- 作品名稱:人生頌
- 外文名稱:A Psalm of Life
- 創作年代:1838年
- 作品出處:《夜吟》
- 文學體裁:詩歌
- 作者:亨利·沃茲沃斯·朗費羅
- 國家:美國
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Tell me not, in mournful2numbers, | Art is long , and Time is fleeting7, | Lives of great men all remind us |
“Life is but an empty dream!” | And our hearts, though stout8 and brave, | We can make our lives sublime14, |
for the soul is dead that slumbers3, | Still, like muffled9 drums10, are beating | And , departing , leave behind us |
And things are not what they seem. | Funeral11 marches to the grave. | Footprints on the sands of time; |
2 | 5 | 8 |
Life is real!Life is earnest4! | In the world's broad field of battle, | Footprints, that perhaps another, |
And the grave is not its goal; | In the bivouac12 of Life, | Sailing o'er life solemn main, |
“Dust thou art, to dust returnest5,” | Be not like dumb, driven cattle! | A forlorn15 and shipwrecked16 brother , |
Was not spoken of the soul. | Be a hero in the strife13! | Seeing, shall take heart again. |
3 | 6 | 9 |
Not enjoyment, and not sorrow6, | Trust no Future,howe'er pleasant! | Let us , then, be up and doing, |
Is our destined end our way; | Let the dead Past bury its dead! | With a heart for any fate; |
But to act, that much to-morrow | Act, -act in the living Present! | Still achieving, still pursuing, |
Find us farther than to-day. | Heart within, and God o'erhead! | Learn to labor and to wait. |
(一) | (二) |
人生頌(年輕人的心對歌者說的話) | 人生頌 |
1 | 1 |
不要在哀傷的詩句里告訴我: | 莫將煩惱著詩篇 |
“人生不過是一場幻夢!” | 百歲原如一覺眠 |
靈魂睡著了,就等於死了,① | 夢短夢長同是夢 |
事物的真相與外表不同。 | 獨留真氣滿坤乾 |
2 | 2 |
人生是真切的!人生是實在的! | 天地生材總不虛 |
它的歸宿絕不是荒墳: | 由來豹死尚留皮 |
“你本是塵土,必歸於塵土”,② | 縱淋出土仍歸土 |
這是指軀殼,不是指靈魂。 | 靈性常存無絕期 |
3 | 3 |
我們命定的目標和道路 | 無端憂樂日相循 |
不是享樂,也不是受苦; | 天命斯人自有真 |
而是行動,在每個明天 | 人法天行強不息 |
都超越今天,跨出新步。 | 一時功業一時新 |
4 | 4 |
智藝無窮,時光飛逝;③ | 無術揮戈學魯陽 |
這顆心,縱然勇敢堅強, | 枉談肝膽異尋常 |
也只如鼙鼓,悶聲擂動著, | 一從薤露歌聲起 |
一下又一下,向墳地送喪。 | 邱隴無人宿草荒 |
5 | 5 |
世界是一片遼闊的戰場, | 擾擾紅塵聽鼓鼙 |
人生是到處紮寨安營; | 風吹大漠草萋萋 |
莫學那聽人驅策的啞畜, | 駑駘甘待鞭笞下 |
做一個威武善戰的英雄! | 騏驥誰能轡勒羈 |
6 | 6 |
別指靠將來,不管它多可愛! | 休道將來樂有時 |
把已逝的過去永久掩埋! | 可憐往事不堪思 |
行動吧——趁著活生生的現在! | 只今有力均須努 |
胸中有赤心,頭上有真宰! | 人力殫時天佑之 |
7 | 7 |
偉人的生平啟示我們: | 千秋萬代遠蜚聲 |
我們能夠生活得高尚, | 學步金鰲頂上行 |
而當告別人世的時候, | 已去冥鴻亦有跡 |
留下腳印在時間的沙上;④ | 雪泥爪印認分明 |
8 | 8 |
也許我們有一個弟兄 | 茫茫塵世海中漚 |
航行在莊嚴的人生大海, | 才過來舟又去舟 |
遇險沉了船,絕望的時刻, | 欲問失帆誰挽救 |
會看到這腳印而振作起來。 | 沙洲遺蹟可追求 |
9 | 9 |
那么,讓我們起來乾吧, | 一鞭從此躍征鞍 |
對任何命運要敢於擔待; | 不到峰頭心不甘 |
不斷地進取,不斷地追求, | 日進日高還日上 |
要善於勞動,善於等待。 | 肯教中道偶停驂 |
(楊德豫譯) | (董恂改譯) |