


1996年於中國礦業大學獲博士學位,1996-1998年在南京大學作博士後,曾任歐盟Marie Curie計畫研究員、新加坡Nanyang Technological University、奧地利Graz University of Technology、瑞士Swiss Federal University of Technology、英國University of Strathclyde客座教授。兼任國際隧道與地下空間協會(ITA-AITES)地下與環境工作組委員、國際岩土工程安全協作網(GEOSNet)核心成員、中國岩石力學與工程學會廢物處置專委會副主任、中國岩石力學與工程學會青委會副主任、中國土木工程學會隧道與地下工程風險管理專委會副主任、《套用基礎與工程科學學報》、《地下空間與工程學報》、Advances in Geosciences編委、科技部評審專家等。

李曉昭教授長期從事工程地質、地下空間與地質環境方面研究,主持973課題、國家國際科技合作專項、歐盟Marie Curie國際合作計畫、國家國防科技重點項目、國家自然科學基金、各類人才基金、科技計畫及重大工程科研課題40餘項。發表論著150餘篇,應邀在國內外學術大會、著名大學與研究機構作主題報告和特邀報告30餘次。獲省部級一等獎1項、二等獎2項,入選全國青年地質科技獎(2001)、教育部首批“新世紀優秀人才”(2004)、江蘇省“六大人才高峰”計畫、江蘇省“333高層次人才工程”等。


  • 中文名:李曉昭
  • 國籍:中國
  • 出生日期:1968年生
  • 職業:博士、教授、博士生導師,南京市戰略新興產業創新中心主任
  • 畢業院校:中國礦業大學獲博士學位
  • 信仰:馬克思主義
  • 主要成就:獲省部級一等獎1項、二等獎2項


現兼任國際隧道與地下空間協會(ITA-AITES)地下與環境工作組成員、教育委員會委員、國際岩土工程安全協作網(GEOSNet)核心成員、中國岩石力學與工程學會廢物處置專委會副主任、中國岩石力學與工程學會青委會副主任、中國土木工程學會隧道與地下工程風險管理專委會副主任、《套用基礎與工程科學學報》、《地下空間與工程學報》、Advances in Geosciences編委、科技部評審專家等。









Li, X.Z., Luo, G.Y., Jiang, H., Urban geoenvironmental variation issues caused by geotechnical engineering disturbances. Proc. of Int. Symp. High Altitude and Sensitive Ecological Environmental Geotechnology. Nanjing University Press, 2001, 23-29.
Luo, G.Y., Yan, C.H., Li, X.Z., Jiang, J.P., Exploration of water resources and multiple model for water resource development in Karst areas with the theory of Preferred Plane in Karst areas.ACTA GEOLOGICA SINICA, 2003, 77(1): 129-135.
Li, X.Z., Luo, G.Y., Liu, Y.D., Zhang, D., Yan, S.B., Geological and geotechnical investigation in a metro project. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology (Elsevier), 2004, 19(3/4).
Li, X.Z., Hua, A.Z., Prediction and prevention of sandstone-gas outburst. International J. of Rock Mechanics and Minning Science(Elsevier), 2006, 43(1):2-18.
Li, X.Z., Zhao, X.B. The impact of rock tunneling on groundwater in Epi-Fracture-Karst- Zone and the ecological conditions. Proc. of 4th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, Singapore, 2006.
Li, X.-Z., Zhao, X.-B., Wang Z.S. The Changes of Ecological Conditions Induced by Rock Tunnelling in Laoshan Mountainous Area. Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China (Springer), 2008,2(4):366-370.
Zhang,Y.S., Li, X.-Z., Strength-reduction Finite Element Analysis forStabilityof Surrounding Rock Mass with Primary Shotcrete and Rock Bolts. Science Technology and Engineering, 2008, 8:6513-6519.
Hu, Z.-H., Li, X.-Z., Zhao, Xiao Lin, Wu Wei. Numerical analysis of factors affecting the range of heat transfer in earth surrounding three subways. J. China Univ. Mining & Technol. (Elsevier), 2008, 18(1):67-71.
Li, X.Z. et al. Determination method of rock mass hydraulic conductivity tensor based on back-analysis of fracture transmissivity and fracture network model. Proc. of 9 Int. conference on Analysis of Discontinuous Deformation, Singapore: Research Publishing, 2009, 513-520.
Zhang,Y.S., Li, X.Z., Finite Element Analysis of the Stability of Tunnel Surrounding Rock with Weak Rock Layer. Modern Applied Science, 2009, 3(12): 22-27.
L.Cao, W.B. liu, X.Z. Li, X.B.Zhao and H. Zhang. Micro Mechanics study of granular soil based on the confined compression tests. Geomechanics and Geotechnics: From Micro to Macro. Taylor & Francis Group, London, 2010, 421-425.
Xiaozhao Li, Liang Cao, Lin Xiao, Gaofeng Zhao, The Experimental Study of the Soil Thermal Conductivity Based on the Analysis of Actual Internal Fabric. Advanced Materials Research, 2011,261-263:1826-1830.
L. CAO, H.Q. LI, X.Z. LI, R. YANG, W. WU, Y.Y. ZHOU. Analysis on Geological and Economy Influence Factors of Beijing Underground Space Exploration and Development. Journal of Grado, 2011(2):98-101 (The article is invited by the editor of the Russian journal)
Li H.Q., Parriaux A. Li X.Z. The Way to Plan a Viable "Deep City": from Economic and Institutional Aspects. Proceedings of the Joint HKIE-HKIP Conference on Planning and Development of Underground Space. Hong Kong, 2011, 53-60.
Kai Wang, Xiancai Lu, Meng Chen, Yemu Ma, Kuiyuan Liu, Lianqi Liu,Xiaozhao Li and Wenxuan Hu. Numericalmodelling of the hydrocarbon generation of Tertiary source rocks intruded by doleritic sills in the Zhanhua depression,Bohai Bay Basin,China. Basin Research, 2011, 23:1–14.
Wenbai Liu, Liang Cao, Xiaozhao Li, Yexun Li, Peng Wang. Experimental Study of Silty Clay's Deformation Fields Based on the Principles of Oedometer Tests. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 261-263: 1539-1543.
Xiaozhao Li, Liang Cao, Xiaobao Zhao. Assessment of potential impact of tunnelling on the groundwater in Epi-Fissure-Karst-Zone and ecological environment. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2012, 66(3):967-976.
Liang CAO, Xiaozhao LI, L.Tacher, Rong Yang. Three-Dimensional Geological Modeling Based on Division of Engineering Geological Strata Units [J]. Advanced Science Letters, 2012, 5(2):510-514.
Xiaozhao Li, LiangCao, Zhiyong Xiong, Rong Yang, Juan Ma. Experimental and Quantitative Study on Micro-structure of Soft Soil in Suzhou. In: L.Laloui and A.Ferrari (Eds.): Multiphysical Testing of Soils and Shales, Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering, 2012, 207-212.
Xiaozhao LI, Wenbo WU, Liang CAO, Huanqing LI, Zhongxing ZHANG. Evaluation of Geo-environmental Suitability for the Development of Underground Space in Suzhou. Proceedings of the ACUSS 2012 conference. Published by Research Publishing. Singapore, 2012, 332-340.
Yangsong Zhang, Xiaozhao LI, Jin Fan. Estimation of peak strength of jointed rock massed using GSI system. Proceedings of the ACUSS 2012 conference. Published by Research Publishing. Singapore, 2012, 325-331.
Huan-Qing Li, Aurèle Parriaux, Philippe Thalmann, Xiao-Zhao Li. An integrated planning concept for the emerging underground urbanism: Deep City Method Part 1 concept, process and application. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2013,38(6):559–568.
Li HuanQing, Li XiaoZhao, Parriaux Aurèle, Thalmann Philippe. An integrated planning concept for the emerging underground urbanism: Deep City Method Part 2 case study for resource supply and project valuation. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2013,38(6):569–580.
李曉昭,羅國煜,陳忠勝. 地下工程突水的斷裂變形活化導水機制.岩土工程學報, 2002, 24(6):695-700.
李曉昭,華安增. 含油氣砂岩突出的宏微觀預測.岩土工程學報,1998,20(5):22-26.
李曉昭,張國永,羅國煜. 地下工程中由控穩到控水的斷裂屏障機制.岩土力學, 2003, 24(2): 220-224.
李曉昭,羅國煜,龔洪祥,嚴三保,張迪. 土體工程地質層組的劃分. 岩土力學, 2003, 25(5):759-763.
李曉昭,周揚一,汪志濤,章楊松,郭亮,王益壯. 測量統計範圍大小對結構面跡長估計的影響.岩石力學與工程學報,2011,30(10):2049-2056.
李曉昭,安英傑等. 岩芯卸荷擾動的聲學反應與卸荷敏感岩體.岩石力學與工程學報, 2003,22,(12): 2086-2092.
李曉昭,肖琳,程建軍,劉琦. 潤揚大橋花崗岩風化特徵及其影響因素研究. 岩石力學與工程學報,2004,23,(10):1681-1688.
李曉昭,喬恆君,熊志勇,趙曉豹,車平,馬娟. 捷運隧道圍岩傳熱規律的監測分析.地下空間與工程學報,2012,8(1):105-110.
李曉昭,羅國煜,莊乾城,張伯文,劉廣才,張申雄. 捷運工程勘察監理的探索. 鐵道工程學報, 2004,(1):11-16.
李曉昭,汪青葆,羅國煜.玄武湖水底交通隧道環境地質條件的分析與工程方案的評價. 工程地質學報,1999,7(2):118-124.
李曉昭,張迪,華安增. 鑽孔和巷硐周圍流體壓力變化對圍岩變形及應力狀態的影響.高校地質學報,2002,8(1):92-98.
李曉昭,羅國煜,蘇天明. 地下工程突水的富水優勢斷裂.中國地質災害與防治學報,2003,14(1):36-41.
李曉昭,羅國煜,張迪,余縉. 地下工程突水的變形失穩機制與控穩優勢層.湘潭礦業學院學報, 2002,17(4):50-55.
李曉昭,羅國煜,蘇天明,余縉. 岩石地下工程突水的優勢含水層水利水電科技進展,2001,21(sup.1):84-86.
李曉昭,陳鵬. 地質工程專業基礎工程課程內容改革的思考.高教研究與探索,2003, (1):39-42.
李曉昭,羅國煜,閆長虹,劉雅東,姚志祥,劉軍西. 濟南城市環境岩土工程問題及其成因機制分析.地質與勘探,2003,39(5):28-33.
李曉昭,蔣晃,由勝武,陳明雄. 城市地下工程套用人工地層凍結法的探討.見:地下鐵道文集.深圳:海天出版社,1999,373-379.
肖琳,李曉昭,胡增輝等. 土體內在結構對熱導率計算模型的影響研究. 地質論評, 2009, 55(4):598-605.
郭亮, 李曉昭, 王益壯, 等. 岩體結構均質區劃分法的適用性研究[J]. 岩土力學, 2013, 34(010): 2928-2937.
曹亮,李曉昭,趙曉豹,劉文白,李家奇,侯曉亮. 蘇州軟弱敏感層的土體微觀結構定量分析[J].工程地質學報,2012,20(3):419-426.


