1996. 6-8 德國柏林自由大學東亞研究所(OAS,Free University Berlin)訪問教授
1996.10-1997.1 美國耶魯大學東亞研究會(Council on East Asian Studies,Yale University)訪問學者
1996.11 參加台北第三屆唐代文化研討會並在中正、中興、成功等大學講演
1997.6 法國高等實驗研究院(Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes)訪問教授
1997.7 參加英國圖書館(The British Library)舉辦的Forgeries of Dunhuang Manuscripts in the Early Twentieth Century(二十世紀初敦煌寫本偽卷學術討論會)並在倫敦大學亞非學院(SOAS,University of London)講演
5.“The Nature of the Dunhuang Library Cave and the Reasons of Its Sealing”(tr. By Valerie Hansen),Cahiers d'Extreme-Asie,11 (Nouvelles etudes de Dunhuang),ed. J.-P. Drège,Paris/Kyoto 1999-2000,247-275.
6.“More on the Nature of the Tun-huang Treasures: Three Stages Monastery and the Library Cave”(Abastract),Transactions of the International Conference of Eastern Studies,No.XLV,2000,Tokyo: The Toho Gakkai,91-93.
19.“[Chinese] Research on the History of the Western Regions: A Retrospective and Prospects” (tr. By Lin Yi),Social Sciences in China,2,2000,111-123.
20.“Research on Zoroastrianism in China (1923-2000) ”(tr. by Bruce Doar),China Archaeology and Art Digest,Ⅳ.1: Zoroastrianism in China,December 2000,7-13.
20.“The Migrations and Settlements of the Sogdians in the Northern Dynasties,Sui and Tang” (tr. by Bruce Doar),China Archaeology and Art Digest,Ⅳ.1: Zoroastrianism in China,December 2000,117-163.
5.“The Relationship of Dunhuang with the Uighur Kingdom in Turfan in the Tenth Century”,De Dunhuang à Istanbul,Hommage à James Russel Hamilton(Silk Road StudiesV),ed. by Louis Bazin et Peter Zieme,Brepols 2001,275-298.
5.“The Li Shengduo Collection: Original or Forged Manuscripts?”Dunhuang Manuscript Forgeries(The British Library Studies in Conservation Science 3),ed. by Susan Whitfield,London: The British Library,2002,pp.62-83 + pl.1.
2. “The Illustrative Sequence on An Jia's Screen: A Depiction of the Daily Life of aSabao” (安伽石屏的圖像程式:一個薩保的日常生活畫卷),Orientations,February 2003,pp.32-35 + figs.1-7。
24. “Chinese Inscriptions on the Turfan Textiles in the Museum of Indian Art,Berlin ”,Appendix Ⅱ toCentral Asian Temple Banners in the Turfan Collection of the Museum für Indische Kunst,Berlin. Painted Textiles from the Northern Silk Route,by Chhaya Bhattacharya-Haesner,Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag,2003,pp.475-476.
10.“Land Route or Sea Route? Commentary on the study of the paths of transmission and areas in which Buddhism was disseminated during the Han period” (tr. by Xiuqin Zhou),Sino-Platonic Papers,ed. V. H. Mair,No.144,July 2004,1-32.
13.“Juqu Anzhou's Inscription and the Daliang Kingdom in Turfan” (tr. by Wang Yuanyuan) ,Turfan Revisited – The First Century of Research into the Art and Cultures of the Silk Road,ed. by D. Durkin-Meisterernst et al.,Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag,2004,268-275 + pls.1-3 + figs.1-2.
14.“Official Life at Dunhuang in the Tenth Century: The Case of Cao Yuanzhong” (tr. by A. Morrison),The Silk Road: Trade,Travel,War and Faith,ed. by Susan Whitfield,London: The British Library,2004,57-62+fig.1-4.
26.書評:Handbook to the Stein Collections in the UK;Catalogue of the Collections of Sir Aurel Stein in the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences,《敦煌吐魯番研究》 7 , 北京中華書局, 2004.1 , 499-504。(G)
7.“SabaoorSabo: Sogdian Caravan Leaders in the Wall-Paintings in Buddhist Caves”,Les Sogdiens en Chine,sous la direction de étienne de la Vaissiere et éric Trombert,Paris: école fran?aise d'Extrême-Orient,2005,pp.207-230.
10.“ Khotanese Felt and Sogdian Silver: Foreign Gifts to Buddhist Monasteries in Ninth and Tenth-Century Dunhuang ”,Asia Major,XⅦ.1,2004[2005],pp.15-34.
3.“Sogdians around the Ancient Tarim Basin”,ērān ud Anērān. Studies Presented to Boris Il'i? Mar?ak on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday,eds. M. Compareti,P. Raffetta and G. Scarcia,Venezia: Libreria Editrice Cafoscarina,2006,513-524.
5.“Zoroastrian deities on a Buddhist sculpture from Xi'an” (tr. by Wang Yuanyuan),古正美編《唐代佛教與佛教藝術》 /Buddhism and Buddhist Art of the Tang,新竹:覺風佛教藝術文化基金會, 2006 年 6 月, 253-261 頁。
16.“ New Light on Sogdian Colonies along the Silk Road . Recent Archaeological Finds in Northern China”,Berlin-Brandenburg ischeA kadem ie der Wissenschaften. Berichte und Abhandlungen,Band 10,Berlin: Akademie Verlag,Oktober 2006,147-160 .
20.“The Sogdian Caravan as Depicted in the Relieves of the Stone Sarcophagus from Shi's Tomb of the Northern Zhou”,Chinese Archaeology(中國考古學),vol.6,Beijing: China Social Sciences Press,2006.12,181-185+figs.1-4.
24.“Russian Expeditions and the Chinese Authorities in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries”(in Russian and English),Russian Expeditions to Central Asia at the Turn of the 20th Century,ed. by I. F. Popova,St. Petersburg: Slavia,2008,pp.219-226+3figs. (DD)
2.“Further Remarks on Sogdians in the Western Regions”,Exegisti monumenta.Festschrift in Honour of Nicholas Sims-Williams(Iranica 17),eds. Werner Sundermann,Almut Hintze and Francois de Blois,Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag,2009,pp.399-416.
12.“SabaoandSabo: On the Problem of the Leader of Sogdian Colonies during the Northern Dynasties,Sui and Tang Period”,Collection of Papers onIranian Studies in China,ed.,by Ye Yiliang,Peking University Press,2009.5,pp. 148-162.
24. “Newly Discovered Chinese-Khotanese Bilingual Tallies” (with Wen Xin),Journal of Inner Asian Art and Archaeology,Ⅲ,ed. J. Lerner and L. Russel-Smith,2009,pp. 99-118.
25.“On the Dating of Khotanese Documents from Khotan Area” (with Zhang Guangda),Journal of Inner Asian Art and Archaeology,Ⅲ,ed. J. Lerner and L. Russel-Smith,2009,pp. 149-156.
30. “The Name of So-called ‘Tumshuqese’”,Bulletin of the Asia Institute19 (Festschrift in honor of Oktor Skjaervo’s 65th birthday),Dec. 2009,pp. 121-129.
12.“Further Remarks on the Migrations and Settlements of the Sogdians in the Northern Dynasties,Sui and Tang”,Eurasia Studies,vol. I,ed. Yu Taishan,2010,pp. 120-140.