3) Tie-Jun Ling,Xiao-Chun Wan, Wei-wei Ling, Zheng-Zhu Zhang,Tao Xia, Da-Xiang Li AND Ru-Yan Hou,New Triterpenoids and Other Constituents from aSpecial,Microbial-Fermented Tea;Fuzhuan Brick Tea,J. Agric. Food Chem.2010, 58, 4945–4950
4) Lin Chen, Qi Chen, Zhengzhu Zhang, Xiaochun Wan*.A novel colorimetricdetermination of free amino acids content in tea infusions with 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene Journal of Food Composition and Analysis,2009, 22(2):137-141 (通訊作者)
5) Tiejun Ling, Zhengzhu Zhang, Tao Xia, Weiwei Ling, Xiaochun Wan*,Phytoecdysteroids and other constituents from the roots of Klaseopsischinensis.Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2009 ,(37): 49–51(通訊作者)
6) Changjun Yang, Daxiang Li, Xiaochun Wan. Combination of HSCCC andSephadex LH-20 Methods. An Approach to Isolation and Purification of the MainIndividual Theaflavins from Black Tea. Journal of Chromatography B,2008,861(1):140-144 (SCI 收錄,通訊作者)
7) Daxiang Li, Changjun Yang, Ying Chen, Jiang Tian, Lijun Liu,Qiuping Dai,Xiaochun Wan, Zijian Xie. Identification of a PKCε-dependent Regulation ofMyocardial Contraction by Epicatechin-3-gallate. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology.2008,294(1)H:345-353 (SCI 收錄,合作通訊作者)
9) C.B. Fang, X.C. Wan*, H.R. Tan and C.J. Jiang, Identification of Isoflavonoids inSeveral Kudzu Samples by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography andElectrospray Ionization Tandem Mass Spectrometry (HPLC/ESI-MS) ,Journal ofChromatographic Science. 2006,44(2):57-63 (SCI收錄,通訊作者)
10) Congbing F,Xiaochun Wan*,Changjun Jang, Huarong Tan, Yinghui Hu,Haiquan Cao. Comparision of HPTLC, HPLC, and HPCE for Fingerprinting ofPueraria Radix. Journal of planer chromatography 2006,(19):348-354(SCI收錄,通訊作者)
11) C.B. Fang, X.C. Wan*, H.R. Tan and C.J. Jiang, Separation and determination ofisoflavonoids in Several Kudzu Samples by High-Performance CapillaryElectrophoresis (HPCE) ,Annali Di Chimica,2006,96(1-2): 117-124 ( SCI收錄,通訊作者)
12) Congbing Fang,Xiaochun Wan*,Changjun Jang, et al.,Comparision of HPTLCand HPLC for Determination of Isflavonoids in several Kudzu Samples, Journalof planer chromatography.2005,18(1):73-77 (SCI收錄,通訊作者)
13) Ping Li,Xiao-Chun Wan,*,Zheng-Zhu Zhanga,Jian Lia,Zuo-Jun Shenb.A novelassay method for theanine synthetase activity by capillary electrophesis.Journal of Chromatography B, 2005, 819(1):81-84 (SCI收錄,通訊作者)
15) Tiejun Ling, Tao Xia, Xiaochun Wan,Daxiang Liand Xiaoyi Wei. Cerebrosidesfrom the Root of Serratula chinenisis, Molecules,2006,11,677-683 (SCI收錄)
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19) Xiaogang Wang, Xiaochun Wan, Shuxia Hu and Caiyuan Pan,Study on theincrease mechanism of the caffeine content during the fermentation of teawith microorganisms,Food Chemistry,2008, 107(3): 1086-1091 (SCI收錄)
20) Ye-Yun LI,Chang-Jun JIANG*,Xiao-Chun WAN,Zheng-Zhu ZhANG, Da-XiangLI ,Purification and Partial Characterization of a b-Glucosidase From FreshLeaves of Tea Plant (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze)Acta Biochim BiophysSin,2005,37(6):363-370 (SCI收錄)
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22) Xiaochun Wan, Present production and research of tea in China, The 2004International Conference on O-CHA Culture and Science, Japan,2004
23) Xiaochun Wan, Zhengzhu Zhang, Tao Xia, Variation of Glycosidic Tea AromaPrecursors, Volatile, β-glucosidase Activity and Respiration in Tensity During
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