Daniel J. Velleman
美國數學月刊》主編。另著有 Which Way Did The Bicycle Go和Philosophies of Mathematics。他的研究興趣廣泛,主攻
1 Sentential Logic
1.1 Deductive Reasoning and Logical Connectives
1.2 Truth Tables
1.3 Variables and Sets
1.4 Operations on Sets
1.5 The Conditional and Biconditional Connectives
2 Quantificational Logic
2.1 Quantifiers
2.2 Equivalences Involving Quantifiers
2.3 More Operations on Sets
3 Proofs
3.1 Proof Strategies
3.2 Proofs Involving Negations and Conditionals
3.3 Proofs Involving Quantifiers
3.4 Proofs Involving Conjunctions and Biconditionals
3.5 Proofs Involving Disjunctions
3.6 Existence and Uniqueness Proofs
3.7 More Examples of Proofs
4 Relations
. 4.1 Ordered Pairs and Cartesian Products
4.2 Relations
4.3 More About Relations
4.4 Ordering Relations
4.5 Closures
4.6 Equivalence Relations
5 Functions
5.1 Functions
5.2 One-to-one and Onto
5.3 Inverses of Functions
5.4 Images and Inverse Images: A Research Project
6 Mathematical Induction
6.1 Proof by Mathematical Induction
6.2 More Examples
6.3 Recursion
6.4 Strong Induction
6.5 Closures Again
7 Infinite Sets
7.1 Equinumerous Sets
7.2 Countable and Uncountable Sets
7.3 The Cantor-Schr6der-Bernstein Theorem
Appendix 1: Solutions to Selected Exercises
Appendix 2: Proof Designer
Suggestions for Further Reading
Summary of Proof Techniques