

《商務英語閱讀教程1-2》是 2010年 上海外語教育出版社出版的圖書。


  • 書名:商務英語閱讀教程1-2
  • 頁數:101頁
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16


出版社: 上海外語教育出版社; 第1版 (2010年9月1日)
外文書名: Business English:A Reading Course
正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語
ISBN: 9787544618588
條形碼: 9787544618588
尺寸: 27.6 x 20.2 x 0.8 cm
重量: 240 g




Unit 1
Part I Background Information
Part II Notes on the Texts
Part III Reference Keys
Unit 2
Part I Background Information
Part II Notes on the Texts
Part III Reference Keys
Unit 3
Part I Background Information
Part II Notes on the Texts
Part III Reference Keys
Unit 4
Part I Background Information
Part II Notes on the Texts
Part III Reference Keys
Unit 5
Part I Background Information
Part II Notes on the Texts
Part III Reference Keys
Unit 6
Part I Background Information
Part II Notes on the Texts
Part III Reference Keys
Unit 7
Part I Background Information
Part II Notes on the Texts
Part III Reference Keys
Unit 8
Part I Background Information
Part II Notes on the Texts
Part III Reference Keys ,
Unit 9
Part I Background Information
Part II Notes on the Texts
Part III Reference Keys .
Unit 10
Part I Background Information
Part II Notes on the Texts
Part III Reference Keys
Unit 11
Part I Background Information
Part II Notes on the Texts
Part III Reference Keys
Unit 12
Part I Background Information
Part II Notes on the Texts
Part III Reference Keys
Unit 13
Part I Background Information
Part II Notes on the Texts
Part III Reference Keys
Unit 14
Part I Background Information
Part II Notes on the Texts
Part III Reference Keys ;
Unit 15
Part I Background Information
Part II Notes on the Texts
Part III Reference Keys
Unit 16
Part I Back2round Information
Part II Notes on the Texts
Part III Reference Keys
Unit 1
Part I Background Information
Part II Notes on the Texts
Part III Reference Keys
Unit 2
Part I Background Information
Part U Notes on the Texts
Part III Reference Keys
Unit 3
Part I Background Information
Part II Notes on the Texts
Part III Reference Keys
Unit 4
Part I Background Information
Part II Notes on the Texts
Part III Reference Keys
Unit 5
Part Background Information
Part II Notes on the Texts
Part III Reference Keys
Unit 6
Part Background Information
Part II Notes on the Texts
Part III Reference Keys
Part Background Information
Part II Notes on the Texts
Part III Reference Keys
Unit 8
Part Background Information
Part II Notes on the Texts
Part III Reference Keys
Unit 9
Part Background Information
Part II Notes on the Texts
Part III Reference Keys
Unit 10
Part B Background Information
Part II Notes on the Texts
Part III Reference Keys
Unit 11
Part I Background Information
Part II Notes on the Texts
Part III Reference Keys
Unit 12
Part I Background Information
Part II Notes on the Texts
Part III Reference Keys.
Unit 13
Part I Background Information
Part II Notes on the Texts
Part III Reference Keys
Unit 14
Part I Background Information
Part II Notes on the Texts
Part III Reference Keys
Unit 15
Part I Background Information
Part II Notes on the Texts
Part III Reference Keys
Unit 16
Part I Background Information
Part II Notes on the Texts
Part III Referehce Keys


