市場行銷(第10版) 雙語教學版)

市場行銷(第10版) 雙語教學版)

《市場行銷(第10版) 雙語教學版》是2018年人民郵電出版社出版的圖書,作者是O.C.費雷爾,傑弗里·赫特,琳達·費雷爾。


  • 中文名:市場行銷(第10版) 雙語教學版)
  • 作者:O.C.費雷爾,傑弗里·赫特,琳達·費雷爾
  • 出版時間:2018年03月
  • 出版社:人民郵電出版社
  • ISBN:9787115476005


《市場行銷》(第10版,雙語教學版)的作者O.C. 費雷爾教授,是美國行銷學會學術委員會前主席,國際知名行銷學家、商業倫理學家。其妻子琳達·費雷爾教授,現任美國市場行銷科學學會主席。傑弗里·赫特,是當代著名金融學教授,其所著會計與財務管理方面的教材被翻譯成14 種語言,暢銷31個國家和地區。


《市場行銷》(第10 版,雙語教學版)選編自O.C. 費雷爾、傑弗里·赫特和琳達·費雷爾所著的Business: A Changing World(10e),一本被美國加州大學伯克利分校等多所著名大學選為通識課“商學導論”的教材。作者O.C. 費雷爾曾擔任美國行銷協會學術委員會主席;琳達·費雷爾現任市場行銷科學學會主席;傑弗里·赫特為德保羅大學金融學教授,是暢銷書Foundations of Financial Management 的作者。《市場行銷》(第10 版,雙語教學版)語言簡練、通俗易懂、實用性強,適合作為入門級市場行銷雙語教材。
《市場行銷》(第10 版,雙語教學版)共分三章,具體包括客戶驅動的行銷;行銷策略的維度;數字行銷和社交網路。《市場行銷》(第10 版,雙語教學版)保留了原版書中全部的英文及其教材要素,編者對目錄以及部分專業辭彙進行了翻譯。每章都有豐富的案例、習題和線上資源。讀者可以輕鬆閱讀並做練習。


O.C. 費雷爾曾擔任美國行銷協會學術委員會主席;
傑弗里·赫特為德保羅大學金融學教授,是暢銷書Foundations of Financial Management 的作者。


Customer-Driven Marketing
Enter the World of Business
Banana Republic Uses Marketing to BringBrand to Life
Nature of Marketing
The Exchange Relationship
Functions of Marketing
Creating Value with Marketing
The Marketing Concept
Evolution of the Marketing Concept
Developing a Marketing Strategy
Selecting a Target Market
Developing a Marketing Mix
Marketing Research and Information Systems
Online Marketing Research
Buying Behavior
Psychological Variables of Buying Behavior
Social Variables of Buying Behavior
Understanding Buying Behavior
The Marketing Environment
Importance of Marketing to Business andSociety
So You Want a Job in Marketing
Review Your Understanding
Revisit the World of Business
Learn the Terms
Check Your Progress
Get Involved
Build Your Skills: The Marketing Mix
Solve the Dilemma: Will It Go?
Build Your Business Plan: Customer-DrivenMarketing
See for Yourself Videocase: New BelgiumBrews Customer
Team Exercise
Dimensions of Marketing Strategy
Enter the World of Business
Corvette’s New Look and Message
The Marketing Mix
Product Strategy
Developing New Products
Classifying Products
Product Line and Product Mix
Product Life Cycle
Identifying Products
Pricing Strategy
Pricing Objectives
Specific Pricing Strategies
Distribution Strategy
Marketing Channels
Intensity of Market Coverage
Physical Distribution
Importance of Distribution in a MarketingStrategy
Promotion Strategy
The Promotion Mix
Promotion Strategies: To Push or to Pull
Objectives of Promotion
Promotional Positioning
Importance of Marketing Strategy
So You Want to Be a Marketing Manager
Review Your Understanding
Revisit the World of Business
Learn the Terms
Check Your Progress
Get Involved
Build Your Skills: Analyzing Motel 6’sMarketing Strategy
Solve the Dilemma: Better Health withSnacks
Build Your Business Plan: Dimensions ofMarketing Strategy
See for Yourself Videocase: Groupon MastersPromotion to
Become a Popular Daily Deal Site
Digital Marketing and Social Networking
Enter the World of Business
Microblog Marketing: Reaching Millions ofConsumers with One Click
Growth and Benefits of DigitalCommunication
Using Digital Media in Business
Digital Media and the Marketing Mix
Social Networking
Types of Consumer-Generated Marketing andDigital Media
Social Networks
Blogs and Wikis
Media Sharing
Virtual Worlds
Mobile Marketing
Applications and Widgets
Using Digital Media to Reach Consumers
Using Digital Media to Learn aboutConsumers
Legal and Social Issues in InternetMarketing
Identity Theft
Online Fraud
Intellectual Property
Digital Media’s Impact on Marketing
So You Want to Be a Digital Marketer
Review Your Understanding
Revisit the World of Business
Learn the Terms
Check Your Progress
Get Involved
Build Your Skills: Planning a DigitalMarketing and Social
Networking Site
Solve the Dilemma: Developing SuccessfulFreeware
Build Your Business Plan: Digital Marketingand Social
See for Yourself Videocase: ShouldEmployees Use Social Media
Sites at Work?
Team Exercise


