- 中文名:顏嘉麒
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 職業:教師
- 職稱:教授
資訊系統專業,哲學博士學位,香港城市大學, 資訊系統系
管理科學專業, 管理學學士學位 中國科學技術大學
經濟法專業, 法學(雙)學士學位 中國科學技術大學
南京大學留學生選修課《Data Analysis in Humanity and Social Science》
中國慕課網課程 《區塊鏈與創新思維》
中國慕課網課程 《數據思維》
南京大學本科生通識課程 《區塊鏈與創新思維》
南京大學本科生通識課程 《數字貨幣、金融科技與監管科技》
南京大學創新創業課程 《區塊鏈技術實戰與工程實踐》
香港城市大學資訊系統系 2016年春季學期 FB6580P: 大數據時代商務創新 (EMBA課程) 助教
瑞士蘇黎世大學信息學系 講師
2015年秋季學期 Lecture: IT Project Management 信息項目管理 (本科生必修課)
2015年秋季學期 Lecture: Business Network Analysis and Applications 商業網路分析與套用 (研究生課程)
2014年秋季學期 Lecture: Business Network Analysis and Applications 商業網路分析與套用 (研究生課程)
2013年秋季學期 Lecture: Business Network Analysis and Applications 商業網路分析與套用 (研究生課程)
瑞士蘇黎世大學信息學系 助教
2014年春季學期 Seminar: Network-based Business Intelligence 基於網路的商務智慧型研討班 (本科生選修課)
2013年春季學期 Seminar: Network-based Business Intelligence 基於網路的商務智慧型研討班 (本科生選修課)
2012年秋季學期 Lecture: Network-based Business Intelligence 基於網路的商務智慧型研討班 (研究生課程)
主持教育部產學合作協同育人項目,國際商業機器有限公司(IBM),南京大學區塊鏈教學創新創業教育改革. 2021-2022.
主持江蘇省第五期“333高層次人才培養工程”科研項目“基於區塊鏈技術的企事業檔案管理系統研發和套用”,項目編號:BRA2020276, 2020-2022,主持
主持瑞士蘇黎世大學Forschungskredit der Universität Zürich基金項目"Bank-NAST: Managing Systemic Risks in Banking Systems"(Bank-NAST:管理銀行系統的系統性風險),2013-2015
參加CCF-騰訊犀牛鳥基金項目,基於多Agent的共識節點選擇研究, 2018.10-2019.12
參加國家自然科學基金項目,基於智慧型多Agent的金融破產傳染分析和預警(NO.: 71201077)
參加多倫多大學基金項目 Business Intelligence Enabled Adaptive Enterprise Architecture 主持人:多倫多大學Eric Yu, 2015-2016
參加蘇黎世大學教育委員會資助青年學者計畫Zürcher Universitätsverein: Fonds zur Förderung des akademischen Nachwuchses (FAN), “A Network Approach for Managing Systemic Risk” (基於網路的一種系統性風險管理方法), 主持人:蘇黎世大學胡大寧, 2012-2014
參加香港大學教育資助委員會Hong Kong Research Grants Council: GRF 149412, A Belief-Desire-Intention Modeling Approach for Decision Support in Inspection-Oriented Quality Management” 基於BDI建模的一種供應鏈智慧型質量管理方法, 主持人:香港城市大學李昕/孫曉荺 2012-2016
參加香港大學教育資助委員會Hong Kong Research Grants Council, Apply Dataflow Analysis to Workflow Design in Business Process Management,商務流程管理中工作流設計與分析, 主持人:香港城市大學孫曉荺2009-2011.
參加香港大學教育資助委員會Hong Kong Research Grants Council, “Intelligent Agent Supported Business Process Monitoring and Management Systems”, 基於智慧型體的商務流程監控與管理, 主持人:香港城市大學王懷清 2008-2010.
參加香港大學教育資助委員會Hong Kong Research Grants Council, “Adding Diagnostic Capability to Business Process management Systems by Intelligent Agents”, 基於智慧型體的商務流程診斷與管理, 主持人:香港城市大學王懷清, 2007-2009.
[1] Chunhui Piao, Yurong Hao, Jiaqi Yan, Xuehong Jiang (2021), Privacy Preserving in Blockchain-based Government Data Sharing: A Service-On-Chain (SOC) Approach, Information Processing and Management.
[2] Mingdong Liu, Hu Chen, Jiaqi Yan (2021), Detecting Roles of Money Laundering in Bitcoin Mixing Transactions: A Goal Modeling and Mining Framework, Frontiers in Physics-Social Physics.
[3] 符朕皓;林定康;姜皓晨;顏嘉麒 (2021): 零幣匿名技術及追蹤技術綜述,《計算機科學》
[4] 宋金倍;達婧瑋;顏嘉麒;王忠民, (2021): 基於區塊鏈的傳染病預警系統:融合複雜網路的風險度量, 信息資源管理學報
[5] 顏嘉麒;劉明東;姚青;史雅妮(2020):區塊鏈情報學[J],《圖書情報知識》
[6] 林定康;顏嘉麒;巴·楠登;符朕皓;姜皓晨,(2021): 門羅幣匿名及追蹤技術綜述[J]. 《計算機套用》
[7] Chenhui Piao, Yurong Hao, Jiaqi Yan*, Xuehong Jiang (2021), Privacy Protection in Government Data Sharing: An Improved LDP-based Approach, Service Oriented Computing and Applications.
[8] Yuehua Zhao, Jingwei Da, and Jiaqi Yan (2020), Detecting Health Misinformation in Online Health Communities: Incorporating Behavioral Features into Machine Learning Based Approaches. Information Processing and Management.
[9] 達婧瑋;顏嘉麒;鄧三鴻;王忠民 (2020):基於深度學習的重複住院預測模型研究——以心臟病為例 [J].《數據分析與知識發現》
[10] 顏嘉麒,閔超,余厚強,魏家鵬,賈韜,馬建.科學大數據背景下的科研協作:特徵、案例與機遇——兼“科學數據驅動的科研協作”會議綜述[J].圖書與情報,2020(03):127-133.
[11] Si Chen, Xingchen Liu, Jiaqi Yan, Guangwei Hu, and Yani Shi (2020), Process, Benefits, and Challenges for the Adoption of Blockchain Technologies in Food Supply Chains: A Thematic Analysis, Information Systems and e-Business Management.
[12] Ke Cheng, Siyi Quan, and Jiaqi Yan (2020), A Blockchain-based Crowdsourcing System for Large Scale Environmental Data Acquisition , 24th IEEE International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (IEEE CSCWD 2020).
[13] Jingwei Da, Danni Yan , Sijia Zhou, Yide Liu, Xin Li, Yani Shi, Jiaq Yan, Zhongmin Wang. (2019). Prediction of Hospital Readmission for Heart Disease: A Deep Learning Approach, International Conference on Smart Health.
[14] 史雅涓,朴春慧,顏嘉麒.跨部門政府數據共享中的隱私保護研究[J].石家莊鐵道大學學報(自然科學版),2019,32(04):116-124.
[15] Guangwei Hu, Jiaqi Yan, Wenwen Pan, Sohail Raza Chohan, and Liu. Liu (2019), The Influence of Public Engaging Intention on Value Co-Creation of E-Government Services, IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 111145-111159, 2019.
[16] Zhang, J. , Zhao, H. , Yang, Y. , & Yan, J. . (2019). Towards Transparency and Trustworthy: A Used-Car Deposit Platform Based on Blockchain. 2019 IEEE 19th International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion (QRS-C). IEEE.
[17] Xingchen Liu, Jiaqi Yan, and Jinbei Song (2019), Blockchain-based food traceability: A dataflow perspective, The IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE 2019).
[18] Jiaqi Yan, Xin Li, Yani Shi, Sherry Sun, and Huaiqing Wang (2019), The Effect of Intention Analysis-based Fraud Detection Systems in Repeated Supply Chain Quality Inspection: A Context of Learning and Contract, Information & Management.
[19] Si Chen, Jiaqi Yan, and Qing Ke (2019), An Investigation to the Impacts of Information Systems Flexibility on Information Systems Strategy Implementation, HCII2019.
[20] Libo Liu, Yani Shi, Xuemei Tian, and Jiaqi Yan (2019), How does Social Tie Influence the User Information Sharing Behavior in Social Commerce Sites, HCII2019.
[21] Jiapeng Wei, Bulbul Wulan, Jiaqi Yan, and Mengjia Sun (2019), The Adoption of Blockchain Technologies in Data Sharing: A State of the Art Survey, WHICEB 2019.
[22] Jinyu Zhang, Chenhui Xia, Yao Zhou, and Jiaqi Yan (2019), A Multi-agent Based Sage-Fool Model for Rumor Propagation, 2019 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in. Design (IEEE CSCWD 2019), May 6-8, 2019, Porto, Portugal.
[23] Bowen Tan, Jiaqi Yan, Si Chen, and Xingchen Liu (2018), The impacts of blockchain on food supply chain: The case of Walmart. IEEE SmartBlock 2018.
[24] Zan Zhang, Lin Liu, Hao Wang, Jiuyong Li, Daning Hu, Jiaqi Yan, Rene Algesheimer, Markus Meierer (2018), Collective behavior learning by differentiating personal preference from peer influence, Knowledge-Based Systems.
[25] Chunhui Piao, Yajuan Shi, Jiaqi Yan*, Changyou Zhang, Liping Liu (2018), Privacy-Preserving Governmental Data Publishing: A Fog-Computing-based Differential Privacy Approach, Future Generation Computer Systems.
[26] Jinyu Zhang, Xuechun Luo, Weiwei Ruan, Andi Li, Jiaqi Yan and Huaiqing Wang (2018), Multiagent-Based Two-Way Negotiation for Intelligent Hotel Reservation, The 2018 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD 2018)
[27] Yani Shi, Chuan-Hoo Tan, Choon Ling Sia, and Jiaqi Yan (2018), To Address the Three-Horned Dilemma in HCI: A Mixed-Method and Cross-Cultural Research Approach, ACM CHI 2018.
[28] Si Chen, Yue Guo, Jiaqi Yan, and Qinghua Zhu (2018), An investigation to causes and consequences of IS operational misalignment in Chinese SOE group, 2018 International Conference on Information Resources Management (Conf-IRM 2018).
[29] Si Chen, Jinyu Zhang, Rui Shi, Jiaqi Yan, and Qing Ke (2018), A Comparative Testing on Performance of Blockchain and Relational Database: Foundation for Applying Blockchain into Current Business Systems, HCI International 2018.
[30] Guangwei Hu, Jiaqi Yan, Wenwen Pan, Sohail Raza and Chunhui Piao (2018), The Influencing Path of Public Engaging Intention in the Value Co-Creation of E-Gov Services:An Empirical Investigation, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 20018).
[31] Jiaqi Yan, Kaixin Wang, Yi Liu, Kaiquan Xu, and Lele Kang (2017), Mining social lending motivations for loan project recommendations, Expert Systems with Applications.
[32] Jiaqi Yan, Xin Li, Sherry Sun, Yani Shi, and Huaiqing Wang (2017), A BDI modeling approach for decision support in supply chain quality inspection, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems.
[33] Jiaqi Yan, Yi Liu, Yani Shi, and Kaixin Wang, (2017), Lending motivation meets home and cultural bias: A study on Kiva, the 2017 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2017), Dec. 10-13, 2017, Seoul, South Korea.
[34] Jinyu Zhang, Yao Zhou, Wenqing Tang, Han Gu, Jiaqi Yan*, and Huaiqing Wang (2017), An Agent-Mediated Tendering Mechanism for Intelligent Hotel Reservation, the 13th Workshop on Service-Oriented Applications, Integration and Collaboration (SOAIC'17), Nov. 4-6, 2017, Shanghai, China.
[35] Si Chen, Rui Shi, Zhuangyu Ren, Jiaqi Yan*, Yani Shi, and Jinyu Zhang (2017), A blockchain-based supply chain quality management framework, the 14th IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE 2017), Nov. 4-6, 2017, Shanghai, China.
[36] Jiaqi Yan and Yani Shi (2017), A modeling approach for blockchain-oriented information systems design, 19th International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Business and e-Service, Paris, France, May 18-19, 2017.
[37] Yani Shi, Qing Zeng, Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah, Chuan-Hoo Tan, Choon Ling Sia, Keng Siau, and Jiaqi Yan (2017), Effect of timing and source of online product recommendation: An eye-tracking study, HCI International 2017.
[38] J. Leon Zhao, Shaokun Fan, and Jiaqi Yan (2016), Overview of business innovations and research opportunities in blockchain and introduction to the special issue, Financial Innovation.
[39] Jianjun Sun, Jiaqi Yan*, and Kem Z.K. Zhang (2016), Blockchain-based sharing services: What blockchain technology can contribute to smart cities, accepted by Financial Innovation.
[40] Daning Hu, Jiaqi Yan, Rene Algesheimer, and Markus Meierer (2016), Understanding moderators of peer influence for engineering viral marketing seeding simulations and strategies, accepted by the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2016).
[41] Jiaqi Yan, Wayne Yu, and J. Leon Zhao (2015), How signaling and search costs affect information asymmetry in P2P lending: The economics of big data, Financial Innovation (1:19).
[42] Kun Chen, Xin Li, Baoxun Xu, Jiaqi Yan, and Huaiqing Wang (2015), Intelligent agents for adaptive security market surveillance, Enterprise Information Systems.
[43] Jiaqi Yan, Daning Hu, and Yani Shi (2015), Systemic risk in P2P lending systems: An ontological Exploration, accepted by the SIGBPS Workshop on Business Processes and Services (BPS'15), Fort Worth Texas, USA.
[44] Jiaqi Yan, Daning Hu, Stephen Liao, and Huaiqing Wang (2014), Mining agents’ goals in agent-oriented business processes, ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems volume 5 issue 4.
[45] Jiaqi Yan, Sherry Sun, Huaiqing Wang, Yani Shi, and Daning Hu (2014), Decision support systems to detect quality deception in supply chain quality inspections: Design and laboratorial evaluation, in proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2014).
[46] Jiaqi Yan, Dongming Xu, Daning Hu, and Yani Shi (2014), Context-aware dynamic information push: A perspective of mass customization in digital supply chain, in proceedings of the SIGBPS Workshop on Business Processes and Services (BPS'14), Auckland, New Zealand.
[47] Daning Hu, Jiaqi Yan*, Leon Zhao, Zhimin Hua (2013), Ontology-based scenario modeling and analysis for bank stress testing, Decision Support Systems volume 63.
[48] Daning Hu, Xuan Yang, Jiexun Li, and Jiaqi Yan (2013), Identifying hidden community elites in online social networks, China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM 2013).
[49] Jiaqi Yan, Daning Hu, Leon Zhao (2013), An ontology-based approach for bank stress testing, 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2013).
[50] Binge Cui, Huaiqing Wang, Kang Ye, and Jiaqi Yan (2012), Intelligent agent-assisted adaptive order simulation system in the artificial stock market, Expert Systems with Applications volume 39, issue 10.
[51] Kang Ye, Jiaqi Yan, Huaiqing Wang, and Baiqi Miu (2011) Knowledge level modeling for systemic risk management in financial institutions, Expert Systems with Applications volume 38, issue 4.
[52] Jiaqi Yan, Kang Ye, Huaiqing Wang, and Zhongsheng Hua (2010), Ontology of collaborative manufacturing: Alignment of service-oriented framework with service-dominant logic, Expert Systems with Applications volume 37, issue 3.
[53] Jiaqi Yan, Sherry Sun, Huaiqing Wang, and Zhongsheng Hua (2010), Ontology of collaborative supply chain for quality management, International Conference on Computer, Electrical, and Systems Science, and Engineering. Rome, Italy.
[54] Choon Ling Sia, Yani Shi, Jiaqi Yan, and Huaping Chen (2010), Web personalization for trust building in E-Commerce: A design science approach, International Conference on Computer, Electrical, and Systems Science, and Engineering. Rome, Italy.
[55] Jiaqi Yan, Yani Shi, Huaiqing Wang, and Zhongsheng Hua (2010), Intelligent agents for negotiation and recommendation in mass customization, 14th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2010).
[56] Shanshan Wang, Jiaqi Yan, Kaiquan Xu, Yuewen Liu, Long Liu. Huaiqing Wang (2010), A conceptual modeling approach to quality management in the context of diary supply chain, 2nd International Conference on Information Science and Engineering (ICISE 2010).
[57] Kang Ye, Shanshan Wang, Jiaqi Yan, Huaiqing Wang, and Baiqi Miu (2009), Ontologies for crisis contagion management in financial institutions, Journal of Information Science.
[58] Jiaqi Yan, Shanshan Wang, Sherry Sun, Huaiqing Wang, and Zhongsheng Hua (2009), A belief-desire-intention logic model for analyzing the cheating behavior in quality control of dairy product, in proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies (IEEE DEST 2009), Istanbul, Turkey.
[59] Jiaqi Yan, Sherry Sun, Huaiqing Wang, and Zhongsheng Hua (2009), A belief-desire-intention modeling approach for inspection-oriented quality management, The Nineteenth Annual Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS 2009). Phoenix, USA.
[60] Jiaqi Yan, Kang Ye, Huaiqing Wang, and Zhongsheng Hua (2008), Conceptual modeling of collaborative intelligent manufacturing for customized products: an ontological approach, in proceedings of the 12th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2008), Suzhou, P. R. China.
張兮,王孝炯,顏嘉麒,趙洪科(2019), 《區塊鏈技術套用國家治理風險與對策研究》2018-2019年度天津市高校智庫優秀決策諮詢研究成果
ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, Decision Support Systems, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Business and Information Engineering, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Informtion Technology & People, Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Knowledge Management & E-Learning等學術期刊同行評審
Beta Gamma Sigma終身會員