



  • 中文名:現代商務英語閱讀教程
  • 出版社: 天津大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2011年7月1日
  • ISBN: 9787561839553
  • 定價:28.00元
  • 作者:HakanJohnYasav
  • 開本:16開




編者:李永寧 李全福 合著者:(美國)Hakan John Yasav


Unit One Business Etiquette
Part One Theory
Text A Public Relations —— Business Etiquette
Text B Corporate Girl Giving
Part Two Practice
Part Three Supplement
Etiquette in Different Countries
Unit Two Business Meetings
Part One Theory
Text A Business Meetings That Matter —— It's Possible!
Text B A Typical Business Meeting
Part Two Practice
Part Three Supplement
Ice Breakers
Unit Three Business Relationships
Part One Theory
Text A How to Establish Business Relationships Online
Text B Building a Successful Business Relationship in Japan
Part Two Practice
Part Three Supplement
How to Build Relationships for Business Success
Unit Four Enquiries and Quotations
Part one Theory
Text A Theories on Enquiries and Quotations
Text B Case Study: Enquiry
Part Two Practice
Part Three Supplement
Group Quality Manager Cambridge Base
Unit Five Purchase Order an
Text A Purchase Order
Text B Case Study:Covering Business Letter Regarding Purchase Order
Part Two Practice
Part Three Supplement
Marketing Plan
Unit Six Terms of Payment
Part One Theory
Text A Terms of Payment
Text B Introduction to Letter of Credit
Part Two Practice
Part Three Supplement
Unit Seven Insurance
Part One Theory
Text A Standard Cargo Insurance —— Three Basic Policies
Text B Marine Cargo Insurance for Commercial Exports
Part Two Practice
Part Three Supplement
Why Do Traders Need Cargo Insurance?
Unit Eight Packaging
Part One Theory
Text A Packaging and Labeling
Text B Export Packaging and the Environment
Part Two Practice
Part Three Supplement
Australia Proposes Tough Cigarette Packaging Rules
Unit Nine Shipment
Part One Theory
Text A Importing Goods —— Understanding Shipping Terminology
Text B Sugar Shipping Documentation
Part Two Practice
Part Three Supplement
Cargo Transportation
Unit Ten Business Contracts
Part One Theory
Text A Trade Contracts
Text B Eight Sources of Power in a Sales Negotiation
Part Two Practice
Part Three Supplement
Sales Contracts
Unit Eleven Letter of Credit
Unit Twelve Claims and Arbitration


