



  • 中文名:商務英語系列教材•商務英語精讀1
  • 外文名:Business English Intensive Reading
  • 作者:張逸 虞蘇美
  • 出版日期:2000年8月1日
  • 語種:英語
  • ISBN:704008547X
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • 頁數:497頁
  • 開本:16






Unit 1 Essentials of Business
Reading I The Nature of Business
Reading II Trading
Special Use Countable and Uncountable Nouns
Extended Activities
Phonetic Drills Front Vowels(前元音)
Function and Structure Meeting People
Practical Reading Timetable
Business World Fortune Global Forum

Unit 2 Marketing
Reading I Marketing and Promotion
Reading II Markets.Demand and Supply
Special Use Numerical Expressions (1)
Extended Activities
Phonetic Drills Central Vowels(中位元音)
Function and Structure Introducing People
Prnctical Reading Price List
Business World The Marketing Mix(行銷策略)

Unit 3 Career
Reading I Modern Servant-Nanny
Reading II Gardener
Special Use Describe People's Appearance
Extended Activities
Phonetic Drills Back Vowels(後位元音)
Function and Structure Expressing and Responding to Thanks
Practical Reading Business Cards
Business World What Does an Employer Do?

Unit 4 Jobs and Occupations
Reading I Personal Progress and Job-hopping
Reading II Branson's New Route to More Jobs
Special Use Words of Job Application
Extended Activities
Phonetic Drills Closing Diphthongs(合口雙元音)(1)
Function and Structure Describe One's Occupation
Practical Reading Job Advertisement
Business World The Most Promising Jobs in the 21st Century

Unit 5 Eating Habits
Reading I Changing Life style and New Eating Habits
Reading II British Food
Special Use Degrees of Adjectives and Adverbs
Extended Activities
Phonetic Drills Closing Diphthongs(合口雙元音)(2)
Function and Structure Ordering a Meal
Practical Reading Menu
Business World Business Meals

Unit 6 Jewelry
Reading I Diamond-Cutter Ephraim
Reading II Diamonds
Special Use The Use of Article
Extended Activities
Phonetic Drills Centring Diphthongs(集中雙元音)
Function and Structure Apologizing
Practical Reading Catalogue of Jewelry
Business World Source of Gems

Unit 7 Body Language
Reading I Body Language-Ownership Gestures
Reading II Gesture
Special Use Numerical Expressions(2)
Extended Activities
Phonetic Drills Vowels Revision(元音複習)
Function and Structure Making Invitations
Practical Reading Program Schedule
Business World Important Cultural Issues(1)

Unit 8 Manners
Reading I A World Guide to Good Manners
Reading II Good Manners.Good.Business
Special Use Simple.Past and Perfect Tenses of Verbs
Extended Activities
Phonetic Drills Consonants-Fricatives(摩擦音)
Function and Structure Asking fo Giving,and Refusing to Give Permission
Practical Reading Comparing Different Cultures
Business World Important Cultural Issues (Ⅱ)

Unit 9 Telephone Calls
Reading I Miss Manners Wrings the Bell
Reading II Telephones
Special Use Continuous and Perfect Tenses of Verbs
Extended Activities
Phonetic Drills Consonants-Plosives(爆破音)
Function and Structure Making Telephone Calls
Practical Reading Yellow Pages
Business World Twelve Telephone Tios

Unit 10 Air Travel
Reading I Getting to the Airport
Reading II Reservations
Special Use Passive Voice of Verbs
Extended Activities
Phonetic Drills Consonants-Affricates(破擦音)
Function and Structure Booking Flight Tickets
Prnctical Reading Flight Schedule
Business World Major International Airlines

Unit 11 Sports and Business
Reading I Nike,from Small Beginnings to World Giant(I)
Reading II Nike,from Small Beginnings to World Giant(II)
Special Use Subject and Verb Agreement f(1)
Extended Activities
Phonetic Drills Consonant Nasals(鼻輔音)
Function and Structure Complimenting
Practical Reading Football and Basketball Catalogue
Business World Brand Image(品牌形象)

Unit 12 Ownership
Reading I Types of Business Ownership
Reading II Business in a Free Enterprise System
Special use The Future Expressions
Extended Activities
Phonetic Drills Consonants-Laterals(舌側音)
Function and Structure Asking or Offering Favors
Practical Reading Company Relationship
Business World Joint Venture

Unit 13 Fashion
Reading I Fashion


