


  • 書名:大學英語跨文化交際
  • 作者: 嚴明
  • 類別:慕課
  • 出版社: 黑龍江人民出版社
  • ISBN:7207072376  
  • 提供院校:黑龍江大學
  • 授課老師:嚴明、劉丹、婁巍、梁月倩


Chapter One Culture
Chapter One Text B The Definitions of Culture
Chapter One Text A The Nature of Culture
Chapter One Text E Cultures Within Cultue
Test of Chapter One
Chapter One Text D Cultural Identity
Chapter One Text C The Characteristics of Culture
Chapter Two Communication and Intercultural Communication
Test of Chapter TWO
Chapter Two Text A Communication
Chapter Two Text B Characterisitcs of Communication
Chapter Two Text C & D Culture and Communication
Chapter Three Culture's Influence on Perception
Chapter Three Text A Overview: Human Perception
Chapter Three Text C Barriers to Accurate Perception in Intercultural Communication and How to Improve
Test of Chapter THREE
Chapter Three Text B Cross-cultural Difference in Sensation and Perception
Chapter Four Intercultural Communication Barriers
Text A The Emotional Barriers
Text B The Attitudinal Barriers
Test of Chapter FOUR
Text C Translation Problems
Chapter Five Verbal Intercultural Communication
Text A & B: Language and Culture
Text C: Verbal Communication Styles
Text D: Language Diversity
Test of Chapter FIVE
Chapter Six Nonverbal Intercultural Communication
Text A & B: Significance, Definition and Functions of Nonverbal Communication
Text D: Time and Space
Test of Chapter SIX
Text C: Paralanguage and Silence
Text E: Other Categories of Nonverbal Communication
Chapter Seven Cultural Patterns
Text A & B: Definition and Components of Cultural Patterns
Text E: Hofstede’s Dimensions of Cultural Variability
Text C: Edward T. Hall’s Context – Cultural Theory
Text D: Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck’s Value Orientation
Test of Chapter SEVEN
Chapter Eight Cultural Influences on Contexts
Text C: The Educational Context
Test of Chapter EIGHT
Text D: The Health Care Context
Text A: Communication and Context
Text B: The Business Context
Chapter Nine Intercultrural Adaptation
Text B: Culture Shock
Text A: Acculturation
Text C: Intercultural Adaptation
Test of Chapter NINE
Chapter Ten Intercultural Communication Competence
Intercultural Communication Competence
Test of Chapter TEN


Samovar, L. A., Porter, R. E. & Stefani, L. A. (2000). Communication Between Cultures (3rd Ed.). Beijing: Beijing Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.


