



  • 書名:高職高專十一五規劃教材·當代套用英語4
  • ISBN:9787561754054
  • 頁數:234頁
  • 出版社:華東師範大學出版社
  • 出版時間:第1版 (2008年1月1日)
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16
  • 尺寸:24.2 x 18.6 x 1 cm


《高職高專十一五規劃教材?當代套用英語4(學生用書)》起點適當,適應高職學生的需求,“聽、說、讀、寫、譯”並重,尤其注重聽說技能的訓練,充分體現高職高專英語教育特色。“教、學、考”充分整合,練習與測試的設計緊貼全國高校英語套用能力考試的實際需要。教材設計緊跟時代發展,體例新穎,雙色印刷,圖文並茂,寓教於樂。每冊學生用書附贈Mini Dictionary,摒棄傳統辭彙編寫方式,方便易用,大大提高學生語彙學習效果。


Unit 1 Beal Estate
ListeningUnderstanding statements,short conversations and passages concerning the real estate market
SpeakingTalking about housing
ReadingForeigners Keen on Buying Cheap Houses in Shanghai;Chinese Residential Construction
GrammarThe use of“as”
WritingHow to Write a Sales Letter
Unit 2 Natural Disasters
ListeningUnderstanding statements,short conversations and passages concerning natural disasters
SpeakingTalking about natural disasters
ReadingEffects of Hurricane Katrina;Criticism on Government‘s Response
GrammarPast perfect tense
WritingHow to Write Promotion Announcements
Unit 3 The Stock Exchange
ListeningUnderstanding statements,short conversations and passages concerning stock exchange and share market
SpeakingTalking about stock exchange and share market
ReadingU.S.Securities and Exchange Commission;ASX Share Market Game
GrammarAttributive clauses
WritingHow to Respond to an Inquiry about Products
Unit 4 Uajor Construction Projects
ListeningUnderstanding statements,short conversations and passages concerning malor construction projects
SpeakingTalking about major construction works
ReadingTibet Train Runs Safely into Winter;Brief Introduction to the Three Gorges Dam Project
GrammarWith+object+obiect complement
WritingHow to Inquire about Products and Services
Unit 5 Intornational Coanercial Terms [Incoterms]
ListeningUnderstanding statements,short conversations and passages concerning Incoterms
SpeakingTalking about modes of transportation in foreign trade
ReadingInternational Commercial Terms(I)&(II)
GrammarAbbreviations and acronyms
WritingHow to Ask Questions about Shipping and Delivery
Unit 6 What IS Logistics?
ListeningUnderstanding statements,short conversations and passages concerning logistics
SpeakingTalking about the transportation and people
ReadingWhat Is Logistics?The Influence of International Logistics
WritingHow to Complain about Delivery or Billing Errors
Unit 7 insurance
ListeningUnderstanding statements,short conversations and passages concerning insurance
SpeakingTalking about insu rance


