



  • 中文名:梅磊磊
  • 畢業院校:北京師範大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:語言認知、學習與記憶、兒童青少年認知訓練
  • 任職院校:華南師範大學心理學院










1. Li, H.(#), Qu, J. (#), Chen, C., Chen, Y., Xue, G., Zhang, L., Lu, C., Mei, L.*, 2018. Lexical learning in a new language leads to neural pattern similarity with word reading in native language. Human Brain Mapping.
2. Qu, J., Qian, L., Chen, C., Xue, G., Li, H., Xie, P., Mei, L.*, 2017. Neural Pattern Similarity in the Left IFG and Fusiform Is Associated with Novel Word Learning. Front Hum Neurosci 11, 424.
3. Wei M, Joshi A, Zhang M, Mei L, Manis F, He Q, Beattie R, Xue G, Shattuck DW, Leahy RM, Xue F, Houston SM, Chen C, Dong Q, Lu ZL., 2015. How age of acquisition influences brain architecture in bilinguals. Journal of Neurolinguistics 36,35-55.
4. Mei, L.*, Xue, G., Lu, Z.L., He, Q., Wei, M., Zhang, M., Dong, Q., Chen, C., 2015. Native language experience shapes neural basis of addressed and assembled phonologies. Neuroimage 114, 38-48.
5. Mei, L.*, Xue, G., Lu, Z.-L., Chen, C., Wei, M., He, Q., Dong, Q., 2015. Long-term experience with Chinese language shapes the fusiform asymmetry of English reading. Neuroimage 110, 3-10.
6. Mei, L., Xue, G., Lu, Z.L., Chen, C., Zhang, M., He, Q., Wei, M., Dong, Q., 2014. Learning to read words in a new language shapes the neural organization of the prior languages. Neuropsychologia 65, 156-168.
7. Zhang, M., Chen, C., Xue, G., Lu, Z.-l., Mei, L., Xue, H., Wei, M., He, Q., Li, J., Dong, Q., 2014. Language-general and -specific white matter microstructural bases for reading. Neuroimage 98, 435-441.
8. Mei, L., Xue, G., Lu, Z., He, Q., Zhang, M., Wei, M., Xue, F., Chen, C., Dong, Q. (2014) Artificial Language Training Reveals the Neural Substrates Underlying Addressed and Assembled Phonologies. Plos one, 9(3), e93548.
9. Zhang, M., Li, J., Chen, C., Xue, G., Lu, Z., Mei, L., Xue, H., Xue, F., He, Q., Chen, C., Wei, M., Dong, Q. (2014) Resting-state functional connectivity and reading abilities in first and second languages. NeuroImage, 84, 546-553.
10. Mei, L., Xue, G., Chen, C., Lu, Z., He, Q., & Dong, Q, 2013. Orthographic transparency modulates the functional asymmetry in the fusiform cortex: An artificial language training study. Brain and Language, 125(2), 165-72.
11. Zhang, M., Li, J., Chen, C., Mei, L., Xue, G., Lu, Z., Chen, C., He, Q., Wei, M., & Dong, Q. (2013) “The contribution of the left mid-fusiform cortical thickness to Chinese and English reading in a large Chinese sample.” NeuroImage, 65, 250-256.
12. Zhao, H., Chen, C., Zhang, H., Zhou, X., Mei, L., Chen, C., Chen, L., Cao, Z., Dong, Q. 2012. Is Order the Defining Feature of Magnitude Representation? An ERP Study on Learning Numerical Magnitude and Spatial Order of Artificial Symbols. Plos One, 7(11), e49565.
13. Xue, G., Chen, C., Mei, L., Lu, Z., & Dong. Q. 2011. The cognitive neuroscience of learning to read. In Luo, Y. & Lu, Z. (Eds.). Cognitive Neuroscience.
14. Xue G, Mei L, Chen C, Lu Z, Dong Q, Poldrack R, 2011. Spaced Learning Enhances Subsequent Recognition Memory by Reducing Neural Repetition Suppression. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23(7): 1624-33.
15. Zhang M, Jiang T, Mei L, Yang H, Chen C, Dong Q, 2011. It's a Word: Early Electrophysiological Response to Character-Likeness of Pictographs. Psychophysiology, 48(7): 950-9.
16. Xue G, Mei L, Chen C, Lu Z, Dong Q, Poldrack R, 2010. Facilitating Orthographic Learning by Reducing the Neural Repetition Suppression in the Left Fusiform Cortex. Plos one, 5(10): e13204
17. Mei L, Xue G, Chen C, Xue F, Zhang M, Dong Q, 2010. The “Visual Word Form Area” Is Involved in Successful Memory Encoding of both Words and Faces. NeuroImage, 52: 371-378.
18. Chen C, Xue G, Mei L, Chen C and Dong Q, 2009. Cultural Neurolinguistics. In J Y Chiao (Ed.) Progress in Brain Research, Vol. (178), P159-171.
19. Mei L, Chen C, Xue G, He Q, Li T, Xue F, Yang Q, Dong Q, 2008. Neural Predictors of Auditory Word Learning. Neuroreport, 19(2): 215-219.
20. Dong Q, Mei L, Xue G, Chen C, Li T, Xue F, Huang S, 2008. Sex-dependent Neurofunctional Predictors of Long-Term Maintenance of Visual Word Learning. Neuroscience Letters, 430(2): 87-91.
21. Li L, Ding N, Xue F, Mei L, Dong Q, 2007. The role of Anterior Cingulate Cortex in depression: an MRS and MRI study. Progress in natural science, 17(13), 205-206.
22.林軍鳳, 應康麗, 李會玲, 胡慧楠, 梅磊磊*, 已接收. 編碼方式對陌生字形記憶的影響. 心理科學.
23.梅磊磊*, 屈 靖, 李會玲, 2017. 第二語言學習的認知神經機制. 華南師範大學學報(社會科學版), 6: 63-73.
24.薛紅莉, 梅磊磊, 薛貴, 陳傳升, 董奇, 2017. 學習方法對陌生語言字形學習的影響. 心理科學, 40(5): 1111-1116.
25.李燕芳, 梅磊磊, 董奇, 2009. 視覺言語在漢語母語兒童和成人英語語音知覺中的作用. 心理科學, 32(5): 1038-1041.
26.李麗, 丁妮, 薛峰, 梅磊磊, 董奇, 2009.單相抑鬱症患者臨床症狀與腦功能異常的關聯研究.首都醫科大學學報,30(1): 32-36.
27.梅磊磊, 李燕芳, 龍柚杉, 董奇, 2008. 材料呈現方式對不同音樂訓練經驗的漢語兒童英語言語記憶的影響木. 心理學報,40(8): 883-889.
28.梅磊磊, 黃仕志, 薛貴, 陳傳升, 董奇, 2008. 非母語語音短期學習的年齡效應. 心理發展與教育, 3: 89-93.
29.李燕芳, 梅磊磊, 董奇, 2008. 漢語母語者視聽雙通道言語知覺的特點及發展研究. 心理發展與教育, 3: 43-47.
30.李麗, 丁妮, 梅磊磊, 薛峰, 董奇, 2007. 基於功能磁共振成像方法的單相抑鬱症情緒加工特點研究. 高技術通訊, 12, 1301-1306.
31.李麗, 丁妮, 薛峰, 梅磊磊, 董奇, 2007. 女性抑鬱症病人腦灰質容量改變的研究. 中國臨床心理學雜誌, 15(5), 486.


2018-2020 有效辭彙學習與記憶 廣東省普通高校創新團隊項目(人文社科)
2018-2021 學習經驗對母語和第二語言辭彙神經表征的塑造作用 自然科學基金面上項目
2015-2017 第二語言學習對母語加工神經機制的影響研究 自然科學青年基金
2014-2017 閱讀中語音提取和語音拼讀的神經表征差異研究 全國優秀博士學位論文作者專項資金


2018-2021 學習困難兒童的認知神經科學研究和干預技術研發 廣州市科技計畫項目(子課題負責人)


董潔, 魯成柔, 應康麗, 梅磊磊*, 2018. 母語與二語的神經模式相似性對二語辭彙學習的預測作用. 中國心理學會普通心理和實驗心理學年會. 遼寧大連.
屈婧, 劉笑語, 吳秋蘭, 梅磊磊*, 2018. 學習經驗對辭彙加工神經模式相似性的影響. 中國心理學會普通心理和實驗心理學年會. 遼寧大連.
李會玲, 張蕾, 李鳳傑, 梅磊磊*, 2017. 第二語言學習對母語和第二語言神經表征相似性的影響. 中國心理學會普通心理和實驗心理學年會.陝西西安.
陳彥君, 屈婧, 林陽鳳, 梅磊磊*, 2017. 左側額下回和梭狀回的模式相似性對辭彙學習的預測作用. 中國心理學會普通心理和實驗心理學年會.陝西西安.
Mei L, 2016. Long-Term Experience with Chinese Language Shapes the Fusiform Asymmetry of English Reading. Presentation on 16th International Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages (ICPEAL). Guangzhou, China.
錢柳, 屈婧, 楊蘭妹, 梅磊磊*, 2015.母語經驗對語音提取和語音拼讀神經機制的影響. 中國心理學會普通心理和實驗心理學年會.江蘇蘇州.
Chen C, Mei L, Zhang M, Chen C. Individual differences in neural bases of language learning: evidence from both artificial language and native language. Presentation on the 30th International Congress of Psychology. 2012. South Africa.
Chen C, Mei L, Xue G, Dong Q. Neural basis of learning to read a second language: Evidence from artificial language training studies. Presentation on the International Conference on Bilingualism and Comparative Linguistics. 2012. Hong Kong.
Leilei Mei, Gui Xue, Zhonglin Lu, Chuansheng Chen, Qi Dong, 2011. Learning to read a new language shapes the neural activities associated with reading in the native language. Poster on the 41th annual meeting of Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC, US.
Mei L, Xue G, Lu Z, Dong Q, He Q, Chen C, 2010. Neural bases of addressed and assembled phonologies: the role of native language experience. Poster on the 40th annual meeting of Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, US.
Xue G, Mei L, Chen C, Lu Z, Poldrack R, Dong Q, 2010. Facilitating orthographic memory by reducing neural repetition suppression in the left fusiform cortex. Poster on the 2nd annual neurobiology of language conference, San Diego, US.
Xue G, Mei L, Lu Z, Dong Q, He Q, Zhang M, Xue H, Chen C, 2010. Neural Changes associated with phonological training: the role of reading pathways. Poster on 16th annual meetings of the organization for Human Brain Mapping, Barcelona, Spain.
Mei L, Xue G, Lu Z, Dong Q, He Q, Zhang M, Xue H, Chen C, 2010. The neural substrates underlying addressed and assembled phonologies: an artificial language training study. Poster on 22nd Association of Psychological Science annual convention, Boston, USA.
Chen C, Xue G, Dong Q, Mei L, Jin Z, 2007. Left fusiform and visual word learning: Good for males, not enough for females. Presentation on SRCD 2007 Biennial Meeting, Boston, USA.
Li L, Ding N, Xue F, Mei L, Dong Q, 2006. The role of Anterior Cingulate Cortex in depression: an MRS and MRI study. Poster on the 1st Conference of Sino-Western Exchanges in Cognitive Neuroscience, Beijing, China.
梅磊磊,黃仕志,董奇,2007. 非母語語音短期學習的年齡效應. 第十一屆全國心理學學術會議,河南開封.
張華,郭易,黃仕志,梅磊磊,2005. 工作記憶在兒童心算中的作用. 第九屆全國發展心理學年會,大連.


2017 廣東省哲學社會科學優秀成果二等獎
2012 全國百篇優秀博士論文
2011 北京市優秀博士論文
6. Mei, L., Xue, G., Lu, Z.L., Chen, C., Zhang, M., He, Q., Wei, M., Dong, Q., 2014. Learning to read words in a new language shapes the neural organization of the prior languages. Neuropsychologia 65, 156-168.
7. Zhang, M., Chen, C., Xue, G., Lu, Z.-l., Mei, L., Xue, H., Wei, M., He, Q., Li, J., Dong, Q., 2014. Language-general and -specific white matter microstructural bases for reading. Neuroimage 98, 435-441.
8. Mei, L., Xue, G., Lu, Z., He, Q., Zhang, M., Wei, M., Xue, F., Chen, C., Dong, Q. (2014) Artificial Language Training Reveals the Neural Substrates Underlying Addressed and Assembled Phonologies. Plos one, 9(3), e93548.
9. Zhang, M., Li, J., Chen, C., Xue, G., Lu, Z., Mei, L., Xue, H., Xue, F., He, Q., Chen, C., Wei, M., Dong, Q. (2014) Resting-state functional connectivity and reading abilities in first and second languages. NeuroImage, 84, 546-553.
10. Mei, L., Xue, G., Chen, C., Lu, Z., He, Q., & Dong, Q, 2013. Orthographic transparency modulates the functional asymmetry in the fusiform cortex: An artificial language training study. Brain and Language, 125(2), 165-72.
11. Zhang, M., Li, J., Chen, C., Mei, L., Xue, G., Lu, Z., Chen, C., He, Q., Wei, M., & Dong, Q. (2013) “The contribution of the left mid-fusiform cortical thickness to Chinese and English reading in a large Chinese sample.” NeuroImage, 65, 250-256.
12. Zhao, H., Chen, C., Zhang, H., Zhou, X., Mei, L., Chen, C., Chen, L., Cao, Z., Dong, Q. 2012. Is Order the Defining Feature of Magnitude Representation? An ERP Study on Learning Numerical Magnitude and Spatial Order of Artificial Symbols. Plos One, 7(11), e49565.
13. Xue, G., Chen, C., Mei, L., Lu, Z., & Dong. Q. 2011. The cognitive neuroscience of learning to read. In Luo, Y. & Lu, Z. (Eds.). Cognitive Neuroscience.
14. Xue G, Mei L, Chen C, Lu Z, Dong Q, Poldrack R, 2011. Spaced Learning Enhances Subsequent Recognition Memory by Reducing Neural Repetition Suppression. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23(7): 1624-33.
15. Zhang M, Jiang T, Mei L, Yang H, Chen C, Dong Q, 2011. It's a Word: Early Electrophysiological Response to Character-Likeness of Pictographs. Psychophysiology, 48(7): 950-9.
16. Xue G, Mei L, Chen C, Lu Z, Dong Q, Poldrack R, 2010. Facilitating Orthographic Learning by Reducing the Neural Repetition Suppression in the Left Fusiform Cortex. Plos one, 5(10): e13204
17. Mei L, Xue G, Chen C, Xue F, Zhang M, Dong Q, 2010. The “Visual Word Form Area” Is Involved in Successful Memory Encoding of both Words and Faces. NeuroImage, 52: 371-378.
18. Chen C, Xue G, Mei L, Chen C and Dong Q, 2009. Cultural Neurolinguistics. In J Y Chiao (Ed.) Progress in Brain Research, Vol. (178), P159-171.
19. Mei L, Chen C, Xue G, He Q, Li T, Xue F, Yang Q, Dong Q, 2008. Neural Predictors of Auditory Word Learning. Neuroreport, 19(2): 215-219.
20. Dong Q, Mei L, Xue G, Chen C, Li T, Xue F, Huang S, 2008. Sex-dependent Neurofunctional Predictors of Long-Term Maintenance of Visual Word Learning. Neuroscience Letters, 430(2): 87-91.
21. Li L, Ding N, Xue F, Mei L, Dong Q, 2007. The role of Anterior Cingulate Cortex in depression: an MRS and MRI study. Progress in natural science, 17(13), 205-206.
22.林軍鳳, 應康麗, 李會玲, 胡慧楠, 梅磊磊*, 已接收. 編碼方式對陌生字形記憶的影響. 心理科學.
23.梅磊磊*, 屈 靖, 李會玲, 2017. 第二語言學習的認知神經機制. 華南師範大學學報(社會科學版), 6: 63-73.
24.薛紅莉, 梅磊磊, 薛貴, 陳傳升, 董奇, 2017. 學習方法對陌生語言字形學習的影響. 心理科學, 40(5): 1111-1116.
25.李燕芳, 梅磊磊, 董奇, 2009. 視覺言語在漢語母語兒童和成人英語語音知覺中的作用. 心理科學, 32(5): 1038-1041.
26.李麗, 丁妮, 薛峰, 梅磊磊, 董奇, 2009.單相抑鬱症患者臨床症狀與腦功能異常的關聯研究.首都醫科大學學報,30(1): 32-36.
27.梅磊磊, 李燕芳, 龍柚杉, 董奇, 2008. 材料呈現方式對不同音樂訓練經驗的漢語兒童英語言語記憶的影響木. 心理學報,40(8): 883-889.
28.梅磊磊, 黃仕志, 薛貴, 陳傳升, 董奇, 2008. 非母語語音短期學習的年齡效應. 心理發展與教育, 3: 89-93.
29.李燕芳, 梅磊磊, 董奇, 2008. 漢語母語者視聽雙通道言語知覺的特點及發展研究. 心理發展與教育, 3: 43-47.
30.李麗, 丁妮, 梅磊磊, 薛峰, 董奇, 2007. 基於功能磁共振成像方法的單相抑鬱症情緒加工特點研究. 高技術通訊, 12, 1301-1306.
31.李麗, 丁妮, 薛峰, 梅磊磊, 董奇, 2007. 女性抑鬱症病人腦灰質容量改變的研究. 中國臨床心理學雜誌, 15(5), 486.


2018-2020 有效辭彙學習與記憶 廣東省普通高校創新團隊項目(人文社科)
2018-2021 學習經驗對母語和第二語言辭彙神經表征的塑造作用 自然科學基金面上項目
2015-2017 第二語言學習對母語加工神經機制的影響研究 自然科學青年基金
2014-2017 閱讀中語音提取和語音拼讀的神經表征差異研究 全國優秀博士學位論文作者專項資金


2018-2021 學習困難兒童的認知神經科學研究和干預技術研發 廣州市科技計畫項目(子課題負責人)


董潔, 魯成柔, 應康麗, 梅磊磊*, 2018. 母語與二語的神經模式相似性對二語辭彙學習的預測作用. 中國心理學會普通心理和實驗心理學年會. 遼寧大連.
屈婧, 劉笑語, 吳秋蘭, 梅磊磊*, 2018. 學習經驗對辭彙加工神經模式相似性的影響. 中國心理學會普通心理和實驗心理學年會. 遼寧大連.
李會玲, 張蕾, 李鳳傑, 梅磊磊*, 2017. 第二語言學習對母語和第二語言神經表征相似性的影響. 中國心理學會普通心理和實驗心理學年會.陝西西安.
陳彥君, 屈婧, 林陽鳳, 梅磊磊*, 2017. 左側額下回和梭狀回的模式相似性對辭彙學習的預測作用. 中國心理學會普通心理和實驗心理學年會.陝西西安.
Mei L, 2016. Long-Term Experience with Chinese Language Shapes the Fusiform Asymmetry of English Reading. Presentation on 16th International Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages (ICPEAL). Guangzhou, China.
錢柳, 屈婧, 楊蘭妹, 梅磊磊*, 2015.母語經驗對語音提取和語音拼讀神經機制的影響. 中國心理學會普通心理和實驗心理學年會.江蘇蘇州.
Chen C, Mei L, Zhang M, Chen C. Individual differences in neural bases of language learning: evidence from both artificial language and native language. Presentation on the 30th International Congress of Psychology. 2012. South Africa.
Chen C, Mei L, Xue G, Dong Q. Neural basis of learning to read a second language: Evidence from artificial language training studies. Presentation on the International Conference on Bilingualism and Comparative Linguistics. 2012. Hong Kong.
Leilei Mei, Gui Xue, Zhonglin Lu, Chuansheng Chen, Qi Dong, 2011. Learning to read a new language shapes the neural activities associated with reading in the native language. Poster on the 41th annual meeting of Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC, US.
Mei L, Xue G, Lu Z, Dong Q, He Q, Chen C, 2010. Neural bases of addressed and assembled phonologies: the role of native language experience. Poster on the 40th annual meeting of Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, US.
Xue G, Mei L, Chen C, Lu Z, Poldrack R, Dong Q, 2010. Facilitating orthographic memory by reducing neural repetition suppression in the left fusiform cortex. Poster on the 2nd annual neurobiology of language conference, San Diego, US.
Xue G, Mei L, Lu Z, Dong Q, He Q, Zhang M, Xue H, Chen C, 2010. Neural Changes associated with phonological training: the role of reading pathways. Poster on 16th annual meetings of the organization for Human Brain Mapping, Barcelona, Spain.
Mei L, Xue G, Lu Z, Dong Q, He Q, Zhang M, Xue H, Chen C, 2010. The neural substrates underlying addressed and assembled phonologies: an artificial language training study. Poster on 22nd Association of Psychological Science annual convention, Boston, USA.
Chen C, Xue G, Dong Q, Mei L, Jin Z, 2007. Left fusiform and visual word learning: Good for males, not enough for females. Presentation on SRCD 2007 Biennial Meeting, Boston, USA.
Li L, Ding N, Xue F, Mei L, Dong Q, 2006. The role of Anterior Cingulate Cortex in depression: an MRS and MRI study. Poster on the 1st Conference of Sino-Western Exchanges in Cognitive Neuroscience, Beijing, China.
梅磊磊,黃仕志,董奇,2007. 非母語語音短期學習的年齡效應. 第十一屆全國心理學學術會議,河南開封.
張華,郭易,黃仕志,梅磊磊,2005. 工作記憶在兒童心算中的作用. 第九屆全國發展心理學年會,大連.


2017 廣東省哲學社會科學優秀成果二等獎
2012 全國百篇優秀博士論文
2011 北京市優秀博士論文


