements of water and the DNA! RNA! protein dogma. Indeed, imagination is the only limitation to the astrobiologist’s thinking, although it is a severe one. To test your own imagination, contemplate the question ‘What is life?’ and propose one or two truly alternative life styles to ...
77 Cloning and Sequencing of Buffalo Interferon-Gamma (Ifn-?) Gene and the Characteristics of Production of Ifn-? in Fasciola Gigantica Experimentally Infected Buffaloes 張為宇 鄭小龍 黃維義 11屆國際寄生蟲學大會,展版2006,08 UK 78 分子分類結合形態學觀察鑑定重慶地區片形吸蟲種類 中國獸醫寄生蟲病....
[2]Bin Wang, Guangwu Guo, Chao Wang, Ying Lin,Xiaoning Wang,Mouming Zhao, Yong Guo, Minghui He, Yong Zhang, and Li Pan*,(2010). Survey of the transcriptome of Aspergillus oryzae via massivelyparallel mRNA sequencing. Nucleic Acids Res , 38(15): 5075 087 (SCI影響因子:7.8)[3]Zhou,...
Kajita, T., (2013) Development of 11 polymorphic microsatellite markers for Xylocarpus granatum (Meliaceae) using next-generation sequencing technology. Conservation Genetics Resources: 1-4.Friess, D. A., Phelps, J., Leong, R. C., Lee, W. K., Wee, A. K. S., Sivasothi, N., Oh R. ...