2011.09-2012.09 紐西蘭奧克蘭大學化學院食品科學系 訪問學者。
(3)陝西省科技統籌項目---無醇起泡蘋果酒加工關鍵技術研究(2015KTCL02-02), 2015.1-2017.12;
(17)西北農林科技大學青年專項——增香型蘋果酒干酵母產業化開發(04ZM058), 2004-2005;
(5)蘋果果糖生產技術研究, 2002年陝西省科技廳成果鑑定。
(1)Zhenpeng Gao* ,Zhifang Yu,Tianli Yue and Siew Young Quek. Optimization of polyphenol removal from kiwifruit juice using a macroporous resin [J]. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture,2017,97(8): 2498-2507. (SCI).
(2)Jiang Bo Zhang, Zhen Peng Gao*, Xing Hua Liu, Tian Li Yue and Ya Hong Yuan. The Effect of RF Treatment Combined with Nisin Against Alicyclobacillus Spores in Kiwi Fruit Juice [J]. Food and Bioprocess Technology,2017,10(2):340-348. (SCI).
(3)Mengqi Ye,Zhenpeng Gao# , Zhao Li, Yahong Yuan, Tianli Yue. Rapid detection of volatile compounds in apple wines using FT-NIR spectroscopy [J]. Food Chemistry, 2016,190(1):701–708 (SCI) .
(4)Gao Z .P.*, Yu Z.F., Yue T.L., Quek S. Y.. Adsorption isotherm, thermodynamics and kinetics studies of polyphenols separation from kiwifruit juice using adsorbent resin [J]. Journal of Food Engineering, 2013,116 (1): 195~201(SCI).
(5)Gao Zhenpeng, Li Zhenlei, Yuan Yahong and Yue Tianli.Synthesis of Methylacrylic Acid Nanomaterials and Its Adsorption Study on Polyphenols[J].Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2015,46(5):226-232 (EI) .
(6)Gao Zhenpeng, Zhang Dan, Liu Rui, Yuan Yahong and Yue Tianli. Adsorption Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Patulin Separation from Apple Juice Using Adsorbent Resin Apple Juice Using Adsorbent Resin[J].Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2015,46(10):304-310 (EI) .
(7)Gao Zhenpeng, Liu Rui, Zhang Deju, Yuan Yahong and Yue Tianli. Kinetics Study of Ultrasonic Degradation of Patulin in Apple Juice[J].Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2015,46(11):230-235 (EI) .
(8)Gao Zhenpeng, Yuan Yahong, Yue Tianli, Bin Zhaode, Wang Yunyang. Influence of Centrifugation and Sedimentation on Turbidity of Pomegranate Juice during Storage [J]. Journal of Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology, 2014, 14(5): 117-123 (EI).
(9)Gao Zhenpeng, Yue Tianli, Yuan Yahong, Ning Long, Zhou Zhengkun, Li Zhao. Effect of Ultrasonic on Enzymolysis for Glucoamylase [J]. Transactions of the chinese society for agricultural machinery, 2012, 43(10): 138-42 (EI).
(10)Gao Zhenpeng, Yue Tianli, Yuan Yahong, Fu Xiaoliang, Peng Bangzhu. Ultrasonic degradation of patulin in apple juice [J]. Transactions of the chinese society for agricultural machinery,2009,40(9): 138~142 (EI) .
(11)Gao Zhenpeng, Yue Tianli, Yuan Yahong, Wang Lei. Separation of deltamethrin residue in apple juice with macroporous adsorption resin[J]. Transactions of the chinese society for agricultural machinery,2009,40(6): 124~128 (EI).
(12)Gao Zhenpeng, Yue Tianli, Yuan Yahong, Wang Yunyang, Yan Junjun. Technology optimization on extracting pomegranate seed oil using organic solvent assisted by ultrasound [J]. Transactions of the chinese society for agricultural machinery,2008,39(5):77~80 (EI).
(13)Gao Zhenpeng, Yue Tianli, Yuan Yahong, Wang Yunyang. Study on the production technology of colorless and high fructose content concentrated apple juice [J]. Transactions of the chinese society for agricultural machinery,2008,39(2):81~84 (EI).
(14)Gao Zhenpeng,Yuan Yahong,Yue Tianli,Wang Yunyang, Peng Bangzhu, Liao Jinhu. Technology for separation of fruit acid from apple juice using ion-exchange method [J]. Transactions of the chinese society of agricultural engineering,2007,23(7):212~217 (EI).
(15) 高振鵬,袁亞宏,岳田利*,楊昊博.超音波輔助提取雙孢菇多糖的研究[J].西北農林科技大學學報:自然科學版,2012,40(7):21~220.
(16) 李華,高振鵬*,李培超.濃縮蘋果清汁色值影響因素分析及控制技術研究[J].農產品加工2015,(1):33~36.
(17) 高振鵬,岳田利,王周利. “生物工程與設備”課程教學改革與實踐[J].農產品加工,2015,(11):82-84.
(18)高振鵬, 岳田利,袁亞宏, 秦芳.乳製品中低溫腐敗菌的分離鑑定[J].中國食品學報,2008,8(1):67~71.
(19)高振鵬,袁亞宏,岳田利, 王雲陽,任海峰.蘋果汁中果酸分離回兌技術研究[J].西北農林科技大學學報(自然科學版),2007,35(12):172~176.
(20)高振鵬, 岳田利,袁亞宏, 王雲陽. 果糖生產技術和套用研究進展[J].西北農林科技大學學報(自然科學版), 2003,31(S):187~190.
(21) 高振鵬,岳田利, 袁亞宏, 王雲陽. 百合汁飲料生產工藝技術研究[J]. 西北農業學報, 2003,12(3):157~160.
(22)高振鵬,岳田利, 袁亞宏, 王雲陽. 真空滲糖法加工獼猴桃果脯工藝的研究[J]. 西北農林科技大學學報(自然科學版), 2002,30(S):36~39.
(23)高振鵬, 岳田利,袁亞宏,劉英傑.增香型蘋果酒活性乾酵母保護劑的篩選研究[J]. 農產品加工.學刊,2007,(3):22~24.
(24)高振鵬, 岳田利,袁亞宏, 張剛會,陳寶榮. 果脯加工廢糖液發酵獼猴桃酒的工藝研究[J]. 農產品加工.學刊,2007,(3):58~60.
2008年 西北農林科技大學優秀教師獎
2015年 國家農產品質量安全風險評估優秀個人
2015年 國家糧油作物產品質量安全風險評估崗位二級專家
2016年 首屆中國創新挑戰賽(安康賽區)參與獎
(17)西北農林科技大學青年專項——增香型蘋果酒干酵母產業化開發(04ZM058), 2004-2005;
(5)蘋果果糖生產技術研究, 2002年陝西省科技廳成果鑑定。
(1)Zhenpeng Gao* ,Zhifang Yu,Tianli Yue and Siew Young Quek. Optimization of polyphenol removal from kiwifruit juice using a macroporous resin [J]. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture,2017,97(8): 2498-2507. (SCI).
(2)Jiang Bo Zhang, Zhen Peng Gao*, Xing Hua Liu, Tian Li Yue and Ya Hong Yuan. The Effect of RF Treatment Combined with Nisin Against Alicyclobacillus Spores in Kiwi Fruit Juice [J]. Food and Bioprocess Technology,2017,10(2):340-348. (SCI).
(3)Mengqi Ye,Zhenpeng Gao# , Zhao Li, Yahong Yuan, Tianli Yue. Rapid detection of volatile compounds in apple wines using FT-NIR spectroscopy [J]. Food Chemistry, 2016,190(1):701–708 (SCI) .
(4)Gao Z .P.*, Yu Z.F., Yue T.L., Quek S. Y.. Adsorption isotherm, thermodynamics and kinetics studies of polyphenols separation from kiwifruit juice using adsorbent resin [J]. Journal of Food Engineering, 2013,116 (1): 195~201(SCI).
(5)Gao Zhenpeng, Li Zhenlei, Yuan Yahong and Yue Tianli.Synthesis of Methylacrylic Acid Nanomaterials and Its Adsorption Study on Polyphenols[J].Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2015,46(5):226-232 (EI) .
(6)Gao Zhenpeng, Zhang Dan, Liu Rui, Yuan Yahong and Yue Tianli. Adsorption Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Patulin Separation from Apple Juice Using Adsorbent Resin Apple Juice Using Adsorbent Resin[J].Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2015,46(10):304-310 (EI) .
(7)Gao Zhenpeng, Liu Rui, Zhang Deju, Yuan Yahong and Yue Tianli. Kinetics Study of Ultrasonic Degradation of Patulin in Apple Juice[J].Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery,2015,46(11):230-235 (EI) .
(8)Gao Zhenpeng, Yuan Yahong, Yue Tianli, Bin Zhaode, Wang Yunyang. Influence of Centrifugation and Sedimentation on Turbidity of Pomegranate Juice during Storage [J]. Journal of Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology, 2014, 14(5): 117-123 (EI).
(9)Gao Zhenpeng, Yue Tianli, Yuan Yahong, Ning Long, Zhou Zhengkun, Li Zhao. Effect of Ultrasonic on Enzymolysis for Glucoamylase [J]. Transactions of the chinese society for agricultural machinery, 2012, 43(10): 138-42 (EI).
(10)Gao Zhenpeng, Yue Tianli, Yuan Yahong, Fu Xiaoliang, Peng Bangzhu. Ultrasonic degradation of patulin in apple juice [J]. Transactions of the chinese society for agricultural machinery,2009,40(9): 138~142 (EI) .
(11)Gao Zhenpeng, Yue Tianli, Yuan Yahong, Wang Lei. Separation of deltamethrin residue in apple juice with macroporous adsorption resin[J]. Transactions of the chinese society for agricultural machinery,2009,40(6): 124~128 (EI).
(12)Gao Zhenpeng, Yue Tianli, Yuan Yahong, Wang Yunyang, Yan Junjun. Technology optimization on extracting pomegranate seed oil using organic solvent assisted by ultrasound [J]. Transactions of the chinese society for agricultural machinery,2008,39(5):77~80 (EI).
(13)Gao Zhenpeng, Yue Tianli, Yuan Yahong, Wang Yunyang. Study on the production technology of colorless and high fructose content concentrated apple juice [J]. Transactions of the chinese society for agricultural machinery,2008,39(2):81~84 (EI).
(14)Gao Zhenpeng,Yuan Yahong,Yue Tianli,Wang Yunyang, Peng Bangzhu, Liao Jinhu. Technology for separation of fruit acid from apple juice using ion-exchange method [J]. Transactions of the chinese society of agricultural engineering,2007,23(7):212~217 (EI).
(15) 高振鵬,袁亞宏,岳田利*,楊昊博.超音波輔助提取雙孢菇多糖的研究[J].西北農林科技大學學報:自然科學版,2012,40(7):21~220.
(16) 李華,高振鵬*,李培超.濃縮蘋果清汁色值影響因素分析及控制技術研究[J].農產品加工2015,(1):33~36.
(17) 高振鵬,岳田利,王周利. “生物工程與設備”課程教學改革與實踐[J].農產品加工,2015,(11):82-84.
(18)高振鵬, 岳田利,袁亞宏, 秦芳.乳製品中低溫腐敗菌的分離鑑定[J].中國食品學報,2008,8(1):67~71.
(19)高振鵬,袁亞宏,岳田利, 王雲陽,任海峰.蘋果汁中果酸分離回兌技術研究[J].西北農林科技大學學報(自然科學版),2007,35(12):172~176.
(20)高振鵬, 岳田利,袁亞宏, 王雲陽. 果糖生產技術和套用研究進展[J].西北農林科技大學學報(自然科學版), 2003,31(S):187~190.
(21) 高振鵬,岳田利, 袁亞宏, 王雲陽. 百合汁飲料生產工藝技術研究[J]. 西北農業學報, 2003,12(3):157~160.
(22)高振鵬,岳田利, 袁亞宏, 王雲陽. 真空滲糖法加工獼猴桃果脯工藝的研究[J]. 西北農林科技大學學報(自然科學版), 2002,30(S):36~39.
(23)高振鵬, 岳田利,袁亞宏,劉英傑.增香型蘋果酒活性乾酵母保護劑的篩選研究[J]. 農產品加工.學刊,2007,(3):22~24.
(24)高振鵬, 岳田利,袁亞宏, 張剛會,陳寶榮. 果脯加工廢糖液發酵獼猴桃酒的工藝研究[J]. 農產品加工.學刊,2007,(3):58~60.
2008年 西北農林科技大學優秀教師獎
2015年 國家農產品質量安全風險評估優秀個人
2015年 國家糧油作物產品質量安全風險評估崗位二級專家
2016年 首屆中國創新挑戰賽(安康賽區)參與獎