



  • 中文名:現代外語教學與研究(2018)
  • 作者:吳江梅、鞠方安、彭工
  • 出版社:中國人民大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2018年10月
  • 定價:58 元
  • ISBN:9787300261201




第一部分 教師職業發展
中國大學非英語專業學生英語教師的職業發展 李桂榮 刁惠悅
Career Development of Non English Major University Students’ English Teachers
研究生英語拜章茅教師職業發展的學術文化動因 蔣倩昱
Academic and Cultural Development of English Teachers for Non-English Major Postgraduates
“網際網路+”教育時代翻轉課堂教學中教師角色探析 王 瑋 婁瑞娟 姜 佳
Role of Teachers in the Flipped Classroom via the Internet Teacher’s Role in Teaching English for Legal Purposes (ELP) 劉 艷
第二部分 教學新研究新模式
“翻轉課堂”套用於英語教學的有效性分析 姜 佳 婁瑞娟
Feasibility Analysis of “Flipped Classroom Mode” Applied in English Teaching
研究生公共英語閱讀課程翻轉課堂模式研究 趙軼潔
Flipped Classroom Model in General English Intensive Reading for Graduate Students
慕課熱潮下博士研究生英語宙提影凝教學現狀探析及對策 劉釗宏
Current Situation and Countermeasures of English Teaching for PhD Students under the Upsurge of MOOC
Effect of Cooperative Learning on Chinese Graduates’ L2 English Communication Competence 姜 育
研究生法律翻譯海戀課堂討論教學法白臘宙探究 李 昕
Discussion Method in Graduate Legal Translation Class
信息化背景下研究生英語翻譯教學模式探討 楊 萍
Graduate English Translation Teaching in Education Informatization Era
英語教學中學生自主學習能力的培養 姜 佳 白雪蓮
Cultivation of Autonomous Learning Ability in English Teaching
法律翻譯人才培養智慧教學模式研究 徐 明
Smart Teaching Model for the Cultivation of Legal Translators
英語寫作成就目標與寫作策略以及寫作成績的關係研究 李 航
Relationships of EFL Achievement Goal Orientations, Strategy Use and Writing Performance
學習者因素對非英語專業研究生英語學習焦慮的影響 程 英
Impact of Learner Factors on Non-English-Major Graduate Students’ EFL Learning Anxiety
自動評分系統在英語學習中的套用研究綜述 馬慧芳 張 濤 曹榮平
Application of Automatic Scoring System in English Learning
海納百川 博採眾長 打造學生真心喜愛、受益良多的高校公外研究生章道囑英語課——教材建設、教學方法、教學評估探討與分享 馮 婭 張春燕
Reform and Development of English Teaching for Non-English-Major Graduates Rely on Studying Intensively and Extensively——欠抹局Teaching Materials, Methods and Evaluation Model
西部普通高校非英語專業研究生英語課程建設研究——以大理大學為例 劉鳳欽
Curriculum Reforming of Non-English Majors Postgraduate English Course in the Universities of Western Area——A Case of Dali University
“新國標”視域下工科院校英語專業多元課程構建——以天津工業大學為例 徐 琳
Multi-Curriculum Construction of English Major in Polytechnic Universities Based on the National Criteria——From the Perspective of Tianjin Polytechnic University
第三部分 語言技能培訓
英文原版小說閱讀方法與實踐——基於對非英語專業研究生英語閱讀訓練的思考 郭志艷 周俊萍
Reading Methods and Practice of English-Version Novels——Thinking on English Reading Training of Non-English Major Postgraduates
內容依託教學法在非英語專業研究生英語閱讀教學中的改革與實踐 楊丹元
Using CBI in Teaching English Reading for Non-English Major Postgraduates
基於實驗的研究生英語口語訓練課程設計 趙保華 周紅紅
Spoken English Teaching of Postgraduate Students Course Design Based on an Empirical Study
拉波夫語篇分析模式與英語閱讀教學 賈志梅
Labov’s Discourse Analysis Pattern and Its Application in English Reading Course
基於篇章語用學理論的法律外語教學改革構想 霍穎楠
Reform of Legal Foreign Language Teaching Based on the Theory of Text Progmatics
Vocabulary Learning Through Conceptual Metaphor 夏艾米倫 馬 玲
Chinese College Athletes’ English Learning 劉 偉
基於“廈大模式”的口譯課實踐教學立體化構建 徐 琳
Multi-Dimensional Construction of Practical Teaching of Interpretation Based on “Xiada Model”
第四部分 學術英語研究與教學
——基於我國外語類核心期刊統計分析(2008— 2017) 盧 鹿
Postgraduates’ EAP Writing Research in China from 2008 to 2017
——以清華大學為例 劉梅華 郭 茜 劉 延
Doctoral Students’ English Paper Publication: A Case of Tsinghua University
研究生學位評估語境下翻譯方向碩士生學位論文質量探究——以中國政法大學翻譯方向碩士研究生學位論文為例 王 芳 段金妤
Academic Dissertations of MA Candidates in Translation and Interpreting in the Context of Academic Degree Evaluation: A Case Study of China University of Political Science and Law
學生剽竊現狀與認知實證研究——兼論對研究生學術規範教育的啟示 張文娟
An Empirical Study on Students’ Plagiarism in Writing and Their Perceptions——Its Implication for Postgraduate Academic Education
語料庫在研究生醫學英語辭彙教學中的套用 熊淋宵
Application of Corpus in Medical English Vocabulary Teaching for Postgraduates
基於“任務型教學”理論的學術英語寫作及演講課堂構建 王 琳 崔曉玲
Task-Based Academic English Writing and Speaking Class Construction
中外學者英文摘要中立場標記語對比研究——以環境工程學科為例 成曉敏
A Comparative Study of Stance Markers in Abstracts of Chinese and English Academic Papers ——From the Perspective of Environmental Engineering Discipline
Hedging in Academic Abstracts: From the Discipline of Environmental Science 袁 夢 李 芝
第五部分 文化研究與教學
《中國文化概論(英)》教學中師生“主體性”探索 曲 亮 吳新雲
Subjectivity of Teachers and Students in Promoting the Course Chinese Cultural Studies in English
研究生外語教學中的文化自信培養與實現路徑 王建榮 周紅紅
Cultivation and Realization of Cultural Confidence in Foreign Language Teaching of Graduate Students
淺談中國文化英語課程設定的必要性及課程內容 張莛敏
Necessity of Establishing the Course——Insights into Chinese Culture
淺議外語教學中跨文化交際能力訓練方法 祝莉麗
Intercultural Communicating Competence Training in English Teaching
《西中文明比照》課程設計與教法初探 孫曉燕
Syllabus Design for Western Civilization with Chinese Comparisons
基於PBL 的《中西方文化比較》研究生選修課教學模式初探
Teaching Mode of Postgraduate Elective of Comparing Chinese and Western Cultures Based on PBL 李怡然 趙 霞 李淑媛 Li Qing Kinnison
第六部分 筆譯與口譯研究
——以《中華法制文明史》為例 劉瑞英
Problems and Difficulties in Translating Ancient Chinese Law into English——A Case Study of the Translation of The History of Chinese Legal Civilization
霍譯《紅樓夢》連動句翻譯例析 倪慶行
Skills Applied to the Translation of Sentences with Verbal Structure in The Story of the Stone by Hawkes
《駱駝祥子》四譯本文化負載詞翻譯對比研究 吳增欣
Contrastive Analysis of the Translation of Culture-Loaded Words among Four Versions of Rickshaw Boy
論《紅高粱》中專有名詞的翻譯 鄧文生 吳 艷
Translation of Special Terms in Red Sorghum: A Novel of China
Nominalization in the Translation of Legal Texts——Transferring from Dynamic to Static State 徐新燕 劉 暢
——以中國《契約法》英譯本和《美國契約法第二次重述》為例 楊懷恩 張 森
English Translation of “訂立契約” from the Perspective of Collection——Taking Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China and Restatement (Second) of Law of Contracts as Examples
Information Accuracy in Business Style C-E Simultaneous Interpreting 葛衛紅
交際翻譯理論在口譯中的套用研究 邊菲斐 高 波
Application of Communicative Translation Theory in Interpreting
第七部分 書評與語言研究
Emerson’s Individuality Claim in Self-Reliance 謝 娟
Devotion to Democracy: the Federalists and Their Political Ideas 王 瓊
猶太復國主義及其在美國的影響 王梅英
The Rise of Zionism and Its Influence in the United States
美國“後種族”幻覺的破滅 藺玉清
Disillusion of America’s “Post-racial” Fallacy
論《白噪音》中形而上之衰弱與死亡恐懼 張 磊 占才立
The Fall of Metaphysics and the Fear of Death in White Noise
9 · 11 創傷下的美國現狀——解讀小說《樓梯口的門》 秦 宇 朱紅梅
The Present Situation In the United States Under the 9 · 11 Trauma——Interpretation of A Gate at the Stairs
從“生存死亡感”異化到“神”——生態女權主義視角對艾米麗進行再解讀 武立紅 柴晚鎖
From “Live Death” Alienated to “Goddess”——Reinterpretation of Emily from the Perspective of Ecofeminism
Samson and His Women——“Hero” and Victims in the Bible 陳 瑋
企業信任修復的話語分析——以“海底撈”公司為例 王 涵 姚曉東
Discourse Analysis on Trust Repair of Enterprise——Taking Haidilao as Example
生物語言學視域下的雙語習得與二語習得 史紅麗
Study of Bilingual Acquisition and Second Language Acquisition from a Biolinguistics Perspective
英語教學中學生自主學習能力的培養 姜 佳 白雪蓮
Cultivation of Autonomous Learning Ability in English Teaching
法律翻譯人才培養智慧教學模式研究 徐 明
Smart Teaching Model for the Cultivation of Legal Translators
英語寫作成就目標與寫作策略以及寫作成績的關係研究 李 航
Relationships of EFL Achievement Goal Orientations, Strategy Use and Writing Performance
學習者因素對非英語專業研究生英語學習焦慮的影響 程 英
Impact of Learner Factors on Non-English-Major Graduate Students’ EFL Learning Anxiety
自動評分系統在英語學習中的套用研究綜述 馬慧芳 張 濤 曹榮平
Application of Automatic Scoring System in English Learning
海納百川 博採眾長 打造學生真心喜愛、受益良多的高校公外研究生英語課——教材建設、教學方法、教學評估探討與分享 馮 婭 張春燕
Reform and Development of English Teaching for Non-English-Major Graduates Rely on Studying Intensively and Extensively——Teaching Materials, Methods and Evaluation Model
西部普通高校非英語專業研究生英語課程建設研究——以大理大學為例 劉鳳欽
Curriculum Reforming of Non-English Majors Postgraduate English Course in the Universities of Western Area——A Case of Dali University
“新國標”視域下工科院校英語專業多元課程構建——以天津工業大學為例 徐 琳
Multi-Curriculum Construction of English Major in Polytechnic Universities Based on the National Criteria——From the Perspective of Tianjin Polytechnic University
第三部分 語言技能培訓
英文原版小說閱讀方法與實踐——基於對非英語專業研究生英語閱讀訓練的思考 郭志艷 周俊萍
Reading Methods and Practice of English-Version Novels——Thinking on English Reading Training of Non-English Major Postgraduates
內容依託教學法在非英語專業研究生英語閱讀教學中的改革與實踐 楊丹元
Using CBI in Teaching English Reading for Non-English Major Postgraduates
基於實驗的研究生英語口語訓練課程設計 趙保華 周紅紅
Spoken English Teaching of Postgraduate Students Course Design Based on an Empirical Study
拉波夫語篇分析模式與英語閱讀教學 賈志梅
Labov’s Discourse Analysis Pattern and Its Application in English Reading Course
基於篇章語用學理論的法律外語教學改革構想 霍穎楠
Reform of Legal Foreign Language Teaching Based on the Theory of Text Progmatics
Vocabulary Learning Through Conceptual Metaphor 夏艾米倫 馬 玲
Chinese College Athletes’ English Learning 劉 偉
基於“廈大模式”的口譯課實踐教學立體化構建 徐 琳
Multi-Dimensional Construction of Practical Teaching of Interpretation Based on “Xiada Model”
第四部分 學術英語研究與教學
——基於我國外語類核心期刊統計分析(2008— 2017) 盧 鹿
Postgraduates’ EAP Writing Research in China from 2008 to 2017
——以清華大學為例 劉梅華 郭 茜 劉 延
Doctoral Students’ English Paper Publication: A Case of Tsinghua University
研究生學位評估語境下翻譯方向碩士生學位論文質量探究——以中國政法大學翻譯方向碩士研究生學位論文為例 王 芳 段金妤
Academic Dissertations of MA Candidates in Translation and Interpreting in the Context of Academic Degree Evaluation: A Case Study of China University of Political Science and Law
學生剽竊現狀與認知實證研究——兼論對研究生學術規範教育的啟示 張文娟
An Empirical Study on Students’ Plagiarism in Writing and Their Perceptions——Its Implication for Postgraduate Academic Education
語料庫在研究生醫學英語辭彙教學中的套用 熊淋宵
Application of Corpus in Medical English Vocabulary Teaching for Postgraduates
基於“任務型教學”理論的學術英語寫作及演講課堂構建 王 琳 崔曉玲
Task-Based Academic English Writing and Speaking Class Construction
中外學者英文摘要中立場標記語對比研究——以環境工程學科為例 成曉敏
A Comparative Study of Stance Markers in Abstracts of Chinese and English Academic Papers ——From the Perspective of Environmental Engineering Discipline
Hedging in Academic Abstracts: From the Discipline of Environmental Science 袁 夢 李 芝
第五部分 文化研究與教學
《中國文化概論(英)》教學中師生“主體性”探索 曲 亮 吳新雲
Subjectivity of Teachers and Students in Promoting the Course Chinese Cultural Studies in English
研究生外語教學中的文化自信培養與實現路徑 王建榮 周紅紅
Cultivation and Realization of Cultural Confidence in Foreign Language Teaching of Graduate Students
淺談中國文化英語課程設定的必要性及課程內容 張莛敏
Necessity of Establishing the Course——Insights into Chinese Culture
淺議外語教學中跨文化交際能力訓練方法 祝莉麗
Intercultural Communicating Competence Training in English Teaching
《西中文明比照》課程設計與教法初探 孫曉燕
Syllabus Design for Western Civilization with Chinese Comparisons
基於PBL 的《中西方文化比較》研究生選修課教學模式初探
Teaching Mode of Postgraduate Elective of Comparing Chinese and Western Cultures Based on PBL 李怡然 趙 霞 李淑媛 Li Qing Kinnison
第六部分 筆譯與口譯研究
——以《中華法制文明史》為例 劉瑞英
Problems and Difficulties in Translating Ancient Chinese Law into English——A Case Study of the Translation of The History of Chinese Legal Civilization
霍譯《紅樓夢》連動句翻譯例析 倪慶行
Skills Applied to the Translation of Sentences with Verbal Structure in The Story of the Stone by Hawkes
《駱駝祥子》四譯本文化負載詞翻譯對比研究 吳增欣
Contrastive Analysis of the Translation of Culture-Loaded Words among Four Versions of Rickshaw Boy
論《紅高粱》中專有名詞的翻譯 鄧文生 吳 艷
Translation of Special Terms in Red Sorghum: A Novel of China
Nominalization in the Translation of Legal Texts——Transferring from Dynamic to Static State 徐新燕 劉 暢
——以中國《契約法》英譯本和《美國契約法第二次重述》為例 楊懷恩 張 森
English Translation of “訂立契約” from the Perspective of Collection——Taking Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China and Restatement (Second) of Law of Contracts as Examples
Information Accuracy in Business Style C-E Simultaneous Interpreting 葛衛紅
交際翻譯理論在口譯中的套用研究 邊菲斐 高 波
Application of Communicative Translation Theory in Interpreting
第七部分 書評與語言研究
Emerson’s Individuality Claim in Self-Reliance 謝 娟
Devotion to Democracy: the Federalists and Their Political Ideas 王 瓊
猶太復國主義及其在美國的影響 王梅英
The Rise of Zionism and Its Influence in the United States
美國“後種族”幻覺的破滅 藺玉清
Disillusion of America’s “Post-racial” Fallacy
論《白噪音》中形而上之衰弱與死亡恐懼 張 磊 占才立
The Fall of Metaphysics and the Fear of Death in White Noise
9 · 11 創傷下的美國現狀——解讀小說《樓梯口的門》 秦 宇 朱紅梅
The Present Situation In the United States Under the 9 · 11 Trauma——Interpretation of A Gate at the Stairs
從“生存死亡感”異化到“神”——生態女權主義視角對艾米麗進行再解讀 武立紅 柴晚鎖
From “Live Death” Alienated to “Goddess”——Reinterpretation of Emily from the Perspective of Ecofeminism
Samson and His Women——“Hero” and Victims in the Bible 陳 瑋
企業信任修復的話語分析——以“海底撈”公司為例 王 涵 姚曉東
Discourse Analysis on Trust Repair of Enterprise——Taking Haidilao as Example
生物語言學視域下的雙語習得與二語習得 史紅麗
Study of Bilingual Acquisition and Second Language Acquisition from a Biolinguistics Perspective


