Liang Xiwen,Huang Bin.Exploration on Difficulties and Strategies in MICE Bilingual Teaching[CA]2015 International Conference on Advances in Social Sciences (ICASS2015)
Huang Bin. MICE Industry Website Construction for China’s Enterprises [CA].2014 International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSSE 2014) Huang Bin. MICE Education from Perspective of Modern Information Technology [CA].2014 International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (CSSE 2014)
Huang Bin, R&D of CRM in China’s Trade Fair Industry [CA]. 6th International Conference on Bio Medical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI2013) Hangzhou,China.2013, Indexed by CPCI-S. Compendex 2014
HuangBin,Online Trade Fair Development Under the Influence of Financial Crisis [CA]. 6th International Conference on Bio Medical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI2013)Hangzhou,China.2013, Indexed by CPCI-S. Compendex 2014
Huang Bin; XuLisha, Approaches to Urban Traffic Jam in China with a Comprehensive Way- A Case Study on Hangzhou [J] Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences (AISS) Vol5,issue5.Korea,2013
Li Shiping;Huang Bin, Research on the Post-Practice of the Conference & Exhibition Major of Higher Vocational Education [J].Lecture NotesinManagementScience. Vol31,Issue5, Indexed by CPCI-SSH. Compendex 2013
Li Shiping; HuangBin,Research on the Training Method of Professional Core Competence Based on Work-Study Combination [J]. Lecture Notes in Management Science Vol31,Issue5, Indexed by CPCI-SSH Compendex 2013
Xu Lisha; HuangBin; Zhang, Mengxin, A New Exploration of MICE Education: Idea and Practice of Talent Training with Competition Mode [J]. Advancesin Education Research. Vol10, Issue2.Indexed by CPCI-SSH Compendex2013
Huang Bin,MICE Education from Perspective of Modern Information Technology [CA].The International Conference on Business Management and Electronic Information, BMEI2012 Guangzhou,China.2012
Huang Bin; Xu Lisha, Professional Website Construction for China’s MICE Enterprises [CA].The International Conference on Business Management and Electronic Information,(BMEI2012) Guangzhou, China.2012
Xu Lisha;Huang Bin, A Strategic CRM Plan for Exhibition Enterprises in China [CA]. The International Conference on Business Management and Electronic Information,(BMEI2012) Guangzhou,China.2012
Huang Bin; Xu Lisha, Discussion on the Construction of Developmental Environment for “Online Exhibition” [CA]. International Workshop on Information Science and Education Technology, (WISET2012) Xiamen,China 2012
Shen Mingxia; Huang Bin, Enhance Interactivity in the Teaching of Interpretation Based on the Blackboard Teaching Platform[CA].International Workshop on Information Science and Education Technology, (WISET2012) Xiamen, China 2012
Huang Bin; Li Shiping, Discussion on the Mode of Case-studying in the Teaching of Project Management for Exhibition [J].Lecture Notes in Management Science. Vol8, Issue2. Singapore, Indexed by CPCI-SSH Compendex 2012
Huang Bin;Li Shiping, Application of CDIO Method in the Course of the Planning Exhibition [J]. Lecture Notes in Management Science. Vol8, Issue2, Singapore, Indexed by CPCI-SSH Compendex. 2012
Huang Bin; Shen Mingxia, The Investigation and Analysis of Hangzhou Transportation Status [J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials. Vol178-181, Yantai, China. Indexed by EI and CPCI-S Compendex.2012
Huang Bin; Shen Mingxia, A Case Study on Hangzhou's Public Bicycle System in Relieving Pressureon Road Transport [J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials. Vol178-181, Indexed by EI and CPCI-S Compendex. 2012
Huang Bin; Shen Mingxia, Customer Relationship Management in Trade Fair Industry [CA]. 2012 International Conference on E-Business and E-Government.(ICEE2012). Shanghai, China.2012
Shen Mingxia; Huang Bin,Study on Teaching of E-commerce Englishin China [CA].2012 International Conference on E-Business and E-Government.(ICEE2012).Shanghai, China.2012
Shen Mingxia; Huang Bin, Trade Fair Visitors' Relationship Management Based on their Data Analysis and Appraisal [CA]. 2nd International Conferenceon Artificial Intelligence, Indexed by EI.2011
Huang Bin; Daniel W.Lund,Web Based Visitor Data Managementv for China's Trade Fairs [CA]. 2011 International Conferenceon E-Business and E-Government, (ICEE2011). Indexed by EI.2011
Huang Bin; Shen Mingxia, Utilization of Competitive Intelligence in China's Trade Fair Companies [CA]. 2011 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Indexed by EI.2011
Huang Bin, Research on Coupling Effectsof MICE Economy and City Brand [CA]. Forum for Contemporary Service Industry in Asia Pacific Region.Marco,China.2010.
Huang Bin; Daniel W.Lund, Influence of the Yiwu Fair on the Development of Business Travel and the Localeconomy [J]. Global Business and Organizational Excellence. Vol28, Issue6, 2009 (9/10) Indexed by ABI/INFORM Compendex.USA,2009.
Huang Bin; Xu Linqiang, The Influence of the Yiwu Fair on the Development of Local Business Travel [CA]. Global Events Congress III & China Event Education Conference III,Australia.2008
1. Liang Xiwen,Huang Bin.Exploration on Difficulties and Strategies in MICE Bilingual Teaching[CA]2015 International Conference on Advances in Social Sciences (ICASS2015)
1. Ruping Weng and Bin Huang, Discussion on the Mode of Interactive Teaching in the Curriculum of College Education..[J] Physical Education and Society Management.Vol.22-24, Indexed by CPCI-SSH.2015
2. ZiyingGao, Mengdan Chen and Bin Huang, Application and Exploration o fBilingual Teaching in College Teaching. .[J] Physical Education and Society Management.Vol.22-24, Indexed by CPCI-SSH.2015
3.Xi Luo,Cheng yu Qi and Bin Huang, Exploration of Experience Learningin E-commerce Course.[J] Physical Education and Society Management.Vol.22-24, Indexed by CPCI-SSH.2015
1. Zhang Chen;Jiang ShiJie; Huang Bin,Strategies for the Security of Online Payments in E-commerce [J]. Advanced Materials Research,Vol756-759, Indexed by EI.2013
2. Lei Chunyan; Huang Bin, On the Construction of Internet Traffic Billing System [J]. Advanced Materials Research, Vol756-759, Indexed by EI.2013
3. He Beiying; Huang Bin, On Competitive Strategy for Group Purchase Websites in China [J]. Advanced Materials Research, Vol756-759, Indexed by EI.2013
4. Lu Xiaohan; Yu Menglan; Huang Bin, Analysis on Status of Two-Dimensional Code Development & Prospects Prediction [J]. Advanced Materials Research, Vol756-759, Indexed by EI.2013
5. Chen Mengdi; Liu Luling; Huang Bin, On Applications of Cellphone Two-Dimensional Code in China [J]. Advanced Materials Research, Vol756-759, Indexed by EI.2013
6. Shen Miaoyan; Liu Chenyu; Huang Bin, A Development Strategy of M-Commerce Against Mobile Internet [J]. Advanced Materials Research, Vol756-759, Indexed by EI.2013
7. Yu Menglan; Lu Xiaohan; Huang Bin, Promotion and Significance of Dialect Culture in Local Education [J] Advances in Education Research, Vol18. Issue3, Indexed by CPCI-SSH. 2013.
1. Zhou Zhuoqi; Ding Qianying; Huang Bin, Online Trust Building Mechanism in E-Commerce [CA]. 2012IEEE Symposiumon Robotics and Applications, ISRA2012,Indexed by EI.2012
2. Xuan Fang; Tao Ying; Huang Bin, The Establishment and Strategy of Digital Identity Authentication System [CA]. 2012IEEE Symposiumon Electrical and Electronics Engineering, EEESYM2012,Indexed by EI. 2012
3. Ding Qianying; Zhou Zhuoqi; Huang Bin, Case Study of Application of Interactive Marketing in E-Commerce [CA].2012IEEE Symposiumon Electrical and Electronics Engineering, EEESYM2012,Indexed by EI. 2012
4. ZhuJ ingjing;SunQiu; Huang,Bin, On the Prospects for the Development of Business Intelligence in China [CA]2012IEEE Symposiumon Electrical and Electronics Engineering, EEESYM2012,Indexed by EI. 2012
榮獲2014-2015浙江大學城市學院就業先進個人 論文《MICE Industry Website Construction for China’s Enterprises》(黃彬撰)榮獲第八屆中國會展經濟研究會優秀成果一等獎
論文《政府主導型展會“浙交會”平台建設的探索與思考》(黃彬撰)榮獲第八屆中國會展經濟研究會優秀成果二等獎 論文《MICE Education from Perspective of Modern Information Technology》(黃彬)榮獲第八屆中國會展經濟研究會優秀成果三等獎 論文《淺談杭州如何打造“國際會議目的地”》(黃彬撰)榮獲第八屆中國會展經濟研究會優秀成果三等獎
榮獲2014年度浙江省十大優秀會展人物獎 榮獲2014年度中國會展教育傑出人物獎 榮獲2014年度浙江大學城市學院學科競賽優秀指導教師 論文《Customer Relationship Management in China's Trade Fair Industry 》(黃彬撰)榮獲第七屆中國會展經濟研究會優秀成果一等獎 論文《Online Trade Fair Development Under the Influence of Financial Crisis》(黃彬撰)榮獲第七屆中國會展經濟研究會優秀成果一等獎 論文《義烏會展業轉型升級發展戰略研究》(黃彬)榮獲第七屆中國會展經濟研究會優秀成果二等獎 論文《基於CDIO模式的會展教育研究》(黃彬撰)榮獲第七屆中國會展經濟研究會優秀成果二等獎