

《餐飲管理英語》是 2010年高等教育 出版的圖書,作者是 邢怡 。


  • 作者:邢怡 編
  • ISBN:9787040295948
  • 頁數:277
  • 定價:35.00元
  • 出版社:高等教育
  • 出版時間:2010-8




MODULE 1 Types of Restaurants Part Ⅰ Types of Restaurants According to Food-style Part Ⅱ Types of Restaurants According to Service-style Part Ⅲ Westem-style Restaurants and Chinese Restaurants Part Ⅳ Listen, Listen, and ListenMODULE 2 Food Service Staffing Part Ⅰ The Basic Personnel Structure of a Restaurant Part Ⅱ Organization of the Service Staff and Their Work Part Ⅲ Guidelines for Service Staff Part Ⅳ Listen, Listen, and ListenMODULE 3 Reservation Part Ⅰ Some Essentials of Reservation Arrangement Part Ⅱ Guidelines for Taking Reservations Part Ⅲ cases of Taking Reservations Part Ⅳ Listen, Listen, and ListenMODULE 4 Setting Table Part Ⅰ Setting Tables Properly Part Ⅱ Folding Napkins and Laying a Tablecloth Part Ⅲ Table Setting for Chinese and Western Dinner Part Ⅳ Listen, Listen, and ListenMODULE 5 Seating the Guest Part Ⅰ The Essentials of Seating Part Ⅱ Assigning Tables Part Ⅲ Showing Guests to the Table Part Ⅳ Listen, Listen, and ListenMODULE 6 Recommending Dishes Part Ⅰ Selling According to an Expressed Need Part Ⅱ Suggesting Alternative Menu Items Part Ⅲ Plus Selling Part Ⅳ Switching Customers to Available Foods Part Ⅴ Listen, Listen, and ListenMODULE 7 Taking Orders Part Ⅰ Menu Structure Part Ⅱ The Breakfast Menu Part Ⅰn Lunch and Dinner Part Ⅳ Listen, Listen, and ListenMODULE 8 Food Preparation Part Ⅰ Pre-cooking Working Part Ⅱ Methods of Cooking Foods Part Ⅲ Listen, Listen, and ListenMODULE 9 Beverage Service Part Ⅰ Alcoholic Beverage Part Ⅱ Wine and Food Part Ⅲ Wines Part Ⅳ Listen, Listen, and ListenMODULE 10 Alternative Services Part Ⅰ Room Service Part Ⅱ Fast Foods Part Ⅲ Take-away or Take-out Service Part Ⅳ Buffet Service Part Ⅴ Listen, Listen, and ListenMODULE 11 Serving a Banquet Part Ⅰ Banquet Service Part Ⅱ The Menu Part HI Rules for Serving Banquets Part Ⅳ Listen, Listen, and ListenMODULE 12 Healthy Eating Part Ⅰ Nutrition and Healthy Eating Part Ⅱ Eating Smart Part Ⅲ Creative Eating Part Ⅳ Listen, Listen, and ListenMODULE 13 Sanitation and Safety Part Ⅰ A Welcoming Environment Part Ⅱ Food Poisoning and First Aid Part Ⅲ Personal Hygiene Part Ⅳ Listen, Listen, and ListenMODULE 14 Handling Complaints Part Ⅰ The Guest Is Always Right Part Ⅱ Dos and Donts of Handling Complaints Part Ⅲ Cases of Handling Complaints Part Ⅳ Listen, Listen, and ListenTapeseriptReference Keys


