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  • 外文名:Armor
  • 詞性:名詞、動詞
  • 英式音標:[ˈɑːmə(r)]
  • 美式音標:[ˈɑːrmər]


英 [ˈɑːmə(r)] 美 [ˈɑːrmər]
n. 盔甲,甲冑;裝甲,防彈鋼板;甲殼;裝甲部隊,裝甲車輛;(感情、社交或其他方面的)防禦
v. (感情、社交或其他方面的)防禦
【名】 (Armor)(英、美、法)阿莫爾(人名)
[ 第三人稱單數 armors 現在分詞 armoring 過去式 armored 過去分詞 armored ]


armor plate 裝甲板
body armor 防彈衣,護身服


  • 1The new armor is not pure liquid, of course.當然,這種新型的裝甲並不是純液體。
  • 2There is a guy in a bunch of armor on a horse.有一個穿著盔甲的人騎在馬上。
  • 3Infantry and armor units are already deploying on the Gaza border.步兵和裝甲部隊已經部署在加沙邊境。
  • 4The helicopter has not only powerful weapons and armor, but it can take up to 8 gunners.這架直升機不僅有強大的武器和裝甲,還可以帶上8名槍手。
  • 5The Spider Armor was donned by Peter Parker on only one occasion, probably because it was too heavy!彼得·帕克只有一次穿上蜘蛛盔甲,可能是因為它太重了!
  • 6Trooper Onozuki, wearing mask and armor, sits in the other doorway, leaning on the sling of the door-gun.戴著面具和身著盔甲的士兵 Onozuki 坐在另一個門口,斜靠在門槍的吊索上。
  • 7Passing the pangolin around like a football, inquisitive lions spent hours trying to devour the armor-plated creature.好奇的獅子們把穿山甲像足球一樣傳來傳去,花了好幾個小時試圖吃掉這個被盔甲包裹的生物。
  • 8Researchers at the University of Delaware developed shear-thickening fluids for use in liquid armor almost ten years ago.德拉瓦大學的研究人員們幾乎在十年前就研製出了用於製作液體裝甲的剪下增稠液。
  • 9Researchers at the University of Delaware developed shear-thickening fluids for use as liquid armor almost ten years ago.差不多十年以前,美國德拉瓦大學的研究人員研製出這種剪下增稠液體用於液體盔甲。
  • 10This courtly poetry came out of the idea of chivalry and courtly love that you might associate with knights in shining armor.這種宮廷風格的詩歌來源於騎士精神和宮廷式的愛情,你可能會把它與穿著閃亮盔甲的騎士聯繫在一起。
  • 11Sea urchins are perhaps best known for their armor of spines.海膽也許最出名的是它們的刺甲。
  • 12Sea urchins are perhaps best known for their armor of spines.海膽也許最出名的是它們的刺甲。
  • 13Their shields are made of wicker and they don't have that kind of metal body armor and all that stuff.他們的盾牌是用柳條做的,他們沒有那種金屬防彈衣之類的東西。
  • 14I naturally started to don my "kill the technician" armor, preparing for a loud but unintelligible assault on the jerk.我自然而然地披上“殺死技術員”的鎧甲,準備向這個混蛋發起嘹亮但難以理解的攻擊。
  • 15My knight in shining armor?我的騎士在閃閃發光的盔甲里嗎?
  • 16Britain offered 1, 000 sets of body armor.英國提供了1,000套防彈衣。
  • 17The Soviet knight is dying inside his armor.蘇聯騎士正在他的鎧甲內死去。
  • 18Ares was often pictured with brazen armor and a spear.他常被描繪成身披黃銅盔甲,手持長矛。
  • 19I found out later an armor plate protects his back.後來我又發現在他背上有一塊用於保護他的裝甲板。
  • 20They grab helmets, body armor, and heavy firepower.他們戴上頭盔,披上護甲,拿上重火力武器。
  • 21It took him from 10 to 100 hours to create each armor.他花費了10-100小時為各個動物量身打造各自的鎧甲。
  • 22The leading role in the film is costumed in medieval armor.影片中的主角穿著中古時代的甲冑。
  • 23The soldiers wore sparkling armor. Banners fluttered in the breeze.戰士們穿著閃亮的盔甲,旌旗在風中飄揚。
  • 24Thanks to the vehicle's advanced armor, all of them seemed unscathed.多虧了先進的車輛裝甲,他們看起來並無大礙。
  • 25So, the full armor of God includes integrity, purity and serenity.因此,神的全副武裝,包括正直、純淨與平安。
  • 26On another day we met a snapping turtle in his primordial olive drab armor.還有一天我們在路上看到了一隻鱷龜,這隻烏龜一襲原始的草綠色盔甲。
  • 27When they did, it was Jonathan and his armor-bearer who were not there.他們一查點,就知道約拿單和拿兵器的人沒有在這裡。
  • 28But the overpressure wave inevitably passes through the rigid armor layer.但是,超壓衝擊波必然會穿透堅固的鎧甲層。
  • 29The five agents are encased in body armor and are toting semiautomatic weapons.五個身著防彈衣的特工手持半自動武器。


