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  • 中文名:餐廳
  • 作者:喬·金特里
  • 出版時間:2018年
  • 出版社:遼寧科學技術出版社
  • ISBN:9787559104083
  • 類別:室內設計、裝潢裝修
  • 開本:32 開
  • 裝幀:精裝




How to design a small restaurant in the limited interior space combined with large free height Secrets In A Μetal Box -- Piazza del Crepe(18 m2)如何設計一家空間有限、高度無限的小餐廳金屬盒裡的秘密——可麗餅廣場(18 m2)
How to create a private and warm interior that accentuates restored original featuresCURE(26m2)如何打造一個凸顯原有特徵的私密而溫暖的室內空間治癒餐廳(26 m2)
How to design a small restaurant for street foodCASA MAKI SUSHI BAR(27 m2)如何為街頭美食設計一間小餐廳真希家壽司吧(27 m2)
How to create a smart industrial style delicatessen cafe in a long and narrow spaceBite & Go(47 m2)如何在狹長的空間裡打造一個時尚的工業風格熟食店快食熟食店(47 m2)
How to make the design concept directly related to the cuisineShade Burger(50 m2)如何讓設計理念直接與美食相關聯明暗漢堡店(50 m2)
How to design a cosy and friendly place where to sit and eat or just buying traditional productsMuddica(50 m2)如何設計一個舒適友好的空間,讓人或閒坐,或就餐,或採買傳統商品慕迪卡小館(50 m2)
How to conceive a contemporary identity for traditional food restaurantThe Noodle Rack(50 m2 )如何為傳統美食餐廳打造一個現代身份晾面架(50 m2 )
How to design a small winebar mixing the cultures of 2 different countriesBuona Bocca(60 m2)如何設計一家融合了兩個國家文化的小酒吧好口味酒吧(60 m2)
How to design a small restaurant like a future placeOrang Utan Vegetarian Bar(60 m2)如何把小餐廳設計成未來空間奧朗烏坦素食吧(60 m2)
How to insert a simple but yet elaborated functional program into a very small spacePNY Marais(65 m2)如何在極小的空間內插入簡潔而不失精美的功能設計PNY漢堡瑪萊店(65 m2)
How to design a small restaurant with raw and industrial interiorChiChi 4U Bar(70 m2)如何設計一家具有原生態工業感室內空間的小餐廳奇奇為你餐廳(70 m2)
How to build a restaurant designed with future locations in mindBeets and Roots Restaurant Berlin (72 m2)如何建造一座已有未來規劃的餐廳甜菜根餐廳柏林店(72 m2)
How to set up a clear and natural atmosphere for a fast food restaurantMexican Factory(72 m2)如何為快餐廳營造一種清新自然的氛圍墨西哥工廠(72 m2)
How to design a restaurant to attractively showcase menu,as well as bringing out the charm of the existing spaceDream Dairy Farm Restaurant(75 m2)如何設計一家選單誘人且能體現空間魅力的餐館Dream Dairy Farm餐館(75 m2)
How to combine various management ideas to the space properly, to create a best visual communication effectCari de Madame(80 m2 )如何將各種經營創意適切地與空間結合,獲得的視覺傳導效果咖喱娘(80 m2 )
How to picture a refined and elegant pub, breaking the traditional codesFIETJE(90 m2)如何在打破傳統的前提下,描繪一間精緻而優雅的酒吧FIETJE酒吧(90 m2)
How to design a restaurant that can help people to recognize the food and trust in the brandHunter Gatherer Restaurant and Bar(90 m2)
如何設計一家讓人們認識食物、信任品牌的餐廳悅衡食集餐吧(90 m2)
How to create an interior that would complement the food and the country’s cultureRudie's(90 m2)如何打造一個能夠襯托美食和國家文化的室內空間盧迪餐廳(90 m2)
How to create a Vanguard restaurant, without trying to be a hipster locationSosein Restaurant(90 m2 )如何打造一家不趕時髦的前衛餐廳如此存在餐廳(90 m2 )
How to design a small restaurant giving the concept of traditional food a twist Cross Café(92m2)如何設計一個顛覆傳統飲食概念的小餐館十字冰室(92m2)
How to design a new version for a traditional pubTAP ROOM MADRID(98 m2 )如何改觀傳統酒吧馬德里酒吧餐廳(98 m2 )
How to add personality and value to the place through the interior designBurger & Love(103 m2)如何通過室內設計為空間增添個性和價值漢堡與熱愛餐廳(103 m2)
How to to reflect the client’s traditional inspiration through a fresh approach400 Rabbits Pizza (120 m2)如何用新鮮的方式來反映客戶的傳統靈感400隻兔子披薩餐廳(120 m2)
How to design a exotic theme restaurant within a limited spaceHow Fun - Neihu(119 m2)怎樣利用有限的空間去設計一家充滿異域特色的主題餐廳好飯食堂 內湖店(119 m2)
How to design an eclectic restaurant to reflect the local charactersAlbabel(100 m2 )如何設計反映本地特色的折中主義餐館Albabel餐廳(100 m2 )


喬·金特里畢業於北卡羅來納大學取得建築學文學學士學位和哲學學士學位,隨後繼續深造,獲得了建築學碩士學位。目前是華盛頓註冊建築師,2012年創辦了goc studio工作室,並擔任項目經理。其在商業空間設計領域頗有知名度,並取得了一定的殊榮。


