

《商務英語系列教材·商務英語閱讀》是 2009年 上海交通大學出版社出版的圖書。


  • 書名:商務英語系列教材·商務英語閱讀
  • 頁數:247頁
  • 出版時間:2009年9月1日
  • 裝幀:平裝


出版社: 上海交通大學出版社; 第1版 (2009年9月1日)
平裝: 247頁
正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787313059505
條形碼: 9787313059505
尺寸: 25.8 x 18.8 x 1.2 cm
重量: 399 g


《商務英語閱讀》共分16個單元,每個單元有Reading A、Reading B和Reading C三篇文章,每篇文章有三個部分:辭彙、注釋和練習。辭彙部分主要由生詞、詞組和專業術語組成;注釋部分對文章中出現的難度較大的句子和表達方式以重要背景知識作了比較詳細的講解;練習部分提供了形式多樣的練習。每單元圍繞一個主題,課文和練習都與主題密切相關。在每個單元之後設計了單元測驗。書後提供了所有練習和單元測驗的答案。


Unitl Education 教育
Reading A Boy Genius
Reading B IRemember Alan
Reading C But Can You Teach It?
A Unit Test
Unit 2 Making Money 創造財富
Reading A New Ways to Make a Bundle
Reading B Don't Pay These Hidden Fees
Reading C Making Dollars from Senses
A Unit Test
Unit 3 Career 職場人生
Reading A You'Re Hired !
Reading B I Was Fired!
Reading C Love Hurts
A Unit Test
Unit 4 Success 創業
Reading A The Secret of Success
Reading B Don't Quit Your Day Job
Reading C How MuchRisk Can You Take?
A Unit Test
Unit 5 Management 經營管理
Reading A Get Engaged
Reading B Dell Learns to Listen
Reading C Four Big Career Mistakes and How tO Avoid Them
A Unit Test
Unit 6 Efficiency 效率
Reading AA New Way to Get People to Pay
Reading B Life in Slow Motion
Reading C Efficiency vs. Effectiveness
A Unit Test
Unit 7 HumanResources 人力資源
Reading A The Battle for Brainpower
Reading B How Long Will You Live?
Reading C The Coming Battle for Immigrants
A Unit Test
Unit 8 Leadership 領導藝術
Reading A Praetices by Effective Executives (I)
Reading B Praetiees by Effective Executives (II)
Reading C The Clear Leader
A Unit Test
Unit 9 Competition 競爭
Reading A The Monster Dilemma
Reading B Was a Strike Inevitable?
Reading C They Will Manage for Food
A Unit Test
Unit 10 Finance 股市沉浮
Reading A You Can Make a Million
Reading B Mind over Money
Reading C Feelings Hurt
A Unit Test
Unit 11 Economic Crisis 經濟危機
Reading A The Coming Storm
Reading B New Thinking for a New Financial Order
Reading C Economic Crisis: Predicted and Predictable
A Unit Test
Unit 12 Time 時間投資
Reading A The Most ImportantResource
Reading B Please Don't Make Me Go on Vacation ~
Reading C Commuter Pursuits
A Unit Test
Unit 13 Environment Protection 環境保護
Reading A Eco-towns Are the Greatest Try-on in the History of Property Speculation(185)
Reading BAn Inconvenient Bag
Reading C Bag Lady
A Unit Test
Unit 14Advertising 廣告
Reading A When Is a Cliek Not a Click?
Reading B The Top 5Rules of the Ad Game
Reading C Tuning out TV
A Unit Test
Unit 15 Pleasure and Happiness 快樂幸福
Reading A How to Mix Pleasure with Business
Reading B Money and Happiness (Ⅰ)
Reading C Money and Happiness (Ⅱ)
A Unit Test
Unit 16 Network 網路
Reading A The Power of Suggestion
Reading B Dawn of the Digital Natives
Reading C Upgrade Madness
A Unit Test
Key to Exercises


