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  • 書名:葉芝詩選
  • 作者:(愛爾蘭)威廉·巴特勒·葉芝
  • 出版社:中國宇航出版社
  • 出版時間:2019年1月1日
  • 開本:32 開
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • ISBN:9787515915586




1 The Song of the Happy Shepherd?
5 The Cloak, the Boat and the Shoes
7 The Falling of the Leaves
8 Ephemera
10 The Madness of King Goll?
14 The Stolen Child?
17 To an Isle in the Water
19 Down by the Salley Gardens
20 The Rose of Peace
22 A Faery Song
24 The Lake Isle of Innisfree
26 A Cradle Song
28 The Pity of Love
29 The Sorrow of Love
31 When You Are Old?
33 The White Birds
35 A Dream of Death
36 The Countess Cathleen in Paradise
38 The Two Trees
41 To Ireland in the Coming Times
44 The Everlasting Voices
45 The Moods
46 The Lover Tells of the Rose in His Heart?
47 The Fish
48 Into the Twilight?
49 The Song of Wandering Aengus
51 The Song of the Old Mother
52 The Lover Mourns for the Loss of Love
53 A Poet to His Beloved?
54 He Gives His Beloved Certain Rhymes
55 To His Heart, Bidding It Have No Fear
56 The Cap and Bells
59 He Tells of a Valley Full of Lovers
60 He Hears the Cry of the Sedge
61 Maid Quiet?
62 He Wishes His Beloved Were Dead?
63 He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven
64 The Fiddler of Dooney
66 The Arrow
67 Old Memory
68 Never Give All the Heart?
69 The Withering of the Boughs
71 Adam’s Curse
74 The Old Men Admiring Themselves in the Water
75 The Ragged Wood?
76 O Do Not Love Too Long
77 A Woman Homer Sung
79 Words
81 No Second Troy
83 Reconciliation
84 King and No King
86 Peace
87 A Drinking Song
88 The Coming of Wisdom with Time
89 The Mask?
91 These Are the Clouds
92 A Friend’s Illness
93 All Things Can Tempt Me
94 Brown Penny
96 To a Friend Whose Work Has Come to Nothing
98 Paudeen
99 When Helen Lived?
100 Beggar to Beggar Cried?
102 The Mountain Tomb
104 A Coat?
105 The Wild Swans at Coole
108 An Irish Airman Foresees His Death
110 Men Improve with the Years
111 A Song
113 The Scholars
115 Tom O’Roughley
117 Memory
118 The People
120 His Phoenix
123 Broken Dreams
126 A Deep-sworn Vow
127 To a Squirrel at Kyle-na-no
128 On Being Asked for a War Poem
129 Ego Dominus Tuus
135 The Phases of the Moon
145 Another Song of a Fool?
146 Easter, 1916
151 The Rose Tree
153 On a Political Prisoner
155 The Leaders of the Crowd?
157 Towards Break of Day
159 The Second Coming
162 A Prayer for My Daughter
168 A Meditation in Time of War
169 Sailing to Byzantium
172 The Tower
183 The Wheel
184 Youth and Age
185 Leda and the Swan
187 A Man Young and Old?
196 Death
197 A Dialogue of Self and Soul?
202 Symbols
203 Spilt Milk?
204 The Nineteenth Century and After
205 Three Movements
206 Swift’s Epitaph
207 Gratitude to the Unknown Instructors
208 Love’s Loneliness
209 After Long Silence
210 Old Tom Again
211 Father and Child?
212 Lapis Lazuli?
216 Sweet Dancer
217 The Lady’s First Song
218 The Lady’s Second Song
220 The Lady’s Third Song
221 The Lover’s Song
222 The Chambermaid’s First Song
223 The Chambermaid’s Second Song
224 Beautiful Lofty Things
226 The Great Day
227 A Model for the Laureate
229 Those Images
231 Why Should Not Old Men Be Mad??
233 A Stick of Incense
234 A Nativity
236 Politics
237 The Black Tower
239 Under Ben Bulben


威廉·巴特勒·葉芝(William Butler Yeats,1865年6月13日~1939年1月28日),愛爾蘭詩人、劇作家和散文家,著名的神秘主義者,是"愛爾蘭文藝復興運動"的領袖,也是艾比劇院(Abbey Theatre)的創建者之一。其代表作有《快樂的牧人之歌》《在你年老時》《麗達與天鵝》等。


