近年來的研究主要集中在大氣化學和大氣氣溶膠領域,尤其在大氣新粒子的形成與增長、可揮發性有機物的反應機理、二次有機氣溶膠的形成等方面。揭示了有機氣溶膠和硫酸鹽氣溶膠協同作用的新粒子成核機理,實驗與理論解釋對自然界中藍色薄霧 (blue haze)的形成過程,對重新評估氣溶膠的氣候效應具有重要意義;研發了能夠測大氣中成核的中性分子簇的化學質譜(Cluster CIMS),獲得從分子到分子簇到納米顆粒物的大氣新粒子形成的完整譜圖,並推導出了在富硫環境下,大氣新粒子形成的酸鹼模型,對揭示大氣新顆粒物形成的機理起重要的推進作用;通過實驗模擬,利用離子遷移-化學電離質譜(ID-CIMS)技術檢測到了一些非常重要的碳氫化合物氧化反應的中間產物,在揭示可揮發性有機物(Volatile Organic Compounds, VOCs)氧化機理方面取得突破;首次提出了不同醛類對二次氣溶膠(Secondary Organic Aerosols, SOA)形成的明顯差異,對揭示VOCs在二次氣溶膠形成的化學機理和多相反應在二次氣溶膠形成的貢獻做了前期性的工作。至今在國際知名學術刊物上發表了二十幾篇論文(著),被引用多於1300次,h-index 達17。多次受邀參加國際會議並做報告,例如2007年受邀參加每兩年一度的大氣化學領域著名青年科學家會議ACCESS(Atmospheric Chemistry Colloquium for Emerging Senior Scientists)和2010年受邀參加美國地學協會大氣氣溶膠核化與增長分會做主題報告。在美國留學期間獲得了中國教育部留學基金委頒發的2005年國家優秀自費留學生獎學金。擔任國際十幾個知名刊物的評審員以及美國能源部的項目評審專家。
· 2007年12月:美國Texas A&M 大學大氣科學博士
· 1999年9月至2001年7月:華南理工大學環境催化碩士研究生
· 1995年7月:華南理工大學化學工程學士
· 2014年11月起:中山大學教授
· 2011 年9月至2014年10月:美國明尼蘇達大學博士後研究員
· 2007 年9月至2011年8月:美國國家大氣研究中心博士後 (National Center for Atmospheric Research)
· 2001 年8月至2007年8月:美國Texas A&M 大學大氣科學系博士研究助理
· 1995 年7月至1999年7月:廣西南寧製糖造紙有限公司
1. 項目主持:珠江三角洲城市群痕量氣態污染物的濃度分布特徵及其與灰霾形成的關係(2016.1-2019.12),中國國家自然科學基金(21577177)
2. 項目主持:研製與開發用於測量大氣氣溶膠前驅物及大氣污染物的新型化學質譜電離源(2015.1-2016.12),廣東省科技計畫項目(2014A020216008)
3. 項目主持:大氣複合污染下二次細顆粒的形成機理及其輻射與氣候效應 (2015.9-2017.12),中山大學重大項目培育項目
4. 項目主持:中山大學“百人計畫”項目(2014.11-2017.10)
. 2007年:美國能源部/美國國家科學基金/美國環保部等多家單位資助的ACCESS IX (Atmospheric Chemistry Colloquium for Emerging Senior Scientists) 會議
. 2007年:Gordon Research Conference (GRC) 資助的Early Career Scientist Travel Award for Gordon Research Conference on Biogenic Hydrocarbons & the Atmosphere
. 2005年:中國教育部留學基金委頒發的國家優秀自費留學生獎
. 2000年: 華南理工大學保潔(P&G)獎學金
1. Bzdek, B. R., M. J. Lawler, A. J. Horan, M. R. Pennington, J. W. DePalma, J. Zhao, J. N. Smith, and M. V. Johnston. Molecular Constraints on Particle Growth during New Particle Formation. Geophys. Res. Lett. 41, 6045-54 (2014).
2. Zhao, J.*, J. Ortega, M. Chen., P. H. McMurry, and J. N. Smith. Dependence of particle nucleation and growth on high molecular weight gas phase products during ozonolysis of α-pinene. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 13, 7631–44 (2013).
3. Bzdek, B. R., A. J. Horan, M. R. Pennington, J. W. DePalma, J. Zhao, C. N. Jen, D. R. Hanson, J. N. Smith, P. H. McMurry, and M. V. Johnston. Quantitative and time-resolved nanoparticle composition measurements during new particle formation. Faraday Discussions, on-line available advance article, doi: 10.1039/C3FD00039G, (2013).
4. Chen, M., M. Titcombe, J. Jiang, C. Kuang, M. L. Fischer, E. Edgerton, F. L. Eisele, J. I. Siepmann, D. H. Hanson, J. Zhao, and P. H. McMurry. Acid-base chemical reaction model for nucleation rates in the polluted boundary layer. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 109, 18713–18718 (2012).
5. C. Kuang, M. Chen, J. Zhao, J. N. Smith, P. H. McMurry, and J. Wang. First size-dependent growth rate measurements of 1 to 5 nm freshly formed atmospheric nuclei. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 3573–3589 (2012).
6. Zhao, J.*, J. N. Smith, F. L. Eisele, M. Chen, C. Kuang, and P. H. McMurry. Observation of neutral sulfuric acid-amine containing clusters in laboratory and ambient measurements. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 10823-10836 (2011).
7. J. Jiang, J. Zhao, M. Chen, J. Scheckman, B. J. Williams, F. L. Eisele, and P. H. McMurry. First measurements of atmospheric cluster and 1-2 nm particle number distribution functions during nucleation events. Aerosol Sci. Technol., 45, II-V (2011).
8. McMurry, P. H., C. Kuang, J. N. Smith, J. Zhao, and F. L. Eisele. Atmospheric new particle formation: physical and chemical measurements. Chapter 31 in Atmospheric New Particle Formation: Physical and Chemical Measurements. Aerosol Measurement - Principles, Techniques, and Applications (3rd Edition), Wiley Interscience, Eds Pramod Kulkarni and Paul Baron (2011).
9. Zhao, J.*, F. L. Eisele, M. Titcombe, C. Kuang, and P. H. McMurry. Chemical ionization mass spectrometric measurements of atmospheric neutral clusters using the Cluster-CIMS.J. Geophys. Res., 115, D08205, doi:10.1029/2009JD012606 (2010).
10. Zhang, R., L. Wang, A. F. Khalizov, J. Zhao, J. Zheng, R. McGraw, L. Molina, and M.
Molina. Formation of nanoparticles of blue haze enhanced by anthropogenic pollution. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 106, 17650-17654 (2009).
11. Zhao, J., A. F. Khalizov, R. Zhang, and R. McGraw. Hydrogen Bonding Interaction of Molecular Complexes and Clusters of Aerosol Nucleation Precursors. J. Phys. Chem. A, 113, 680-689 (2009).
12. Zhao, J. and R. Zhang. Theoretical Investigation of Atmospheric Hydrocarbon Oxidation: A Critical Review. Chapter 10 in Advances in Quantum Chemistry: Applications of Theoretical Methods to Atmospheric Science. Advances in Quantum Chemistry, vol. 55, Elsevier, Eds Michael E. Goodsite and Matthew S. Johnson, pp.177-213 (2008).
13. Zhao, J. and R. Zhang. Peroxy Radicals from NO3-initiated Oxidation of Isoprene: A theoretical Investigation. Atmos. Environ., 42(23), 5849-5858 (2008).
14. Levitt, N.P., J. Zhao, and R. Zhang. Heterogeneous chemistry of butanol and decanol with sulfuric acid: implication for secondary organic aerosol formation. J. Phys. Chem. A., 110, 13215-13220 (2006).
15. Suh, I., J. Zhao, and R. Zhang. Unimolecular decomposition of aromatic bicyclic alkoxy radicals and their acyclic radicals. Chem. Phys. Lett., 432,313-320 (2006).
16. Zhao, J., N. P. Levitt, R. Zhang, and J. Chen. Heterogeneous reactions of methylglyoxal in acidic media: implication for secondary organic aerosol formation. Environ Sci. Technol., 40, 7682-7687 (2006).
17. Zhao, J., R. Zhang, K. Misawa, and K. Shibuya. Experimental product study of the OH-initiated oxidation of m-xylene. J. Photochem. & Photobio. A: Chemistry, 176,199-207 (2005).
18. Fan, J., J. Zhao, and R. Zhang. Theoretical study of OH addition to alpha-pinene and beta-pinene. Chem. Phys. Lett., 411, 1-7 (2005).
19. Zhao, J. N. P. Levitt, and R. Zhang. Heterogeneous chemistry of octanal and 2, 4- hexadienal with sulfuric acid. Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, Art. No. L09802 (2005).
20. Fortner, E. C., J. Zhao, and R. Zhang, Development of ion drift-chemical ionization mass spectrometry. Anal. Chem., 76, 5436-5440 (2004).
21. Zhang, R., I. Suh, J. Zhao, D. Zhang, E. C. Fortner, X. Tie, L. T. Molina, and M. J. Molina, Enhanced atmospheric new particle formation by organic acids. Science, 304, 1487-1490 (2004).
22. Zhao, J. and R. Zhang, Proton transfer reaction rate constants between hydronium ion (H3O) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Atmos. Environ., 38, 2177-2185 (2004).
23. Zhao, J., R. Zhang, E. C. Fortner, and S. W. North, Quantification of hydroxycarbonyls from OH-isoprene reactions. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 126, 2686-2687 (2004).
24. Zhao, J., R. Zhang, and S. W. North, Oxidation mechanism of δ-hydroxyisoprene alkoxy radicals: hydrogen abstraction versus 1, 5 H-shift. Chem. Phys. Lett., 369, 204-213 (2003).
1. Zhao, J. * Formation and growth of atmospheric nanoparticles: field and laboratory observations. Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China. June 4, 2014.
2. Zhao, J. *From Molecules, Clusters to Nanoparticles: Towards Understanding the Initial Stages of Atmospheric New Particle Formation. 19 China Atmospheric Environment Science and Technology Conference, Qingdao, China, Nov. 2012.
3. Zhao, J. *From Molecules, Clusters to Nanoparticles: On the Initial Stages of Atmospheric New Particle Formation. School of Environment, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, Nov. 2012.
4. Zhao, J.*, P. Winkler, J. Ortega, P. H. McMurry, and J. N. Smith. The Roles of Gaseous Oxidation Products in Organic Nucleation from Ozonolysis of Atmospheric Terpenes. AAAR 2012 Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN, Oct. 2012.
5. Zhao, J.*, C. Jen, M. Chen, M. Lawler, P. H. McMurry, and J. N. Smith. Negative-ion Electrospray as an Ion Source for Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry of Atmospheric Gaseous Inorganic/organic Acids and Clusters.AAAR 2012 Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN, Oct. 2012.
6. Zhao, J.*, F.L. Eisele, P. H. McMurry, and J. N. Smith. Neutral Sulfuric Acid Clusters during Strong Nucleation Events in a Sulfate-rich Urban Atmosphere.AAAR 2012 Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN, Oct. 2012.
7. Zhao, J. *From Molecules, Clusters to Nanoparticles: Towards Understanding the Initial Stages of Atmospheric New Particle Formation. University of California, Irvine, CA, Jan. 2012.
8. Zhao, J.,* F. L. Eisele, J. N. Smith, and P. H. McMurry. Recent progress on new particle formation using the Cluster CIMS. Nucleation and Growth Workshop, Boulder, CO, Aug. 2011.
9. Zhao, J. *The Chemistry behind Atmospheric New Particle Formation: a Molecular Cluster Perspective. National University of Singapore, Singapore, May 2011.
10. Zhao, J.,* F. L. Eisele, J. N. Smith, M. Chen, J. Jiang, C. Kuang, and P. H. McMurry, Atmospheric Measurements of Neutral Nucleating Clusters. AGU fall meeting. San Francisco, CA, Dec. 2010 (Invited talk).
11. Zhao, J.*, F. L. Eisele, J. N. Smith, M. Chen, J. Jiang, M. Titcombe , C. Kuang, and P. H. McMurry. Atmospheric Measurements of Neutral Nucleating Molecular Clusters in the atmosphere. The National Academies Workshop on Challenges in Characterizing Small Particles: Exploring Particles from the Nano- to Microscales, Washington DC, Oct. 2010.
12. Zhao, J.*, F. L. Eisele, J. Jiang, M. Chen, C. Kuang, M. Titcombe, P. H. McMurry, and J. N. Smith. Measurements of Atmospheric Neutral Clusters Using the Cluster CIMS. 2010 International Aerosol Conference, Helsinki, Finland, Sept. 2010.
13. Zhao, J.*, F. L. Eisele, J. Jiang, M. Chen, C. Kuang, M. Titcombe, P. H. McMurry , and J. N. Smith. Atmospheric neutral clusters and their roles in nucleation. Workshop on Atmospheric Nucleation, Hyytiälä, Finland, Aug. 2010.
14. Zhao, J.*, F.L. Eisele, M. Titcombe, C. Kuang, P. H. McMurry, J. N. Smith, and J. Jiang. Recent Progress in the Measurements of Pre-nucleation Neutral Molecular Clusters in the Atmosphere. AAAR 2009 Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN, Oct. 2009.
15. Zhao, J.*, C. Kuang, M.Titcombe, J. Rathbone, F. L. Eisele, and P. H. McMurry. From Neutral Clusters to Nano-particles: Recent Progress in Laboratory and Field Measurements. AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 2008.
16. Zhao, J.*, R. Zhang, A. F. Khalizov, N. P. Levitt, and R. McGraw. Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Nucleation and Growth of Atmospheric Aerosols. AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 2007.
17. Zhao, J.* and R. Zhang. Laboratory and theoretical investigation of formation and growth of atmospheric aerosols. Participant of ACCESS IX (Atmospheric Chemistry Colloquium for Emerging Senior Scientists), Yellowstone National Park, WY, Aug. 2007.
18. Zhao, J.*, A. F. Khalizov, N. P. Levitt, and R. Zhang, Laboratory and theoretical investigation of formation and growth of atmospheric aerosols. The Gordon Research Conference (GRC) in Atmospheric Chemistry, Big Sky, MT, Aug. 2007.
19. Zhao, J.* and R. Zhang. Laboratory and theoretical study of new particle formation enhanced by biogenic organic acids. Biogenic Hydrocarbons & The Atmosphere, Ventura, CA, Feb.-Mar. 2007.
20. Zhao, J.*, N. P. Levitt, and R. Zhang. Heterogeneous chemistry of carbonyls and alcohols with sulfuric acid: Implications for secondary organic aerosol formation. AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 2006.