密蘇里大學哥倫比亞分校 University of Missouri Columbia於1839年在哥倫比亞城建立,是當時密西西比河西岸唯一的大學,現在已發展成為密蘇里大學體系,包括四個分校,分別是主校區哥倫比亞校區(Columbia),以及分校區羅拉分校(Rolla)、堪薩斯分校(KansasCity)和聖路易斯分校(St.Louis)。四個校區共有學生6.3萬名。
密蘇里大學哥倫比亞分校是密蘇里大學University of Missouri Columbia系統中的主校區,也是實力最為強大,名聲最為顯赫的校區,與同州另一私校聖路易斯華盛頓大學並稱。同時,它也是34所公立美國大學協會AAU(Association of American Universities)的大學之一,是該州唯一一所同時兼為美國大學協會會員和卡內基高等教育基金會評出的“博士科研/橫向研究型大學”。放眼全美,獲得同等雙料頭銜的大學也不過三十餘所,故素有“公立常春藤名校”的美譽。
作為西密西西比河(Mississippi)地區歷史最悠久的州立大學(the first public university west of the Mississippi River),也是美國前總統托馬斯·傑斐遜(Thomas Jefferson)在路易斯安那州(Louisiana)建立的第一所公立學校,該校鋒芒漸露。1908年,在沃爾特·威廉的主持下成立(Missouri School of Journalism),該校成立了世界上首個新聞學院,開始彰顯其強硬的國際學術實力。
密大(MIZZOU)十分注重學生的寫作能力,為此特設有人文藝術中心(Center for the Literary Arts)整合開設如創意寫作、新聞學和戲劇學的課程,指導學生各類型的寫作技巧。在大學生入學素質方面,有1/3的大學部入學生,約6,100人的中學成績居於全校10%,對於欲進入學校的學生成績限制上,很明顯的要比其它州立大學嚴格得多,但這也提高了密大的學生資質以及學校知名度。
Honestly, everyone fits in at Mizzou. Even though it is seen as a party school, there are a lot of people who do not drink. There are also so many organizations available to students. Any interest you can think of, there is probably an organization at Mizzou that relates to it. There are all different types of people at Mizzou, and the students interact with one another. Most students are from Missouri, Chicago, and Texas, but I have met many people from all over the United States.
I. Old Missouri, fair Missouri Dear old Varsity. Ours are hearts that fondly love thee Here's a health to thee. 合唱 Proud art thou in classic beauty Of thy noble past With thy watch words: honour, duty, Thy high fame shall last! II. Every student, man and maiden Swells the glad refrain. Till the breezes, music laden Waft it back again. Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam, In full glory reflected now shines in the stream 合唱 Proud art thou in classic beauty Of thy noble past With thy watch words: honour, duty, Thy high fame shall last!