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梁永超,男,漢族,出生於1961年9月,2004年被評為中國農業科學院植物營養與肥料學科一級崗位傑出人才,農業部植物營養與養分循環重點開放實驗室(植物營養與肥料研究室)副主任,中國土壤學會第十、第十一國屆理事會“土壤-植物營養專業委員會”副主任,中國植物營養與肥料學會常務理事兼學術委員會主任,中國農業科學院學術委員會委員,中國生態學會理事。現任本領域SCI 主流刊物“Plant and Soil” 領域編輯(Section Editor)和“Journal of Plant Nutrition” 編委,任“Applied and Environmental Soil Science”副主編(Associate Editor),《植物營養與肥料學報》、《中國生態農業學報》和《乾旱區研究》和《石河子大學學報》編委,任浙江大學環境與資源學院教授、博士生導師,長江學者,德國洪堡學者。


  • 中文名:梁永超
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生地:浙江新昌
  • 出生日期:1961年9月


獲得省部級科技進步1-3等獎5項,發表論文100餘篇,其中在Plant Physiology, New Phytologist, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, Environmental Pollution, Plant and Soil, Chemosphere, Geoderma等SCI源刊物上發表論文54篇,迄今為止論文被SCI引用800餘次。


1979.11-1983.07 浙江農業大學土壤農業化學系讀本科
1983.09-1987.07 南京農業大學土壤農業化學系讀碩士生
1987.07-1990.12 南京農業大學資源與環境學院助教
1991.01-1996.12 南京農業大學資源與環境學院講師
1996.01-1999.07 南京農業大學資源與環境學院在職博士生
1997.01-1999.12 南京農業大學資源與環境學院副教授
2000.01-2003.12 南京農業大學資源與環境學院教授
2001.08-2002.02 香港浸會大學生物系訪問學者
2002.09-2003.12 德國霍恩海姆大學(University Hohenheim) 植物營養研究所洪堡學者
2004.01-至今 中國農科院植物營養與肥料一級學科傑出人才,教授,博士生導師
2014 - 浙江大學教授、博士生導師




先後共主持973項目課題和子課題各1項,國家支撐計畫課題1項和子課題2項,國家自然科學基金8項,國際科學基金2項,北京市自然科學基金1項,國家留學回國基金1項,教育部重大項目培育項目1項,其它省、部級項目5項,橫向課題4項。發表論文100餘篇,其中在“Plant Physiology”,“New Phytologist” ,“Soil Biology and Biochemistry”,“Plant and Soil”等SCI源刊物上發表論文53篇。獲省部級科技進步1-3等獎5項。利用鋼鐵廠高爐熔渣成功研製高效矽鈣肥產品並進行了大面積的田間試驗與示範。“新型矽鈣肥的研製及其高效施用技術研究”2006年已通過部級成果鑑定,達到總體國際先進、在矽提高植物抗病機制與矽鈣肥加工工藝方面達到國際領先水平。


3、首次報導黃瓜對矽的吸收與運輸是逆濃度遞度的主動過程,受低溫和代謝抑制劑的顯著影響。高等植物對矽的吸收與運輸同時存在著兩種機制,即主動和被動過程,其相對重要性取決於植物種類和外界供矽濃度。這一假設在水稻、玉米、向日葵和冬瓜上得到證實。相關論文已在“New Phytologist” 上發表。首次證實了68Ge可以作為矽的示蹤劑研究植物對矽的吸收與運輸機制,番茄對矽的排斥吸收是由轉運體(Transporter)調控的主動過程。相關論文已在“Plant Physiology”上發表。
4、系統研究並首次闡明了矽提高植物對非生物脅迫的抗性機制。矽提高植物體內抗氧化酶系統的活性從而減輕由非生物脅迫如鹽害、凍害、重金屬(鎘、鋅、錳等)毒害引起的膜脂質過氧化傷害是矽提高植物對非生物脅迫抗性的共性機制。本領域的研究屬於開拓、創新性研究。 相關論文以在“Plant and Soil”,“ Journal of Plant Physiology”, “Environmental and Experimental Botany”, Journal of Hazardous Materials”, “中國科學” 等SCI刊物上發表。
5、矽提高黃瓜小麥白粉病水稻稻瘟病白葉枯病的抗性機制的研究達到了國際先進、國內領先地位。明確了矽本身不是激發子,但在病菌感染情況下施入土壤等基質的矽通過植物根系吸收後顯著提高植物體內與誘導抗性密切相關的病程相關蛋白(PRs)如POD、PPO、PAL、幾丁質酶、-1,3葡聚糖酶的活性從而增強植物的誘導抗性;而葉面噴施的矽不能提高植物的誘導抗性,只能通過“機械或物理屏障”作用或通過矽酸鹽離子的“滲透脅迫”作用提高植物對白粉病菌的抗性。 相關論文已在“Plant Pathology”, “European Journal of Plant Pathology” 上發表。 此項研究已通過部級鑑定,在矽提高植物抗病機制方面的研究達到國際領先水平。
6、通過國家支撐計畫課題“東北黑土區地力衰減農田綜合治理技術模式研究與示範”的研究,闡明了我國暗棕壤地區長期施用化肥抑制了土壤硝化潛勢,但施用有機肥則顯著提高土壤硝化潛勢。施肥顯著降低了銨氧化古菌(AOA)豐度,但顯著提高了銨氧化細菌(AOB)豐度。施肥對銨氧化古菌(AOA)群落結構無影響,但顯著改變了銨氧化細菌(AOB)的群落結構。土壤硝化潛勢與銨氧化古菌(AOA)群落結構無關,但與銨氧化細菌(AOB)群落結構顯著相關。長期施用有機肥通過改變銨氧化細菌(AOB)群落結構從而緩解了施用化肥引起的銨氧化抑制效應。相關論文已在“Microbial Ecology ”和“Plant and Soil”上發表。
7、通過973項目課題“影響土壤持續生產力的關鍵生態學過程與調控”的研究,明確了氮循環的微生物調控機制,明確了與可持續生產力關係密切的土壤生態學過程;為提高土壤持續生產力提供了調控的方向和途徑,如強化土壤CNP代謝過程、提高線蟲多樣性等,為倡導和發展經典管理模式(如平衡施肥和施用有機肥)提供了新的思路;為農業生態系統地下生態過程與土壤生產力的關係構建了初步的研究架構。相關論文已在“Ecological Complexity ”和“Plant and Soil”上發表。
8、闡明了水稻對鎘脅迫的回響機理。隔脅迫水稻根和地上部抗氧化酶活性抗氧化劑濃度降低,導致過氧化氫“爆發”(H2O2 burst),膜脂質過氧化,生長抑制;分根試驗表明,鎘能從鎘處理的根轉移到非鎘處理的根,鎘脅迫下細胞程式化死亡加速。水楊酸通過提高水稻的抗氧化酶活性和抗氧化劑濃度,尤其是提高與鎘結合的巰基,降低H2O2積累和膜脂質過氧化從而降低鎘誘導的過氧化傷害,提高對鎘毒害的抗性。有關論文已在SCI刊物“Environmental Pollution”, “Journal of Plant Physiology”和“Journal of Plant Nutrition”發表。



3、 主持橫向課題“新型硝化抑制劑節肥增產機理研究與套用示範” -----浙江奧復托化工有限公司資助, 2010-2012 (94.5萬元)
4、主持Harsco國際合作項目“Assessment of agronomic and economic benefit and environmental risks of Harsco silicon fertilizer in China”,2011-2013,(USD 467478.00,相當於RMB 300萬元)


3、主持國家自然科學基金項目“矽提高水稻對稻瘟病抗性的生理與分子機制” 2007-2009,(36萬元)(課題編號:30671210)
5、主持973項目課題“影響土壤持續生產力的關鍵生態學過程與調控”,2005- 2009,(315萬元)(課題編號:2005 CB121105)
6、 主持國家自然科學基金項目“矽提高冬小麥抗寒性的生物學機制”,2005- 2007,(19萬元)(課題編號:30471030)
12、主持橫向課題“新型硝化抑制劑的N肥增效機制”-----浙江奧復托化工有限公司資助, 2007-2009 (30萬元)
13、 主持橫向課題“綠洲農田硝化抑制劑節氮增效的研究與示範” -----浙江奧復托化工有限公司資助, 2009-2010 (45萬元)


1. Li P, Song AL, Li ZJ, Fan FL, Liang YC. 2011. Silicon ameliorates manganese toxicity by regulating manganese transport and antioxidant reactions in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant and Soil. (Accepted)(通訊作者)(影響因子:2.773)
2. Fan FL, Yang QB, Li ZJ, Wei D, Cui XA, Liang YC. 2011. Impacts of organic and inorganic fertilizers on nitrification in a cold climate soil are linked to the bacterial ammonia oxidizer community. Microbial Ecology. 62:982-990(通訊作者)(影響因子:3.251)
3. Zhang B, Chu GX, Wei CZ, Ye J, Li ZQ, Liang YC. 2011. The growth and antioxidant defense responses of wheat seedlings to omethoate stress. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology. 100: 273-279 (通訊作者)(影響因子:1.719)
4. Su YH, Liang YC. 2011. Transport via xylem of atrazine, 2,4-dinitrotoluene, and 1,2,3-trichlorobenzene in tomato and wheat seedlings. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology. 100: 284-288(影響因子:1.719)
5. Song AL, Li P, Li ZJ, Fan FL, Nikolic M, Liang YC. 2011. The alleviation of zinc toxicity by silicon is related to zinc transport and antioxidative reactions in rice. Plant and Soil. 344: 319-333. (通訊作者)(影響因子:2.773)
6. Li ZJ, Xie XY, Zhang SQ, Liang YC. 2011. Wheat growth and photosynthesis as affected by oxytetracycline as a soil contaminant. Pedosphere. 21(2): 244–250(通訊作者)
7. Sun WC, Zhang J, Fan QH, Xue GF, Li ZJ, Liang YC 2010. Silicon-enhanced resistance to rice blast is attributed to silicon-mediated defence resistance and its role as physical barrier. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 128:39-49 (通訊作者)(影響因子:1.931)
8. Ge GF, Li ZJ, Fan FL, Chu GX, Hou ZA, Liang YC. 2010. Soil biological activity and their seasonal variations in response to long-term application of organic and inorganic fertilizers. Plant and Soil. 326:31–44(通訊作者)(影響因子:2.773)
9. Liang YC, Zhu Y-G, Smith FA, Lambers H. 2010. Soil-plant interactions and sustainability of eco-agriculture in arid region: a crucially important topic to address. Plant and Soil. 326:1–2(通訊作者)(影響因子:2.773)
10. Wakelin SA, Chu GX, Lardner R, Liang YC, McLaughlin MJ. 2009. A single application of Cu to field soil has long-term effects on bacterial community structure, diversity, and soil processes. Pedobiologia 53:149-158 (影響因子:2.414)
11. Wakelin SA, Chu GX, Broos K, Clarke KR, Liang YC, McLaughlin MJ. 2010. Structural and functional response of soil microbiota across a Cu gradient are moderated by addition of plant substrate. Biology and Fertility of Soils 46:333-342 (影響因子:1.757)
12. Song AL, Li ZJ, Zhang J, Xue GF, Fan FL, Liang YC. 2009. Silicon-enhanced resistance to cadmium toxicity in Brassica chinensis L. is attributed to Si-suppressed cadmium uptake and transport and Si-enhanced antioxidant defense capacity. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 172:74-83 (通訊作者)(影響因子:4.144)
13. Zhang J, Sun WC, Li ZJ, Liang YC, Song AL. 2009. Cadmium fate and tolerance in rice cultivars. Agronomy for Sustainable Development. 29: 483-490 (通訊作者)(影響因子:1.65)
14. Chen WP, Hou ZA, Wu LS, Liang YC, Wei CZ. 2009. Effects of salinity and nitrogen on cotton growth in arid environment. Plant and Soil. 326:61–73(通訊作者)(影響因子:2.773)
15. Guo B, Liang YC, Li ZJ and Han FX, 2009. Phosphorus adsorption and bio-availability in a paddy soil amended with pig manure compost and decaying rice straw. Communications in Soil Science & Plant Analysis. 40: 2185-2199(通訊作者)(影響因子:0.357)
16. Ma YB, Li JM, Li XY, Tang X, Liang YC, Huang SM, Wang BR, Liu H, Yang XY. 2009. Phosphorus accumulation and depletion in soils in wheat-maize cropping systems: modeling and validation. Field Crops Research. 110:207-212 (影響因子:2.336)
17. Guo B, Liang YC, Zhu YG. 2009. Does salicylic acid regulate antioxidant defense system, cell death and cadmium uptake and partitioning to acquire cadmium tolerance in rice subjected to cadmium stress? Journal of Plant Physiology, 166: 20-31 (通訊作者)(影響因子:2.5)
18. Su YH, Zhu YG and Liang YC. 2009. Interactions of mixed organic contaminants in uptake by rice seedlings, Chemosphere, 74: 890-895(通訊作者)(影響因子:3.253)
19. Ge GF, Li ZJ, Zhang J, Wang LG, Xu MG, Zhang JB, Xie XL, Wang JK, Liang YC. 2009. Geographical and climatic differences in long-term effect of organic and inorganic amendments on soil enzymatic activities and respiration in field experimental stations of China. Ecological Complexity. 6: 421-431(通訊作者)(影響因子:2.03)
20. Zhang J, Li ZJ, Ge GF, Liang YC, Wu LS. 2009. Impacts of soil organic matter, pH and exogenous copper on sorption behavior of norfloxacin in three soils. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 21: 632–640(通訊作者)(影響因子:1.414)
21. Wang LG, Liang YC, Jiang X. 2008. Analysis of eight organophosphorus pesticide residues in fresh vegetables retailed in agricultural product markets of Nanjing, China. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 81(4):377-382(影響因子:0.609)
22. Liang YC, Zhu J, Li ZJ, Chu GX, Ding YF, Zhang J, Sun WC. 2008. Role of silicon in enhancing resistance to freezing stress in two contrasting winter wheat cultivars. Environmental and Experimental Botany,64(3): 286-294 (通訊作者)(影響因子:3.164)
23. Sun YH, Li ZJ, Guo B, Chu GX, Wei CZ, Liang YC. 2008. Arsenic mitigates cadmium toxicity in rice seedlings. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 64(3): 264-270(通訊作者)(影響因子:3.164)
24. Liang YC. 2008. Silicon uptake and transport in higher plants. In: Plant membrane and vacuolar transporters. Jaiwal P.K., Singh R.P., and Dhankher O.P. (eds). CAB International, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, OX10 8DE, United Kingdom. pp. 205-212.
25. Nikolic M, Nikolic N, Liang YC, Kirkby EA, Römheld V. 2007. Germanium-68 as an adequate tracer for silicon transport in plants: Characterization of silicon uptake in different crop species. Plant Physiology, 143 (1): 495-503(前三位作者同等貢獻)(影響因子:6.235)
26. Liang YC, Sun WC, Zhu YG, and Christie P. 2007. Mechanisms of silicon- mediated alleviation of abiotic stresses in higher plants: A review. Environmental Pollution, 147: 422-428(影響因子:3.135)(通訊作者)
27. Guo B, Liang YC, Zhu YG and Zhao FJ. 2007. Role of salicylic acid in alleviating oxidative damage in rice roots (Oryza sativa) subjected to cadmium stress. Environmental Pollution, 147(3): 743-749(通訊作者)(影響因子:3.135)
28. Guo B, Liang YC, Li ZJ, and Guo W. 2007. Role of salicylic acid in alleviating cadmium toxicity in rice roots. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 30(3): 427 - 439(通訊作者)(影響因子:0.593)
29. Kong WD, Zhu YG, Liang YC, Zhang J, Smith FA and Yang M. 2007. Uptake of oxytetracycline and its phytotoxicity to alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Environmental Pollution, 147:187-193 (影響因子:3.135)
30. Guo W, Zhu YG, Liu WJ, Liang YC, Geng CN, Wang SG. 2007. Is the effect of silicon on rice uptake of arsenate (AsV) related to internal silicon concentrations, iron plaque and phosphate nutrition? Environmental Pollution, 148: 251-257 (影響因子:3.135)
31. Liang YC, Hua H. Zhu Y-G, Zhang J, Cheng C and Römheld V. 2006. Importance of plant species and external silicon concentration to active silicon uptake and transport. New Phytologist, 172(1):63-72 (影響因子:6.033)
32. Liang YC, Zhang WH, Chen Q, Liu YL and Ding RX. 2006. Effect of exogenous silicon (Si) on H+-ATPase activity, phospholipids and fluidity of plasma membrane in leaves of salt-stressed barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Environmental and Experimental Botany, 57(3): 212-219 (影響因子:3.164)
33. Liang YC, Zhu YG , Xia Y, Li ZJ and Ma YB. 2006, Iron plaque enhances phosphorus uptake by rice (Oryza sativa) growing under varying phosphorus and iron concentrations. Annals of Applied Biology, 149(3):305-312(影響因子:1.868)(通訊作者)
34. Liang YC, Si J, and Römheld V. 2005. Silicon uptake and transport is an active process in Cucumis sativus L. New Phytologist, 167(3):797-804(影響因子:6.033)
35. Liang YC, Sun WC, Si J and Römheld V. 2005. Effect of foliar- and root-applied silicon on the enhancement of induced resistance in Cucumis sativus to powdery mildew. Plant Pathology, 54:678-685(影響因子:2.368)
36. Liang YC, Si J, Nikolic M, Peng Y, Chen W and Jiang Y. 2005. Organic manure stimulates biological activity and barley growth in soil subject to secondary salinization. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 37: 1185-1195.(影響因子:2.978)
37. Liang YC, Wong JWC, and Wei L. 2005. Silicon-mediated enhancement of cadmium tolerance in maize (Zea mays L.) grown in cadmium contaminated soil. Chemosphere, 58(4): 475-483. (影響因子:3.253)
38. Liang YC, Zhang WH, Chen Q and Ding RX. 2005. Effects of silicon on tonoplast H+-ATPase and H+-PPase activity, fatty acid composition and fluidity in roots of salt-stressed barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Environmental and Experimental Botany, 53(1): 29-37.(影響因子:3.164)
39. 姚建華,牛德奎,李兆君,梁永超,張樹清,2010. 抗生素土黴素對小麥根際土壤酶活性和微生物生物量的影響, 中國農業科學,43
40. 薛高峰,梁永超,孫萬春,宋阿琳,李兆君,范分良,2010. 矽對水稻生長、白葉枯病抗性及病程相關蛋白活性的影響, 中國農業科學,43 (通訊作者
41. 薛高峰, 宋阿琳, 孫萬春, 李兆君, 范分良, 梁永超, 2010.矽對水稻葉片抗氧化酶活性的影響及其與白葉枯病抗性的關係. 植物營養與肥料學報,16(通訊作者)
42. 楊佳佳, 李兆君, 梁永超, 張林靜, 李萬峰, 2009. 溫度和水分對不同施肥條件下黑土磷形態轉化的影響及機制 , 植物營養與肥料學報,15 (6): 1295-1302
43. 范瓊花, 孫萬春, 李兆君, 梁永超, 2009, 矽對短期低溫脅迫小麥葉片光合作用及其主要相關酶的影響,植物營養與肥料學報,15:544-550(通訊作者)
44. 孫萬春,薛高峰,張傑,范瓊花,葛高飛,李兆君,梁永超,2009,矽對水稻病程相關蛋白活性和酚類物質含量的影響及其與誘導抗性的關係,植物營養與肥料學報,15:756-762(通訊作者)
45. 孫萬春,薛高峰,張傑,宋阿琳,葛高飛,李兆君,梁永超,2009,矽對水稻防禦性關鍵酶活性的影響及其與抗稻瘟病的關係,植物營養與肥料學報,15:1023-1028(通訊作者)
46. 姚志鵬,李兆君,梁永超,張永清姚建華,解曉瑜,2009,土壤酶活性對土壤中土黴素的動態回響,植物營養與肥料學報,15:695-700(通訊作者)
47. 李兆君,徐建明,梁永超,汪海珍,馬國瑞,2008,甲磺隆結合殘留對土壤酶活性的影響,生態毒理學報,3:499-506
48. 李兆君,姚志鵬,張傑,梁永超,2008,獸用抗生素在土壤環境中的行為及其生態毒理效應研究進展,生態毒理學報,3:15-20(通訊作者
49. 紀雄輝,梁永超,魯艷紅,廖育林,聶軍鄭聖先李兆君,2007,污染稻田水分管理對水稻吸收積累鎘的影響及其作用機理,生態學報,27(9): 3930-3939(通訊作者)
50. 萬小羽,梁永超,李忠佩,宋阿琳,婁運生,2007.種植轉Bt基因抗蟲棉土壤生物學活性的影響, 生態學報,27(12): 5414-5420
51. 朱佳, 梁永超*,丁燕芳,李兆君,2006,矽對低溫脅迫下冬小麥幼苗光合作用及相關生理特性的影響,中國農業科學,39(9):1780-1788(通訊作者)
52. 丁燕芳,梁永超*,朱佳,李兆君,2007,矽對乾旱脅迫下小麥幼苗生長及光合參數的影響,植物營養與肥料學報,13:471-478(通訊作者
53. 李平遠,婁運生,梁永超*,李兆君,2006,CO2體積分數升高對污染土壤中Cu、Cd形態分布及其生物活性的影響,環境科學學報,26(12)2018-2025(通訊作者)
54. 張傑,梁永超,婁運生,華海霞,2005, 鎘脅迫對兩個水稻品種幼苗光合參數、可溶性糖和植株生長的影響 植物營養與肥料學報 11(6) : 774-780. (通訊作者)
55. 華海霞,梁永超*, 婁運生, 張傑, 2005, 水稻矽吸收動力學參數固定方法的研究,植物營養與肥料學報,12:358-362
56. 楊超光,豆虎,梁永超,婁運生,2005,矽對土壤外源鎘活性和玉米吸收鎘的影響,中國農業科學,38(1):122-127.(通訊作者
57. 張敏王校常,嚴蔚東,梁永超,施衛明,2005,鹽脅迫下轉Bt 基因棉的K+ 、Na + 轉運及SOD 活性的變化,土壤學報,42(3): 460-467.
58. 朱曉軍,梁永超,楊勁松,婁運生,2005, 鈣對鹽脅迫下水稻幼苗抗氧化酶活性膜脂氧化作用的影響,土壤學報,42(3): 453-459(通訊作者)
59. 朱曉軍,楊勁松,梁永超,婁運生楊曉英,2004, 鹽脅迫下鈣對水稻幼苗光合作用及相關生理特性的影響,中國農業科學,37(10):1497-1503
60. Lou YS Li ZP Zhang TL and Liang YC. 2004. CO2 emissions from subtropical arable soils of China. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 36(11): 1835-1842.(影響因子:2.926)
61. Liang YC, Hu F, Yang MC and Yu JH. 2003. Antioxidative defenses and water deficit-induced oxidative damage in rice (Oryza sativa L.) growing on non-flooded paddy soils with ground mulching. Plant and Soil, 257(2): 407-416. (影響因子:1.998)
62. Liang YC, Chen Q, Liu Q, Zhang WH and Ding RX. 2003. Exogenous silicon (Si) increases antioxidant enzyme activity and reduces lipid peroxidation in roots of salt-stressed barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Journal of Plant Physiology, 160: 1157-1164. (影響因子:2.437)
63. Liang YC, Yang YF, Yang CG, Shen QR, Zhou JM, and Yang LZ. 2003. Soil enzymatic activity and growth of rice and barley as influenced by organic manure in an anthropogenic soil. Geoderma, 115:149-160. (影響因子:2.068)
64. Lou YS, Liang YC and Yang YA. 2003. Effects of fertilization on plant growth and nutrient uptake in oilseed rape under varying boron supply. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 34(7&8): 1059-1075(影響因子:0.357)
65. 楊艷芳,梁永超,婁運生,2003,矽對小麥過氧化物酶超氧化物歧化酶木質素的影響及其與抗白粉病的關係,中國農業科學,36(7):813-817. (通訊作者
66. 梁永超,丁瑞興,2002, 矽對大麥根系中離子的微域分布的影響及其與大麥耐鹽性的關係. 中國科學(C緝),32(2): 113-121. (影響因子:0.45)
67. 梁永超,孫萬春,2002,矽和誘導接種對黃瓜炭疽病的抗性研究,中國農業科學,35(3): 267-271.
68. 孫萬春,梁永超, 2002,矽和接種炭疽菌對黃瓜過氧化物酶活性的影響及其與抗病性的關係,中國農業科學, 35(6): 1560-1564. (通訊作者
69. 夏瑤,婁運生,楊超光,梁永超, 2002, 幾種水稻土對磷的吸附與解吸特性研究, 中國農業科學35(5):1369-1374. (通訊作者)
70. Liang YC, Yang CG and Shi HH. 2001. Effects of silicon on growth and mineral composition of barley grown under toxic levels of aluminium. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 24(2): 229-243. (影響因子:0.569)
71. Wu LH, Zhu ZR, Liang YC and Zhang FS. 2001, Plastic film mulching cultivation: a new technology for resource saving water N fertiliser and reduced environmental pollution. In: Host W J et al. (eds.), Plant nutrition—Food security and sustainability of agro-ecosystems. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp.1024~1025.
72. 梁永超,胡鋒沈其榮吳良歡呂世華張福鎖,2000,水稻覆膜旱作研究現狀與展望,見《植物營養研究---進展與展望》,馮鋒、張福鎖、楊新泉主編,中國農業大學出版社,pp.114-127.
73. Liang YC, 1999. Effects of silicon on enzyme activity, and sodium, potassium and calcium concentration in barley under salt stress. Plant and Soil, 209(2): 217-224.(影響因子:1.998)
74. 梁永超,胡鋒,楊茂成,朱遐亮,王廣平,王永樂,1999,水稻覆膜旱作高產節水機理研究,中國農業科學,32(1): 26-32.
75. 梁永超,丁瑞興劉謙,1999,矽對大麥耐鹽性的影響及其機制,中國農業科學,32(6): 75-83.
76. 梁永超,沈其榮,張愛國,沈振國,1999,鈣、矽對酸雨脅迫下小麥生長和養分吸收的影響,套用生態學報,10(5):589-592
77. Wang HL, Li CH, and Liang YC. 1999, Chapter 21, Agricultural utilization of silicon in China, In: Datnoff et al., (eds.), Studies in Plant Science, 8. Silicon In Agriculture, Elsevier, pp. 343-352
78. Liang YC, Zhang YC, Yin SX and Yang MC. 1998. Feasibility of using trichloroacetic acid soluble silicon as a diagnostic index for silicon deficiency in rice. Pedosphere, 8(1): 21-26
79. Liang YC, 1998, Effects of silicon on leaf ultrastructure, chlorophyll content and photosynthetic activity of barley under salt stress. Pedosphere, 8 (4): 289-296.
80. Liang YC, Shen QR and Shen ZG.1996. Effects of silicon on salinity tolerance of two barley cultivars. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 19(1): 173-183. (影響因子:0.569)
81. Liang YC, and Shen ZG. 1994. Interaction of silicon and boron in oilseed rape plants. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 17(2&3): 415-425. (影響因子:0.569)
82. Liang YC, Ma TS, Li FJ and Feng YJ. 1994. Silicon availability and response of rice and wheat to silicon in calcareous soils. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 25(13&14): 2285-2297. (影響因子:0.357)
83. Shen ZG. Shen QR, Liang YC and Liu YL. 1994. Effect of nitrogen on the growth and photosynthetic activity of salt-stressed barley. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 17(5): 787-799. (影響因子:0.569)
84. Shen ZG. Liang YC and Shen K. 1993. Effect of boron on the nitrate reductase activity in oilseed rape plants. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 16(7): 1229-1239(影響因子:0.569)


1. Liang YC. 2011. The Roles of Silicon in Agriculture: From Laboratory to Field. The 5th International Conference on Silicon in Agriculture, September 13-19, Beijing, China (Plenary speech)
2. Liang YC. 2011. Silicon in Agriculture: From Laboratory to Field. The 3rd Japan-China Plant Nutrition Workshop, March 27-30, 2011, Okayama, Japan (Oral presentation)
3. Liang YC, Fan FL, Yang QB and Li ZJ. 2010. pH, phosphorus and C:P dominantly control over the community structure of bacteria, fungi, archaea and N-cycling-associated microbes in arable chernozem. The 19th World Congress of Soil Science (WCSS), August 1-6, 2010, Brisbane, Australia (Poster presentation)
4. Liang YC. 2010. Improving food safety by reducing accumulation of heavy metals into edible parts of cereal and vegetable crops. The Seventh Annual Australia-China Symposium on Agriculture and Food Security Relating to Health, November 14-16, Barossa Valley (Invited presentation)
5. Liang YC. 2008. Silicon and abiotic stress. The 4th International Conference on Silicon in Agriculture, October 26-30, South Africa, (Keynote speech)
6. Liang YC., Ji XH and Li ZJ. 2007. Uptake and transport of heavy metals into rice as influenced by soil moisture regimes and chemical amendments. 9th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements (9th ICOBTE). July 15-19, Beijing, China (Oral presentation)
7. Liang YC, 2006. Organic manure stimulates Soil Biological Activities and Crop Growth in Soil under Salt Stress. XIV World Fertilizer Congress. January 22-27, Chiang Mai, Thailand. (Oral presentation)
8. Liang YC, Zhang WH, Chen Q, Liu YL and Ding RX. 2005. Effect of exogenous silicon (Si) on H+-ATPase activity, phospholipids and fluidity of plasma membrane in leaves of salt-stressed barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). XV International Plant Nutrition Colloquium. September 14-19, Beijing, China (Oral presentation)
9. Liang YC, 2005. Silicon and abiotic stress in higher plants. The 3rd International Conference on Silicon in Agriculture, October 22-26, Uberlandia, Brazil (Keynote speech)
10. Liang YC, Hua HX, and Römheld V. 2005. Importance of plant species and external silicon concentration to active silicon uptake and transport. The 3rd International Conference on Silicon in Agriculture, October 22-26, Uberlandia, Brazil (Oral presentation)
11. Liang YC. Sun W and V. Römheld. 2003. Effect of exogenous silicon on resistance to infection by Colletotrichum lagenarium or Sphaerotheca fuliginea in Cucumis sativus and their mechanisms. Annual National Conference on Plant Nutrition, June 12-13, Gissen, Germany (Poster presentation)
12. Liang YC. Sun W and V. Römheld. 2003. Silicon-enhanced systemic acquired resistance in Cucumis sativus infected by Sphaerotheca fuliginea. International Conference on Biological Resources and Migration, October 5-8, Marburg, Germany (Poster presentation)
13. Liang YC. and Sun W. 2002. Recent Research on Silicon in China, A country report in the 2nd International Conference on Silicon in Agriculture, August 22- August 27, Tsuruoka, Japan. (Invited presentation)
14. Liang YC. Chen Q, Zhang W and Ding R. 2002. Exogenous silicon (Si) increases antioxidant enzyme activity and reduces lipid peroxidation in roots of salt-stressed barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) The 2nd International Conference on Silicon in Agriculture, August 22- August 27, Tsuruoka, Japan. (Poster presentation)
15. Liang YC. 2002 Participation in The 14th International Environmental Project Olympiad as an international jury member, June 1-8, Istanbul, Turkey
16. Liang YC. Yang C. and Shi H. 2001, The influence of silicon on plant growth and nutrient uptake in barley under aluminium stress, XIV International Plant Nutrition Colloquium, July 27-Aug. 3, Hanover, Germany. (Poster presentation)
17. Wang H, Li C, and Liang YC. 1999, Agricultural utilization of silicon in China, First International Conference on Silicon in Agriculture, September 26-30, Lago Mar Resort and Club Fort Lauderdale , Florida, USA. (Oral presentation)
18. The 5th International Conference on Silicon in Agriculture, September 13-19, 2011, Beijing, China. (Chair)
19. International Workshop on Soil-Plant Interactions and Sustainable Agriculture in Arid Environments, July 11-19, 2008, Shihezi, Xinjiang, China (Chair)
20. “中國植物營養與肥料高峰論壇” 2007年9月16-17, 青島 (大會主席)


